
Full Version: Long remarks or instructions
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I seem to remember, possibly in BASIC, maybe in QuickBASIC, that one could use some magic word, then one could write a long paragraph of text, without having to remark each line. Am I just dreaming?
Don't think you can do that..
i think he means like in c++ where you put /n or \n (i'm not sure) and it goes to the next line...
The Dark Jay:
No, that would be the equivalent of a REM or a ' (single quote) in QuickBASIC preceding a line, making that a remark. What I mean is a paragraph (one or more lines)!

The Walrus:
I was afraid of that. It's just that this thought, that there was a way of doing this, doesn't want to leave me. And, since I can't imagine this in any other program I might have used, I tend to think BASIC or QuickBASIC. But, it might just be a dream in my mind!
AFAIK there is no such function, unless you put in an external file and
readd it in as GET fileno,1,s$ where s$ is a string of the same length
as the message.
Thank you, I'll accept the answer to my question as a unanimous NO, and end this here.
Const CRLF = chr$(13)+chr$(10)
print "Hello, "+crlf+"World!"+crlf+crlf+"This is what you meant?"
No, what I meant was somthing like this:
PRINT "Hi, ";
"The above special QuickBASIC word allows all that follows, enclosed in quotation marks, to be the equivalent of a series of remarks, without having to REMark out each line."
PRINT "Z!re"
Running the above program would only print out:

Hi, Z!re
Such a command does not exist in QB.
Sorry Sad
However I do think such a thing is possible in FB using #DEFINE to create a macro that would perfom that function.

A few scant moments latter:
Print "Hello ";
#IF 0
This is a multline comment
This is still a multiline comment
And yet still
Yadda, yadda, yadda
PRINT "World!"
No, what I meant was somthing like this:
PRINT "Hi, ";
"The above special QuickBASIC word allows all that follows, enclosed in quotation marks, to be the equivalent of a series of remarks, without having to REMark out each line."
PRINT "Z!re"
Running the above program would only print out:

Hi, Z!re
Ah, no.. that doesent exist.. you have to rem each line.. either with REM or '
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