
Full Version: Is anyone else drunk?
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I've been drinking and partying for hours, after all, it is saturady night. What'se veryone else'sw favourite beer or drinkng game? I like Yuenginlng and knock-ouit chandalire or beer pong.
I drank some lemonade and a Pepsi; does that count?
Guinness Dark!
I don't drink or smoke Big Grin
I don't need alcohol to mess up my brain. Check this crazy riddle I was given on Saturday, it will leave you guessing how correct the math you base everything on is.

Untill you figure it out.

I don't drink alcoholic beverages. It's not in my programming.
I do get drunk time to time Big Grin

One good game (in drunk or not) is pretty simple. We call it "3".
4 is good number of players, 3 is definately bad number of players.

At start, players randomly selects one number between 1 to 100.
First player says that number, next player counts +1 to that number and says it. Next counts once again +1 to that number and this will continue until only one player is left on board.

Ok, sounds easy since "99, 100, 101, 102..." is easy task?
Idea is, that if in that number has number "3", player cant say it. He knocks at table, and then next one continues by counting +1 for that knocked number.

Also, if number can be shared with 3, player cant say it, he got to knock on table.

Here is simple example from 25 to 42 with 4 players.
1# 25
2# 26
3# "knocks on table" (27/3 = 9 so player cant say it)
4# 28
1# 29
2# "knocks of table since number 3 is in number 30"
3# "knocks on table"
4# "knocks on table"
1# "knocks on table"
2# "knocks on table"
3# "knocks on table"
4# "knocks on table"
1# "knocks on table"
2# "knocks on table"
3# "knocks on table"
4# 40
1# 41
2# "knocks on table"
and so on.

And as you can guess, player has 3 seconds time to decide does he say that number or knock on table. One mistake and player is out. This will continue until only one player is left on table.
You would think drunk people would get five seconds- or maybe they're so drunk they can't read the clock and get five seconds anyway.
Alcohol isnt healthy, so I dont drink.
Im not a health freak though, I just dont see the point of drinking something that eventually makes you feel like shit Smile
because it doesn't eventually make you feel like shit, why do you think people do drink it? i don't know, it just makes me uneasy that people think watchin the game with a couple of friends, drinking a few beers is a nasty disgusting habbit that makes us all unhealthy. i get drunk with my brother at least twice a month, and yet i still go to the gym every day and workout with an ex-body builder, does this mean i'm not healthy?

not to mention people only get hangovers if they drink way too much than they should, or if they don't eat or drink water before or after drinking.
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