
Full Version: QBasic on WINDOWS 98 or XP
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Why would Linux come up with that answer? You wrote,
Quote:And Ralph, Linux doesn't depend on extensions like Windows. It automatically detects what kind of file you are opening and acts accordingly.
So, obviously, something is not right. How would Linux, then, run a file called "Sky.exe"? Is it that it must have no extension for Linux to run it? Perhaps "Sky.exe" must first be renamed to just "Sky"?

To find QBasic, go to this link. It seems to answer your question extremely well!
I assume that by ".exe" you mean it is a Windows executable. If you mean it is a Linux executable, it might run the program, or you might have to type "./sky", for example. Linux looks at the header of the file, which tells it what type of file it is looking at.
I believe that I am in over my head! Windows executable...does that mean that it will only run under Windows, but not under Linux? So, a file compiled and linked under Windows is not compatible Linux? It's begining to make some sense to me. I guess it's like translating a phrase into Japonese and also into Greek; the Japonese traslation would not be readable to an only Greek-knowing person, nor would the Greek translation be readable to an only Japonese-knowing person. Does this analogy hold for two different operaton systems, such as Windows and Linux?
Yes, exactly. That's a good analogy. If you have WINE- a Windows emulator- installed, you can run a few Windows programs on Linux, but not all of them.
To continue with the anology, WINE (I guess it stands for WINdows Emlator) is a sort of Greek-to-Japanese translator that understands a limited amount of Japanese... sort of.
It's a computer that translates Greek and Japanese. It works, but it has lots of bugs.


yeah the only time you get commands like 'sky' in linux is if you were to have an executable, or (much more frequently) a symbolic link to an executable in a global location. a common place would be like /usr/bin/sky

as skyler said, to run something in the same dir, you have to tell linux you want it to look in the current directory, './sky.whatever'

A lot of linux features could be added as different apps or shells, maybe some shell somewhere can be integrated with a file explorer-type app which would keep file associations (as explorer does on windows)

I don't know Greek nor Japanese.
Do you speak binary? Or assembler?
Skyler, who are you asking the question on binary and/or assembler?

Me, I know about the binary numbering system, and about the hexadecimal system used in programs such as DEBUG.exe to represent the various ASCII characters and such.

As to the Assembler language, well, I have a very small, basic understanding of it, again, from DEBUG.exe, but, it would be really difficult for me to put together any kind of small program in assembly language, so, don't count me in.
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