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What is the best (as in, most enjoyable and best quality) free multiplayer game you've come across?

My theory is that this will mostly be marketed games that have gone open source (like Allegiance) but I'm curious to see what else is out there.

Go Fish
I used to play Eternal Lands... back when it was cool... It was an MMORPG that later got sound and music introduced.. it was pretty fun, and 10MB free download.

But then they made the "gathering" suck... cuz that's how you made your money, by gathering plants or ore or whatever... but they made it really awful, so I stopped playing. Now I just play World of Warcraft... which isn't free... but it pwns your soul anyways.
Graal is quite good, it originated as a Zelda-MMORPG but they were charging people so nintendo demanded a stop. They still charge, but only for the really new things like Graal 3D, you really more pay for more stuff & to beta other games.

The Zelda feel is still there in SOME of the games, but they is some things like a Start-Wars/Star-Trek/Several Other Space Films game where you fight with lazerswords, lazer machine-guns, robots and some other cool stuff, that one loses most of the Zelda-Feel.
you also can't save in graal, only if you pay.


my goal is to turn the LL engine into an MMORPG.

a good free game is ragnarok online, but you kinda have to have a connection, because the good (free) servers aren't advertised enough.