
Full Version: FB GUI elements
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If I'm not mistaken, I thought I read something about Nek (hey dave) developing a gui builder for FB -- where can I get more information on this? Right now I'd much prefer to do this project in FB (as it's free and installs despite my employers draconian security Wink) than VB, but I am not on the type of timetable that will allow me to do anything as insane as trying to actually, y'know, make my own Wink

Anyway, any info you can give me will be appreciated

seems the project is halted....Nek got some new priorities in life that took him away from those projects...namely, a new baby :-)....there is FB's port of the wxwidgets that might help you out though..

go to www.freebasic.net and see about the different libraries that have been ported to use in freebasic.
I saw this poted on the Programmer's Haven forum:


This is a GUI server based on Gtk. It seems to work with a wide range of languages, and I am sure would work with FB as well.