
Full Version: BallsBreaker 2 *nearing completion*
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Okay that's really hard. I don't know how AAP does that. Anyways, this is the first official update on the much-anticipated BallsBreaker 2. I have completed, hopefully, the engine. There are a good deal more explosions. What I need is for people to test it out on their machines and tell me if it chugged or anything like that, because my machine is pretty powerful, so I need to know if the game is taxing or anything like that. It's just a basic little demo thingy, but it's fun anyways. Like I said, lots of explosions. hope you enjoy.
No problems on my machine and mine isn't exactly a monster. AMD 1.1, 256 meg.
Did you enjoy the 74% More Explosions!™ ? Tongue
I like the exposions, fancy =P it seems to slow done just a little when the screen is full of them but it doesn't slow down much. This is on a 3.2ghz p4 though
Well you have to allow a slight slowdown if you have a bunch of them going at the same time, of course...
Until there was about 10-20 ballz left, the biggest the explosions got were <1 cm. In other words, this ran very slow on 1 of the computers I tested with (I don't know the specs.). The other one did awesome.

Good work Rob.
really cool. it ran just fine on my computer. why were the explosions only yellow? it would be really cool if i just press a key and they all went it once. :wow: :wow: :wow:

[Image: 50608-t.jpg]
Quote:really cool. it ran just fine on my computer. why were the explosions only yellow? it would be really cool if i just press a key and they all went it once. :wow: :wow: :wow:

Yeah I was thinking about that, too. I am in the process of making the explosions have more colors and stuff, and actually look like fire Tongue. Unfortunately for BallsBreaker 2, I am in a Gilbert and Sullivan Operetta called "The Gondoliers".... opening night was thursday the 3rd and it runs through tuesday the 8th, so I'm slightly busy with that. Family and friends have travelled to see it, so I can't just sit and program Sad. But rest assured, this isn't the final product, and all of your suggestions are being taken into account! :chinese:

EDIT: I've changed the colors of the explosions to match that of the ball... it kind of looks like fireworks. I'm not sure if I'm going to keep it that way or not. The link at the top is the updated colored version, otherwise you can grab it Here.
This Just In:

Ballsbreaker 2 is nearing completion!

I have changed the game back to the original ballsbreaker format, except that the balls still explode all nice and pretty. So you still got the evil yellow balls (which are now red) to avoid, but some new and different powerups are being incorporated for your gaming pleasure. Stay tuned...