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This project I have been working on is for use with d&d roleplaying to help the players keep track of their characters as well as information about other peoples. I am currently having trouble with the passing of data to variables so that it can be saved. I am trying to save the types but my attempts have failed in a simple error message of ' Type Mismatch'. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

TYPE savcharfile
names AS STRING * 20
race AS STRING * 10
end type
DIM savecharacter AS savcharfile
savecharfile.name = charactername$
SUB charcreate (charactername$, characterplayer$)
PRINT "Saving"
INPUT "Enter Name of File: ", file$
... ' This is were I've tried several different things to solve my problem.
OPEN file$ + ".dnd" FOR BINARY AS #1
PUT #1, 1, savecharacter
PUT #1, 2, savestats
PUT #1, 3, saveweapon1
PUT #1, 4, saveweapon2

haven't been passed to your subroutine or otherwise defined there. I don't know what the current variables are in your SUB statement, but you'd need to add the SAVECHARACTER variable:

SUB charcreate (charactername$, characterplayer$, SAVECHARACTER AS SAVCHARFILE))

Then, when you call CHARCREATE, it would be

CALL charcreate (charactername$, characterplayer$, SAVECHARACTER)
You need to use RANDOM file access instead of BINARY. Binary is for accessing the individual bytes of a file, for example in the case of loading a picture or a string of numbers or something... whereas random is when you have a bunch of records that all have equal length.
want at one time with BINARY files. (I do it quite regularly.)
Well... I was going in and associating the variables in the sub routine like so...

savcharfile.names = charactername$

it would take it as valid till the test run...it would say type mismatch.

I want to save several TYPES. But i didn't know if the sub routine parentesis would be some long line of code or not. I've been trying to avoid that.
isn't allowed inside your subroutine unless the subroutine knows about the SAVECHARFIL user-defined variable type. As with other statements, SUB statements can be quite long, certainly longer than 80 characters. But I try to avoid long lines too. If that's a big problem for you, you can make your variables global and not have to explicitly pass them to the subroutine by using a COMMON SHARED statement in your MAIN routine (after where you define the types):


or (if you aren't going to use multiple modules), you can do


(Either statement replaces your current DIM statement.)

(The "/MYTYPES/" is just a label for the COMMON block. You can use about whatever name you like.)
so that should be able to let me pass data back and forth through the variables with out the long coding? This could be a big help. I've been at this program for a month and this is the only thing I haven't been able to look through other codings to get an idea of how to do. LOL
routines with the global variables. (And it might be safer to use the global variables. Usually, user-defined types pass just fine by explicitly referring to them in the SUB and CALL statements. However, I've found that QB sometimes screws it up, for no reason that I can find.)
TYPE CharacterType
  CName AS STRING * 20
  Experience AS LONG

DIM SHARED PC AS CharacterType, PBlank AS CharacterType

CALL CreateCharacter



SUB CreateCharacter
  OPEN "players.dat" FOR RANDOM AS #1 LEN = LEN(PC)
    Spot = 0
      Spot = Spot + 1
      GET #1, Spot, PC
      IF LEFT$(PC.CName) = " " THEN
          INPUT "Enter Character Name: ", PC.CName
        LOOP UNTIL UCASE$(LEFT$(PC.CName)) >= "A" AND UCASE$(LEFT$(PC.CName)) <= "Z"
        PC.Level = 1
        PC.Experience = 0
        PUT #1, Spot, PC
        EXIT DO
      END IF
  CLOSE #1
the data isn't showing up in the file. I did the dim shared but the program seems to not be taking the input from the user & storing it. Its either that or my data isn't being opened properly. I don't know which right now. What would be a good way of opening the data.
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