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Quote:i think as the overall demo bin gets thinner, maybe we should make a way to judge all these demos.

my favs:
sphere and light mapper
manderbolt (me no spell good)
glenn's super-duper demo!

Glenn wins!!!!

Hands the wise-one a cheese.....


oups! I just realized my entry uses a colon joined for(next
delay function, but whatever, you could always delete the
delay hehe
My favourites:
Rel's Translucent plasma,Lens and Lightmap
Toonski's spirograph
Dav's textured random painting
Binary Shock Xor square plasmas
Wizardlife non-standard pinwheel
Lithium smiley zoomer
Nathan "fire" plasma
Haven't you seen my fire? Big Grin
No doubt converting the C fire you posted into a 9 lines basic program has been a hard job... but it does'nt look like a fire, at least in my computer. I added it to my favourites list ..as a plasma. Big Grin
!! i cant believe i never tried rel's second plasma until now!! oh my god, that is AWESOME, *you win*. another one i failed to test was lithium's starfield with lighting and motion blur... that is amazing!
oh, and i dont know who wanted this, i think it was rel, but i converted my text fire to "hi res" 80x50 and added a vertical refresh:

1 IF i = 0 THEN WIDTH 80, 50 ELSE OUT &H3C8, 0
2 FOR i = 0 TO 18
3 IF i = 18 THEN WAIT &H3DA, 8 ELSE IF i MOD 3 = 0 THEN OUT &H3C9, (i \ 3) * 10 ELSE OUT &H3C9, 0
4 NEXT i
5 IF x% = 0 THEN DEF SEG = &HB800 ELSE CLS
6 FOR x% = 7999 TO 5080 STEP -2
7 IF x% > 7840 THEN POKE x%, CINT(RND) * 80 ELSE POKE x%, ((PEEK(x% + 160) + PEEK(x% + 162) + PEEK(x% + 158) + PEEK(x% + 320) * 1.5) / 5)
I just compiled your C fire, and this one is a real fire! Big Grin
I don't know what do you and Phobeus did to the poor QB fire to squeeze it into 9 lines... :???:
Now i was going to tell you that the 9 lines QB fire comes from one of the most realistic fire coded in C Big Grin In QB the fire don't seems to be such a fire due to palette, i mean, the palette we use in QB has more white than the C one.

I hope you liked it. BTW we made an ASM library with simillar efects. We coded that for a intro but (as always) we didn't finish it.
a = RND * 320
b = RND * 200
CIRCLE (a, b), RND * 100, RND * 14
PAINT (a, b), 0

do i gain points because it is short?
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