
Full Version: What the heck is up with BINARY file i/o?
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I want to make a program, very basic, that will XOR the first byte in a file with a code, and replace that byte with the new character.
dim as string infile
input "infile: ",infile
dim as ubyte code
input "code:",code
open infile for binary as #1
dim as ubyte temp,c
get #1,1,temp
c=temp xor code
put #1,1,temp xor code
close #1
It simply doesn't work. It ruins the file, adding extra characters and changing the size of the file. Any insight?
The expression 'temp xor code' that you are using in the PUT statement is evaluated in a full 32-bit integer. Cast to a UByte or do it in a temporary variable to get the right results.
Thanks, it works. Funny, I tried that with the c=... line, but I forgot to use c instead in the PUT statement.