
Full Version: Make a program that is a person if they were coded!
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I am laughing so much right now xD

partly because that is so nonsensically funny

and partly because I would love to see the emote DrV uses when he sees it xD
:o :rotfl: :lol: :rotfl: :o

Can't be put into words
:rotfl: Haha...



I am laughing so much right now xD

partly because that is so nonsensically funny

and partly because I would love to see the emote DrV uses when he sees it xD
I'm going to use this one :whitetiger: because nobody ever uses it, and it's nifty.
:barf: :na_th_an:

lmao... :red_marvin:

You guys have smileys named after you...Oh dear.... :whitetiger:
That's because we made them :red_marvin:
Oooh, somebody do me. I want to know what you think of me. :wink: .
Quote:I'm going to use this one :whitetiger: because nobody ever uses it, and it's nifty.

You forgot the REAL reason!! Because whtiger made it!

Me! Me! Do me!
Since nobody will do me, here is mine

'Happy Birthday Generator

Dim clr As Integer
Dim nm As ZString * 255
Dim clrList() As String

Screen 13
Randomize Timer

Print "Welcome to the HB BB-Code Generator"
Input "Please tell me the name of the person who is having a birthday today ", nm

Print "Generating..."

Sleep 3000

Redim clrList(Len(nm) + 3) As String

For i = 1 To Len(nm)
    clr = INT(RND(1) * 13 + 1)
    Select Case clr
    Case 1: clrList(i) = "darkblue"
    Case 2: clrList(i) = "green"
    Case 3: clr = 42 : clrList(i) = "orange"
    Case 4: clrList(i) = "darkred"
    Case 5: clrList(i) = "indigo"
    Case 6: clrList(i) = "brown"
    Case 7: clrList(i) = "yellow" : clr = 14
    Case 8: clrList(i) = "white" : clr = 15
    Case 9: clrList(i) = "blue"
    Case 10: clrList(i) = "olive" : clr = 115
    Case 11: clrList(i) = "cyan"
    Case 12: clrList(i) = "red"
    Case 13: clrList(i) = "violet"
    End Select
    Color clr
    Print MID(nm, i, 1);
Next i

  For c = 1 To 3
        clr = INT(RND(1) * 13 +1)
        Select Case clr
        Case 1: clrList(i) = "darkblue"
        Case 2: clrList(i) = "green"
        Case 3: clr = 42 : clrList(i) = "orange"
        Case 4: clrList(i) = "darkred"
        Case 5: clrList(i) = "indigo"
        Case 6: clrList(i) = "brown"
        Case 7: clrList(i) = "yellow" : clr = 14
        Case 8: clrList(i) = "white" : clr = 15
        Case 9: clrList(i) = "blue"
        Case 10: clrList(i) = "olive" : clr = 115
        Case 11: clrList(i) = "cyan"
        Case 12: clrList(i) = "red"
        Case 13: clrList(i) = "violet"
        End Select
        Color clr
        print "!";
    Next c

Open "bbcode.txt" For Output As #1
Print #1, "[size=24]"
Print #1, "HB ";

For i = 1 To Len(nm)
    Print #1, "[color=" + clrList(i) + "]" + MID(nm, i, 1) + "[/color]";
Next i

For i = Len(nm) To Len(nm) + 1
    Print #1, "[color=" + clrList(i) + "]![/color]";
Next i
Print #1, "[/size]"
Close #1

Sample Output:

HB Torahteen!!

Of course you could have just gone:

'Bday gen.. yeah yeah whatever

input "whos birthday is it then"; bday$

print "[size=24]HB [rainbow]" + bday$ + "[/rainbow][/size]"


No need for writing to a file either, you could just copy from the console and paste into the browser.
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