
Full Version: SOLVED! SEE MY REVISION. Keyboard buffer cleanout
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I don't remember if I posted this question before or not, but, I'm still in the dark on this subject.

In a program I'm working on, I use a key to move a sprite to the right, and another ket to move it to the left. But, if I hold down the key, when I lift my finger, and try to go in the opposite direction, the sprit continues to go in the first direction for a while, then, finally, changes direction to the newly desired one. I understand that the keyboard buffer, which holds up to 15 keypresses, has to be cleared out to avoid this. My question, then, is, how do I clear out the keyboard buffer, if, indeed, that is what has to be done.

REVISED 7:51 pm Central Time:
I think I have found a way!!! Here it is:
'Ralph's keyboard buffer cleanout:
FOR I = 1 TO 15
  K$ = INKEY$
I guess you could do
do : loop while inkey$ <> ""
Press-finger stuttered! :oops:

Your solution works perfectly! I have changed my code accordingly. Thank you for your contribution!

Question. Why do the two methods, FOR/NEXT and DO/LOOP clear the keyboard memory buffer? Does the mere mention of INKEY$ extract the stored data, one by one, until it is empty?
Yes (IIRC) when calling INKEY$ in any way it will take the first (if any) character (or characters for special keys) and remove it from the buffer and return it.

Thank you!
This code is not using string comparisons
do:loop while len(inkey$)
so it should be faster. Try it!

Thanks for your post. I tried your suggestion, as well as Red_Marvin's, but couldn't see any difference in speed in the sprites I was trying to move.

By experimenting with something suggested, I don't remember where, and using the key scan codes, I was able to really speed things up. I used:
K = INP(96)

I now believe that using INKEY$ and having to clean out the keyboard buffer truly slows things down, and that using the INP() function to get the scan codes, which are not saved in a buffer, really speeds things up many, many times. In fact, I now had to put in a time delay, to avoid moving my figures almost instantaneously.

Another perk that I got was the elimination of the slight hesitation in movement for the first keyboard entry that I was getting with the INKEY$() function. It's now gone! Big Grin