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I'm making a QB IDE clone for all platforms FreeBasic is supported on (32 bit DOS, Linux, and Windows). If you are interested, sign up here. I plan to release first beta by Christmas. It will be relatively featureless at first, but it will gradually have more features, and soon, even more than QB's IDE.

EDIT: I know what you might be thinking, "FB sucks!" Well, I'll add the option to choose your compiler, and I plan to make FB's QB compatibility mode the default option.

What language are you going to build it in?
FB. It's my main language of choice these days, and it's more portable than QB.
Aight ill sign up. To let you know, I dont know much about FB. I mostly code in QB for no particular reason whatsoever. But ok im in. Whats first?
Well, FB isn't that hard, but it's a little different than QB. Differences here: http://www.freebasic.net/wiki/wikka.php?wakka=LangQB. You should have little trouble switching over, and you can still use QB if you like (I been using FB and QB alongside each other for about two years.) I'll comment the code well so you know what it does.

The first thing to do is to get text editing working. Saving and loading will have to be done with a configuration file until I can get menus/boxes working, hopefully by Christmas.
I can kludge up a quick text editor here with save options.
That would be helpful.
Ill post if up here tomorow if I get time, but im leaving in the morning, so I might post it a bit later in the day.
Thanks, man. Mind if I list you as a developer?
Sure go ahead.
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