Serious challenge: Graphics demo within 25 LINES OR FEWER! - Printable Version

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Serious challenge: Graphics demo within 25 LINES OR FEWER! - Ninkazu - 07-07-2003

I substituted all your PI * whatever / whatever things with constants and compiled in QB4, and it just looked like a glitchy line. Cool unoptomized in the IDE though.

Serious challenge: Graphics demo within 25 LINES OR FEWER! - na_th_an - 07-07-2003

That's why I left it unoptimized Wink

Serious challenge: Graphics demo within 25 LINES OR FEWER! - toonski84 - 07-07-2003

aw, damned, i was going to do a cool twisty thingy but nathan stole my idea! *sigh*

(back to the drawing board.....)

Serious challenge: Graphics demo within 25 LINES OR FEWER! - relsoft - 07-08-2003

here are mine.....

'3d cube
'polygon filled using paint. ;*)
'I could probably shorten the code in less than 20 lines but
'I'd rather make another 25 liner. ;*)
'Relsoft 2003

1 IF C& = 0 THEN SCREEN 9, , 1, 0 ELSE DIM CubeM!(8, 7), CubeV(12, 2)
2 FOR V = 1 TO 8 + 12
3    IF V < 9 THEN READ CubeM!(V, 0), CubeM!(V, 1), CubeM!(V, 2) ELSE READ CubeV(V - 8, 0), CubeV(V - 8, 1), CubeV(V - 8, 2)
5 DO
6    ax! = (ax! + .01) * -(ax! < 6.283186)
7    ay! = (ay! + .01) * -(ay! < 6.283186)
8    az! = (az! + .01) * -(az! < 6.283186)
9    FOR I = 1 TO 8
10          CubeM!(I, 6) = (256 * ((CubeM!(I, 0) * (COS(ay!) * COS(az!)) + CubeM!(I, 1) * (COS(ax!) * -SIN(az!) + SIN(ax!) * SIN(ay!) * COS(az!)) + CubeM!(I, 2) * (-SIN(ax!) * -SIN(az!) + COS(ax!) * SIN(ay!) * COS(az!)))) \ (256 - ((CubeM!(I, 0) * ( _
-SIN(ay!)) + CubeM!(I, 1) * (SIN(ax!) * COS(ay!)) + CubeM!(I, 2) * (COS(ax!) * COS(ay!)))))) + 320
11          CubeM!(I, 7) = -(256 * ((CubeM!(I, 0) * (COS(ay!) * SIN(az!)) + CubeM!(I, 1) * (COS(ax!) * COS(az!) + SIN(ax!) * SIN(ay!) * SIN(az!)) + CubeM!(I, 2) * (-SIN(ax!) * COS(az!) + COS(az!) * SIN(ay!) * SIN(az!)))) \ (256 - ((CubeM!(I, 0) * (- _
SIN(ay!)) + CubeM!(I, 1) * (SIN(ax!) * COS(ay!)) + CubeM!(I, 2) * (COS(ax!) * COS(ay!)))))) + 175
12   NEXT I
13   LINE (0, 0)-(639, 350), 0, BF
14   FOR I = 1 TO 12
15      IF (CubeM!(CubeV(I, 2), 6) - CubeM!(CubeV(I, 0), 6)) * (CubeM!(CubeV(I, 1), 7) - CubeM!(CubeV(I, 0), 7)) - (CubeM!(CubeV(I, 1), 6) - CubeM!(CubeV(I, 0), 6)) * (CubeM!(CubeV(I, 2), 7) - CubeM!(CubeV(I, 0), 7)) < -256 THEN
16            LINE (CubeM!(CubeV(I, 0), 6), CubeM!(CubeV(I, 0), 7))-(CubeM!(CubeV(I, 1), 6), CubeM!(CubeV(I, 1), 7)), I + 2
17            LINE (CubeM!(CubeV(I, 1), 6), CubeM!(CubeV(I, 1), 7))-(CubeM!(CubeV(I, 2), 6), CubeM!(CubeV(I, 2), 7)), I + 2
18            LINE (CubeM!(CubeV(I, 2), 6), CubeM!(CubeV(I, 2), 7))-(CubeM!(CubeV(I, 0), 6), CubeM!(CubeV(I, 0), 7)), I + 2
19            PAINT ((CubeM!(CubeV(I, 0), 6) + CubeM!(CubeV(I, 1), 6) + CubeM!(CubeV(I, 2), 6)) \ 3, (CubeM!(CubeV(I, 0), 7) + CubeM!(CubeV(I, 1), 7) + CubeM!(CubeV(I, 2), 7)) \ 3), I + 2
20      END IF
21   NEXT I
22   PCOPY 1, 0
DATA -80,-80,-80,80,-80,-80,80, 80,-80,-80, 80,-80,-80,-80, 80,80,-80, 80,80, 80, 80, -80, 80, 80
DATA 5,1,8,1,4,8,6,5,7,5,8,7,2,6,3,6,7,3,1,2,4,2,3,4,4,3,8,3,7,8,5,6,1,6,2,1

2. plasma

'///Non Palette rotated plasma
'///Relsoft 2003
'///Compile and see the speed.  Didn't optimize it as much as I want though...

2 DIM Lsin1%(-1024 TO 1024), Lsin2%(-1024 TO 1024), Lsin3%(-1024 TO 1024)
3 FOR I% = -1024 TO 1024
4   Lsin1%(I%) = SIN(I% / (128)) * 256      'Play with these values
5   Lsin2%(I%) = SIN(I% / (64)) * 128       'for different types of fx
6   Lsin3%(I%) = SIN(I% / (32)) * 64        ';*)
7   IF I% > -1 AND I% < 256 THEN PALETTE I%, 65536 * (INT(32 - 31 * SIN(I% * 3.14151693# / 128))) + 256 * (INT(32 - 31 * SIN(I% * 3.14151693# / 64))) + (INT(32 - 31 * SIN(I% * 3.14151693# / 32)))
9 DEF SEG = &HA000
10 Dir% = 1
11 DO
12    Counter& = (Counter& + Dir%)
13    IF Counter& > 600 THEN Dir% = -Dir%
14    IF Counter& < -600 THEN Dir% = -Dir%
15    Rot% = 64 * (((Counter& AND 1) = 1) OR 1)
16    StartOff& = 0
17    FOR y% = 0 TO 199
18        FOR x% = 0 TO 318
19            Rot% = -Rot%
20            C% = Lsin3%(x% + Rot% - Counter&) + Lsin1%(x% + Rot% + Counter&) + Lsin2%(y% + Rot%)
21            POKE StartOff& + x%, C%
22        NEXT x%
23        StartOff& = StartOff& + 320
24    NEXT y%

3. ripple

''Water simulation
''relsoft 2003
''why it even works without a dampen factor is dumbfounding
''as i didn't even know how. This used to have a dampen factor but
''i accindentally erased the code and it still works. ;*)

1 IF C& = 0 THEN DIM Vpage%((128 * 128 + 4) \ 2), w1%(127, 127), w2%(127, 127), Average%(8 * 255) ELSE SCREEN 13
2 IF C& > 0 THEN GET (0, 0)-(127, 127), Vpage%(0) ELSE DEF SEG = VARSEG(Vpage%(0))
3 C& = C& + 1
4 IF C& < 3 THEN 1 ELSE LINE (88, 44)-STEP(129, 129), 255, B
5 FOR I% = 0 TO 255 * 8
6    Average%(I%) = I% \ 4
7    IF I% > -1 AND I% < 256 THEN PALETTE I%, 65536 * INT((I% / 4) AND 63) + 256 * INT((I% / 1.2) AND 63) + INT((I% / 1.4) AND 63)
9 C& = C& + 1
10 IF C& MOD 3 = 0 THEN w1%(1 + INT(RND * 125), 1 + INT(RND * 125)) = 254
11 FOR y% = 1 TO 126
12  FOR x% = 1 TO 126
13    C% = w1%(x% - 1, y%) + w1%(x% + 1, y%) + w1%(x%, y% + 1) + w1%(x%, y% - 1) + w1%(x% + 1, y% - 1) + w1%(x% - 1, y% - 1) + w1%(x% - 1, y% + 1) + w1%(x% + 1, y% + 1)
14    w2%(x%, y%) = (ABS((Average%(C%) - w2%(x%, y%))))
15 NEXT x%, y%
16 P& = VARPTR(Vpage%(2))
17 FOR y% = 1 TO 126
18  FOR x% = 1 TO 126
19    POKE P& + x%, w1%(x%, y%)
20    SWAP w1%(x%, y%), w2%(x%, y%)
21 NEXT x%
22    P& = P& + 128
23 NEXT y%
24    PUT (89, 45), Vpage%(0), PSET
25  IF INKEY$ = "" THEN 9

4. ripple with texture

''Water simulation
''relsoft 2003
''why it even works without a dampen factor dumbfounding
''as i didn't even know how. This used to have a dampen factor but
''i accindentally erased the code and it still works. ;*)
''This version comes with a texture

1 IF C& = 0 THEN DIM Vpage%((128 * 128 + 4) \ 2), w1%(127, 127), w2%(127, 127), Average%(-255 TO 8 * 255) ELSE SCREEN 13
2 IF C& > 0 THEN GET (0, 0)-(127, 127), Vpage%(0) ELSE DEF SEG = VARSEG(Vpage%(0))
3 C& = C& + 1
4 IF C& < 3 THEN 1
5 FOR I% = -255 TO 255 * 8
6    Average%(I%) = I% \ 4
7    IF I% > -1 AND I% < 256 THEN PALETTE I%, 65536 * INT((I% \ 8)) + 256 * INT((I% \ 4)) + INT((I% \ 4))
9 C& = C& + 1
10 IF C& MOD 3 = 0 THEN w1%(1 + INT(RND * 125), 1 + INT(RND * 125)) = 254
11 FOR y% = 1 TO 126
12  FOR x% = 1 TO 126
13    C% = w1%(x% - 1, y%) + w1%(x% + 1, y%) + w1%(x%, y% + 1) + w1%(x%, y% - 1) + w1%(x% + 1, y% - 1) + w1%(x% - 1, y% - 1) + w1%(x% - 1, y% + 1) + w1%(x% + 1, y% + 1)
14    w2%(x%, y%) = (ABS((Average%(C%) - w2%(x%, y%))))
15 NEXT x%, y%
16 P& = VARPTR(Vpage%(2))
17 FOR y% = 1 TO 126
18  FOR x% = 1 TO 126
19    POKE P& + x%, (50 + ((x% + Average%(w1%(x%, y% - 1) - w1%(x%, y% + 1))) OR (y% + Average%(w1%(x% - 1, y%) - w1%(x% + 1, y%))))) AND 255
20    SWAP w1%(x%, y%), w2%(x%, y%)
21 NEXT x%
22    P& = P& + 128
23 NEXT y%
24    PUT (89, 45), Vpage%(0), PSET
25  IF INKEY$ = "" THEN 9

Serious challenge: Graphics demo within 25 LINES OR FEWER! - Hexadecimal Disaster - 07-08-2003

Hear this from me:

S. I. G. H.

I guess that THAT'S the main reason of your lack of time for FJ and DW3, huh? You also managed to hang my system with these nifty little bits of mathematical knowledge. Congraturations. A winner is you.

I hate you. 8)

BTW, that ripple with texture is truly a crowd pleaser. Trust me. Tongue

Serious challenge: Graphics demo within 25 LINES OR FEWER! - relsoft - 07-08-2003

Yeah, @#$% happens....

Blame Photoshop!!!!

Specification...What is a line? - Mango - 07-09-2003

To clairify...if I use TYPE/END TYPE, it is illegal to have line numbers for any of it but the TYPE statement. For example,
1 TYPE j
is legal, but
1 TYPE j
is illegal...therefore, can the whole type statement be counted as one line? Also, am I correct in assuming that sticking lines together with colons doesn't count?

Serious challenge: Graphics demo within 25 LINES OR FEWER! - oracle - 07-09-2003

I think people just use the line numbers to make counting easier... and no, you cannot colon-join. (I know this is not my challenge, but it's common sense).

25-line graphics demo... - Mango - 07-09-2003

'This is my starfield entry hacked down to 25 lines
'It needs a pretty fast computer...looks OK on my 1.5 GHz
'JKC 2003

1 TYPE star
6 DIM astar(0 TO 300) AS star
7 DIM oldstar(0 TO 300) AS star
8 FOR i = 0 TO 300
9  astar(i).x = RND * 640
10  astar(i).y = RND * 480
11  astar(i).z = RND * 300
12 NEXT i
13 SCREEN 11
14 DO
15 FOR i = 0 TO 300
16   IF astar(i).z < 1 THEN astar(i).z = 300 ELSE astar(i).z = astar(i).z - 1
17   FOR p% = 0 TO oldstar(i).z
18     CIRCLE (oldstar(i).x, oldstar(i).y), p%, 0
19     IF astar(i).z <> 300 THEN CIRCLE (INT(2 * astar(i).z + astar(i).x / (1 + astar(i).z / 30)), INT(astar(i).z + astar(i).y / (1 + astar(i).z / 30))), p%
20   NEXT p%
21   oldstar(i).x = INT(2 * astar(i).z + astar(i).x / (1 + astar(i).z / 30))
22   oldstar(i).y = INT(astar(i).z + astar(i).y / (1 + astar(i).z / 30))
23   oldstar(i).z = 5 / (1 + astar(i).z / 20)
24 NEXT i

sorry for regurgit :barf: ting some code I wrote for another challenge

Serious challenge: Graphics demo within 25 LINES OR FEWER! - Sterling Christensen - 07-09-2003

23 lines, longest is 208 characters. It's probably not as impressive as some of the others.

No use of colons, but I hope the DEF FN doesn't count as a function, which the rules disallow.

DEF fnFormula (a)
  IF a < 64 * 3 AND (a MOD 3) <> 0 THEN b = ABS(FIX(63.5 - a \ 3)) * (ABS(FIX(ABS(FIX(63.5 - a \ 3)) - 31.5)) / 31) * ((b / 63) + (1 - b / 63) * (-(a < 32 * 3 OR a >= 96 * 3))) ELSE b = ABS(FIX(63.5 - a \ 3))
  IF a >= 64 * 3 AND (a MOD 3) <> 2 THEN b = ABS(FIX(63.5 - a \ 3)) * (ABS(FIX(ABS(FIX(63.5 - a \ 3)) - 31.5)) / 31) * ((b / 63) + (1 - b / 63) * (-(a < 32 * 3 OR a >= 96 * 3)))
  fnFormula = b
FOR y = 0 TO 191
  FOR x = 0 TO 319
    PSET (x, y), ((x XOR y) AND 127) + 1
  NEXT x
  o = (o + 1) AND 127
  WAIT &H3DA, 8
  OUT 968, 1
  FOR a = o * 3 TO 127 * 3 + 2
    OUT 969, fnFormula(a)
  NEXT a
  FOR a = 0 * 3 TO o * 3 - 1
    OUT 969, fnFormula(a)
  NEXT a

I know those formulas need to simplified, but I'm too lazy. Setting the palette first, and then just rotating it would be faster, but this was the only way I could think of the get it under 25.

It was so fast on my computer that I had to put in a vertical retrace delay, but it'll probably crawl on a comp much slower than mine (I'm on a 1.6 ghz), removing the "WAIT &H3DA, 8" line and compiling it should help.

EDIT: just looked at relsoft's entries. You rock, relsoft! Those are incredible.