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I must be going daft, or something is wrong with my system, because I cannot even get FB to display any input in SCREENs 9,12, or 13, only in SCREEN 0. I am stll using FB version 1.2 for Windows.


           SCREEN 9
           PRINT "ENTER"
           INPUT Q$
       PRINT Q$
           SLEEP : END
Well, are you using page flipping?

<edit> Nope, you aren't :oops: </edit>
Hmm, that works fine here. Smile There is no FB FB version 1.2, so I assume you mean 0.12; the latest stable release is 0.14, which probably fixes whatever bug is causing your INPUTs to not show up.
Thanks but I am back again.

I dutifully downloaded actually the latest FB-v0.15b-sep-10-testing-win.32.zip. The instructions in the README.TXT say to run the INSTALL.BAT – trouble is not such file is included in the Zip file.

Not surprising when I tried to compile one of my BAS file efforts an error came up saying bin/win32/as.exe not found. There is win32 directory under the lib directory, but it does not contain an AS.EXE, though the earlier 0.12 contains all such stuff. I assume I am not supposed to mix old stuff with new !!!

Gordon S.


in order to use .15, you must first install the full .14 version. i would suggest backing up your source, deleting the .12 directory, installing the .14 full in a new, clean directory, runnning install.bat that comes with .14, and then installing the .15 on top of the .14

hope it helps
Thanks again - we are here at last. I found the final ver. 1.4, but decided not to risk inluding a ver. 1.5 as they are all in the testing stage. Pity we cannot compile by just dragging a BAS file onto FBC.EXE, while using Windows (XP) as I used to under the earlier versions of FBC. This saves the bother of jumping in and out of MSDOS using the Command Prompt.

Thanks to all - Very nice piece of free software. Some might like to experiment with other SCREEN modes.


     SCREEN 0
     REM based on orignal BBC Magazine Beebug May 1989 Vol 8 No. 1
     COLOR 11, 4: LOCATE 7, 25: PRINT " Julia Patterns ": PRINT : COLOR 13, 0
     IF OK = 1 THEN
          INPUT "           Enter Y to start new pattern, or N to quit"; Q$
          IF Q$ <> "Y" AND Q$ <> "y" THEN END
     END IF
     INPUT "Enter the Real value, say 1 to -1 including decimals"; G
     INPUT "Enter the Imaginary value, say 1 to -1 including decimals"; H
     CLS: SCREEN 9,,,1
     MC% = 200: WINDOW (-520, -520)-(750, 520)
     LOCATE 6, 72: PRINT "REAL:": LOCATE 7, 70: PRINT USING "##.#####"; G
     LOCATE 9, 70: PRINT "IMAGINARY:": LOCATE 10, 70: PRINT USING "##.#####"; H
     FOR X = -1.408 TO 0 STEP .001
          FOR Y = -1.408 TO 1.408 STEP .002
          R = X: I = Y: C% = 0
          FIN = 0
          WHILE FIN = 0
               N = R * R - I * I + G: M = 2 * R * I + H
               C% = C% + 1: S = R * R + I * I
               R = N: I = M
               IF S > 4 OR C% > MC% - 1 THEN FIN = 1
          IF C% > MC% - 1 OR C > 25 THEN P% = 15
          P% = C% + 5
          X% = 364 * X: Y% = 364 * Y
          PSET (X%, Y%), P%
          PSET (-X%, -Y%), P%
          NEXT Y
     NEXT X
     SLEEP : END
It's 0.14 and 0.15, NOT 1.4 and 1.5


And 0.15 is just as stable as 0.14, only the new stuff is "unstable", so unless you use those things, it's ok to go for 0.15..
0.15 is not released yet. The testing and CVS builds should be considered unstable.

Being a somewhat lazy guy, I used to be able to compile code by just dragging the BAS file onto FBC.exe with earlier versions, but not now with versiom 0.14. We have the bother of transferring into MS-DOS with the terrible Command Prompt.

Has any managed to solve this problem. I tried using a BAT file in the same directory with such as FBC %1 without success, as it was ignored.

Gordon :king:
Provided you have everything in the path, v 0.14 works the same as 0.12
The default dir is not changed by drag and drop, so some files may not be found.

This is the batch I use (Win XP, will not work in 98), it allows me to drag and drop sources to it (not to fbc)
@echo off
::make path and default dir changes local

::add freebasic and subdirs  to the path. Probably overkill,
set pfb=c:\archiv~1\freeba~1

::change to the dir where the source is
cd /d %~dp1

::compile: add parameters at will, "%~nx1" is the filename minus the path
fbc  "%~nx1" -s gui

::display the errors

::undo path and default dir changes

Hope it helps...
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