
Full Version: Rubbing Alcohol + 60-80 PSI of air = ....
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.... one heck of a way to clean something....

I have a mean dually tank that self inflates to 120PSI limit. Its there for my air-brush but my dad got a blaster-gun to do cleaning with when ever we needed to....

Well, I had my output regulated at 65PSI and was cleaning off a TV remote with some rubbing alcohol... I hooked in the blaster and to my surprize the combo made a very effective cleaning tool...

My PS2 remote had been getting right dirty too, from playing... After I did the same with it,. If you hold it next to a bran new one, you couldn't tell them apart...

I'm now seeing if I can lift a few years of embedded dust off my SNES, I already got one of the game packs back to 99% mint condition...

Thought I'd share this tip, very nice.. :wink:

PS: You can also make a PlasticBB Machine gun with two straws and the blaster.... 40+ rounds per second... Quiz me and I'll tell you how to do that too... :lol:
wouldn't that ruin the electronics inside the controllers/consoles? :???:
Probably would after repeated cleaning, but it shouldn't hurt from just a couple. I would reccomend trying it without the alcohol first though. Alocohol evaporates so fast that it causes things to cool just as fast. The added air pressure would make it even faster... It could stress certain kinds of plastic. Wink
I do only the outer parts, not the electronics.... But, it gets breaks between cool off times for my compessor.... That thing heats up really fast...

And, the only times any damage would come to the electronics if the alcohol was standing between two circiuts when power is running thru them. Naturly frying them,.. =\ ... I do all this unplugged... Plus, the forced air makes it so less alcohol is needed....

:roll: :wink: