
Full Version: Maze Genorator
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it probably could be cleaned up!
or made better!

but it works! and has many possibilities!

randomize timer
dim shared halls(0 to 15)as string
'-----------MAZE SIZE---------------
dim shared maze(0 to MazeX,0 to MazeY)

screen 20,32
screenres 1024,768,32,,1

'---------Defines ASCII code----------
halls(15)=" "
for i=0 to MazeX
    for ii=0 to MazeY
    next ii
next i
'-------------STARTS MAZE LOOP-------
    '------------------Figures Start Point and adjusts the Maze-------
        if maze(i,ii)=15 and g=0 then
            if i=0 and ii=0 then f=1:g=1:x=i:y=ii
            if g=0 and ii>0 and maze(i,ii-1)=0 then maze(i,ii-1)=6:f=2:x=i:y=ii:g=1
            if g=0 and ii>0 and maze(i,ii-1)=4 then maze(i,ii-1)=9:f=2:x=i:y=ii:g=1
            if g=0 and ii>0 and maze(i,ii-1)=5 then maze(i,ii-1)=7:f=2:x=i:y=ii:g=1
            if g=0 and ii>0 and maze(i,ii-1)=8 then maze(i,ii-1)=10:f=2:x=i:y=ii:g=1
            if g=0 and ii>0 and maze(i,ii-1)=12 then maze(i,ii-1)=3:f=2:x=i:y=ii:g=1
            if g=0 and ii>0 and maze(i,ii-1)=14 then maze(i,ii-1)=2:f=2:x=i:y=ii:g=1
            if g=0 and ii>0 and maze(i,ii-1)=13 then maze(i,ii-1)=1:f=2:x=i:y=ii:g=1
            if g=0 and ii<MazeY and maze(i,ii+1)=0 then maze(i,ii+1)=8:f=0:x=i:y=ii:g=1
            if g=0 and ii<MazeY and maze(i,ii+1)=2 then maze(i,ii+1)=9:f=0:x=i:y=ii:g=1
            if g=0 and ii<MazeY and maze(i,ii+1)=3 then maze(i,ii+1)=7:f=0:x=i:y=ii:g=1
            if g=0 and ii<MazeY and maze(i,ii+1)=6 then maze(i,ii+1)=10:f=0:x=i:y=ii:g=1
            if g=0 and ii<MazeY and maze(i,ii+1)=11 then maze(i,ii+1)=1:f=0:x=i:y=ii:g=1
            if g=0 and ii<MazeY and maze(i,ii+1)=12 then maze(i,ii+1)=5:f=0:x=i:y=ii:g=1
            if g=0 and ii<MazeY and maze(i,ii+1)=14 then maze(i,ii+1)=4:f=0:x=i:y=ii:g=1
            if g=0 and i>0 and maze(i-1,ii)=1 then maze(i-1,ii)=9:f=1:x=i:y=ii:g=1
            if g=0 and i>0 and maze(i-1,ii)=3 then maze(i-1,ii)=6:f=1:x=i:y=ii:g=1
            if g=0 and i>0 and maze(i-1,ii)=5 then maze(i-1,ii)=8:f=1:x=i:y=ii:g=1
            if g=0 and i>0 and maze(i-1,ii)=7 then maze(i-1,ii)=10:f=1:x=i:y=ii:g=1
            if g=0 and i>0 and maze(i-1,ii)=11 then maze(i-1,ii)=2:f=1:x=i:y=ii:g=1
            if g=0 and i>0 and maze(i-1,ii)=12 then maze(i-1,ii)=0:f=1:x=i:y=ii:g=1
            if g=0 and i>0 and maze(i-1,ii)=13 then maze(i-1,ii)=4:f=1:x=i:y=ii:g=1
            if g=0 and i<MazeX and maze(i+1,ii)=1 then maze(i+1,ii)=7:f=1:x=i:y=ii:g=1
            if g=0 and i<MazeX and maze(i+1,ii)=2 then maze(i+1,ii)=6:f=1:x=i:y=ii:g=1
            if g=0 and i<MazeX and maze(i+1,ii)=4 then maze(i+1,ii)=8:f=1:x=i:y=ii:g=1
            if g=0 and i<MazeX and maze(i+1,ii)=9 then maze(i+1,ii)=10:f=1:x=i:y=ii:g=1
            if g=0 and i<MazeX and maze(i+1,ii)=11 then maze(i+1,ii)=3:f=1:x=i:y=ii:g=1
            if g=0 and i<MazeX and maze(i+1,ii)=13 then maze(i+1,ii)=5:f=1:x=i:y=ii:g=1
            if g=0 and i<MazeX and maze(i+1,ii)=14 then maze(i+1,ii)=0:f=1:x=i:y=ii:g=1
        end if
        if i=MazeX+1 Then i=0:ii=ii+1
    loop until ii=MazeY+1 or g=1
    '----------------------Figures next spot in the maze-------------
        if f=1 then
            if o=0 then if x+1=MazeX+1 or maze(x+1,y)<>15 then maze(x,y)=12 else maze(x,y)=0:f=1:x=x+1
            if o=1 then if y+1=MazeY+1 or maze(x,y+1)<>15 then maze(x,y)=12 else maze(x,y)=3:f=2:y=y+1
            if o=2 then if y-1=-1 or maze(x,y-1)<>15 then maze(x,y)=12 else maze(x,y)=5:f=0:y=y-1
            if o=3 then if x+1=MazeX+1 or maze(x+1,y)<>15 then maze(x,y)=12 else maze(x,y)=0:f=1:x=x+1
            if o=4 then if y+1=MazeY+1 or maze(x,y+1)<>15 then maze(x,y)=12 else maze(x,y)=3:f=2:y=y+1
            if maze(x,y)=12 then
                g=0                                                                          'trys to find
                if maze(x+1,y)=15 and x<MazeX  then maze(x,y)=0:f=1:x=x+1:g=1                'an alternate
                if g=0 and y>0 and maze(x,y-1)=15 then maze(x,y)=5:f=0:y=y-1:g=1             'route instead
                if g=0 and y<MazeY and maze(x,y+1)=15 then maze(x,y)=3:f=2:y=y+1:g=1         'of a random
                if g=0 then f=5:x=0:y=0                                                      'dead end
            end if
        end if
        if f=2 then
            if o=0 then if y+1=MazeY+1 or maze(x,y+1)<>15 then maze(x,y)=13 else maze(x,y)=1:f=2:y=y+1
            if o=1 then if x+1=MazeX+1 or maze(x+1,y)<>15 then maze(x,y)=13 else maze(x,y)=4:f=1:x=x+1
            if o=2 then if x-1=-1 or maze(x-1,y)<>15 then maze(x,y)=13 else maze(x,y)=5:f=3:x=x-1
            if o=3 then if x-1=-1 or maze(x-1,y)<>15 then maze(x,y)=13 else maze(x,y)=5:f=3:x=x-1
            if o=4 then if x+1=MazeX+1 or maze(x+1,y)<>15 then maze(x,y)=13 else maze(x,y)=4:f=1:x=x+1
            if maze(x,y)=13 then
                if maze(x+1,y)=15 and x<MazeX then maze(x,y)=4:f=1:x=x+1:g=1
                if g=0 and x>0 and maze(x-1,y)=15 then maze(x,y)=5:f=3:x=x-1:g=1
                if g=0 and y>0 and maze(x,y-1)=15 then maze(x,y)=1:f=2:y=y-1:g=1
                if g=0 then f=5:x=0:y=0
            end if
        end if
        if f=3 then
            if o=0 then if x-1=-1 or maze(x-1,y)<>15 then maze(x,y)=14 else maze(x,y)=0:f=3:x=x-1
            if o=1 then if y+1=MazeY+1 or maze(x,y+1)<>15 then maze(x,y)=14 else maze(x,y)=2:f=2:y=y+1
            if o=2 then if y-1=-1 or maze(x,y-1)<>15 then maze(x,y)=14 else maze(x,y)=4:f=0:y=y-1
            if o=3 then if x-1=-1 or maze(x-1,y)<>15 then maze(x,y)=14 else maze(x,y)=0:f=3:x=x-1
            if o=4 then if y+1=MazeY+1 or maze(x,y+1)<>15 then maze(x,y)=14 else maze(x,y)=2:f=2:y=y+1
            if maze(x,y)=14 then
                if maze(x-1,y)=15 and x>0  then maze(x,y)=0:f=3:x=x-1:g=1
                if g=0 and y>0 and maze(x,y-1)=15 then maze(x,y)=4:f=0:y=y-1:g=1
                if g=0 and y<MazeY and maze(x,y+1)=15 then maze(x,y)=2:f=2:y=y+1:g=1
                if g=0 then f=5:x=0:y=0
            end if
        end if
        if f=0 then
            if o=0 then if y-1=-1 or maze(x,y-1)<>15 then maze(x,y)=11 else maze(x,y)=1:f=0:y=y-1
            if o=1 then if x+1=MazeX+1 or maze(x+1,y)<>15 then maze(x,y)=11 else maze(x,y)=2:f=1:x=x+1
            if o=2 then if x-1=-1 or maze(x-1,y)<>15 then maze(x,y)=11 else maze(x,y)=3:f=3:x=x-1
            if o=0 then if y-1=-1 or maze(x,y-1)<>15 then maze(x,y)=11 else maze(x,y)=1:f=0:y=y-1
            if o=4 then if x+1=MazeX+1 or maze(x+1,y)<>15 then maze(x,y)=11 else maze(x,y)=2:f=1:x=x+1
            if maze(x,y)=11 then
                if maze(x+1,y)=15 and x<MazeX then maze(x,y)=2:f=1:x=x+1:g=1
                if g=0 and y>0 and maze(x,y-1)=15 then maze(x,y)=1:f=0:y=y-1:g=1
                if g=0 and x>0 and maze(x-1,y)=15 then maze(x,y)=3:f=3:x=x-1:g=1
                if g=0 then f=5:x=0:y=0
            end if
        end if
    loop until f=5 or f=6
locate 10,40:?"LOADING"
loop until f=6
if maze(MazeX,MazeY)=5 then maze(MazeX,MazeY)=8
if maze(MazeX,MazeY)=12 then maze(MazeX,MazeY)=0
if maze(MazeX,MazeY)=13 then maze(MazeX,MazeY)=4
locate 10,40:?"       "

'----SHOWS THE MAZE------------------------------------

color Border_Color
for i=1 to MazeY+3
    for ii=1 to MazeX+3
        if (i=1 or i=MazeY+3) or (ii=1 or ii=MazeX+3) then locate i,ii:? chr$(178)
    next ii
next i
color Maze_Color
locate 2,1:? halls(0)
locate MazeY+2,MazeX+3:? halls(0)

for i=0 to MazeX
    for ii=0 to MazeY
        if maze(i,ii)<> 15 then locate ii+2,i+2 :? halls(maze(i,ii))
    next ii
next i

do:loop until inkey$<>""
Pretty cool, man. 8)

Are the green chars supposed to be the wall or the path?


i tried it and it creashed.. =(

gdb says this:

Starting program: C:\doc\prg\fb\forum\phyco/maze.exe

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00401c5e in main (__FB_ARGC__=1, __FB_ARGV__=0x780530) at maze.bas:59
59                  If g=0 And i>0 And maze(i-1,ii)=1 Then maze(i-1,ii)=9:f=1:x=

(it's because you're accessing maze( i-1, ii ), when i = 0. -1 is not valid and will make the array crash, because the first element there is 0.)


i believe you could fix it by changing these lines

if g=0 and ii>0 and maze(i,ii-1)=0 then maze(i,ii-1)=6:f=2:x=i:y=ii:g=1

to look like this:

if g=0 and ii>0 then
  if maze(i,ii-1)=0 then maze(i,ii-1)=6:f=2:x=i:y=ii:g=1

end if
The green char are the path it takes!
there are no walls only the paths you can choose!

and thanx