
Full Version: Obscurely coded pong
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Quote:bxs=cos bouncy a)*ms
genuine angles!!
ok i know this one doesn't count at all, although how it works is a little obscure even to me (coding on caffiene...). But its fun as heck to play. (you can move up down and left <-> right
#define pi (3.14/180)
dim shared as single py=240,px,pw=16,ph=64,pys=0,pxs=0,ps=1,bx=320,by=240,bxs,bys,br=10,ms=200,sx=640,sy=480,tm,cs,a,sc,sl=20,a2,pdx
function Distance (x1 as single,y1 as single,x2 as single,y2 as single) as single
    return sqr( ( x1 - x2 ) ^ 2 + ( y1 - y2 ) ^ 2 )
end function
function Angle(x1 as single,y1 as single,x2 as single,y2 as single) as single
    dim as single tempAngle, tempY, tempX
    tempX = x1 - x2
    tempY = y1 - y2
    tempAngle = ( atn ( tempY / tempX ) )/pi
    if tempX < 0 XOR tempY < 0 then tempAngle = tempAngle + 180
    if tempY >= 0 then tempAngle = tempAngle + 180
    return tempAngle
end function
sub resetit()
end sub
sub moveit()
    if multikey(72) or multikey(80) then pys+=ms*4*tm*sgn(multikey(80)*2-1)
    if multikey(75) or multikey(77) then pxs+=ms*4*tm*sgn(multikey(77)*2-1)
    if abs(pys) > ms then pys=ms*sgn(pys)
    if abs(pxs) > ms then pxs=ms*sgn(pxs)
    if px > pdx then pxs-=abs(px-pdx)*tm*ms/8 else pxs+=abs(px-pdx)*tm*ms/8
    if py < ph*2/3 then
    end if
    if py > sy-ph*2/3 then
    end if
    if bx >= sx-br then
    elseif bx-br <= px+(ph*2/3) then
        if Distance(px,py,bx,by) <= (ph*2/3+br) then
        end if
        if bx <= 0 then resetit()
    end if
    if by+br > sy then
    elseif by < br then
    end if
end sub
sub drawit()
    color 15,4
    me$="                    Slider Pong Coded By: Deleter  -  Your Score: "+str$(ps)+"        Buy pi!             "
    line (sx/2-sl*4-2,-1)-(sx/2+sl*4+2,10),4,bf
    line (sx/2-sl*4-3,-1)-(sx/2+sl*4+3,11),12,b
    line (sx/2-sl*4-4,-1)-(sx/2+sl*4+4,12),4,b  
    locate 1,(sx/16+1)-sl/2
    if int (sc)>len(me$)-sl/2 then sc=1
    print mid$(me$,int(sc),int(sl))    
    color ,0
    circle (bx, by), br, 2,,,, F
    line (pdx,0)-(px,py),4
    line (pdx,sy)-(px,py),4
    circle(px,py),ph*2/3,4,,,, F
    print int(Distance(bxs,bys,0,0))
end sub
randomize timer
screenres sx,sy,8,2
sleep 10
input "Difficulty? (1=easy, higher=harder)"; ms
    sleep 1,1
    screenset cs,-(cs-1)
loop until multikey(1)
That's, maybe it's not obscure, but it's damn sweet and fun to play.
so are you actually going to judge or...?
I guess so. Well I think that one takes the cake so far for best version, and the bouncy = ( is very smart and effective, really confuses the reader, but the "paddle" is damn sweet, me and some friends got to 800 today at school on about 7 difficulty without dieing, we all had fun, that's a;; we do in drafting and I have an 84... If only life were that easy.
Quote:so are you actually going to judge or...?

Quote:Yetifoot wins.

Axipher, he wasnt speaking to you. The competition starter does the judging.
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