
Full Version: Would you like resource files in FreeBASIC?
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Would you? :???:
Are you referring to resources that create dialogs in FB-based GUI applications? This is currently a topic of discussion over at the official FreeBASIC forum.


I wrote a small tool in order to add icons and version information to exe files easily. [Screenshot] [Download]

Not a RAD, a .rsc file like they have in C, Pascal, and assembly...you know...
#include "Resource.h"

MY_ICON ICON "C:\Myicon.ico"

    POPUP "&File..."
Like that?
It's a .rc file in Dev-C++.

Edit: It's typically used to create menus, change application icons, etc.
We mean the same thing but with different purposes. Smile I used RC/RES just in order to add icons and so on to exe files but that technic is able to add dialogs too.
There are some RAD interfaces for FB I think. On the one hand there's EzeeGUI and on the other hand there's wx-Widgets Designer (or so...)
kevin the programmer-
can you please change your avatar or make it smaller at least? :wink:
You want to compile with a icon or something? You can do that in FB by:

<fbc> <Codename> C:\File\icon.rc

the .rc contianing the stuff to import the icon.... Adigun has a cool tut on it in QBasic Express (Can't remeber which one)...

If this isn't what you mean, forget this post....

I know, but adding "version" resources by using RC files is IMO not quite comfortable... Smile My program above is just useful to save a bit work... Smile

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