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fb owns all of this.. ;p post the code and i'll try to port it to fb, just to prove it.
Chaos and Nathan

You or anyone are welcome to download my 3 QuickBasic efforts to activate Speech using the BBc4W Speaker.exe which is included from below.

Anyone is welcome to use the code in any way they wish such as with FreeBasic. You can see the object is to try to provide help for the disabled who cannot speak at all.




that code is wretched!
Yes but it works, and I am strictly an Amateur!!

So improve on it and you are very welcome to market the result based on my ideas if you wish.


could you do me a favor and write a short summary of what each of the 3 .bas files does..? i can hardly infer it from the src, i got two of them compiling but i don't think they behave right.
You should be able to run all the BAS files under QuickBasic OK by starting as QB /L QB even if you do not use the SPEAKER.EXE for the speech options.

CHATBD.BAS just displays an alpha keyboard you activate the keys by a left click of the mouse for speaking or printout


MSGBOARD.BAS displays a number of phrases to be selected by the mouse, for speaking or printout.

TALKER.BAS allows speech from keyboard entries or by reading any ASCII TXT file.

As I explained on the earlier posts here the screen minimizes sometimes when you first use the SPEAKER.EXE for speech.

I do have BBC4W and LB versions that work perfect both using the SPEAKER.EXE or with LB using its own speech API calls

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