Text mode screen 0 revisited.... - Printable Version

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Text mode screen 0 revisited.... - na_th_an - 08-11-2003

Quote:in my experience i've only been able to use the DAC registers with the first 5 colors in screen zeros. The color palette goes up to 31, but 16-31 is simple 0-15 blinking.

Could I have an example/demo of how you get the other 64?

Follow and read the FAQ entry. Your problem is 'cause colour 6 is mapped to 20. If you do

FOR i%=0 to 15: PALETTE i%,i%: NEXT

before playing with DACs, you won't have any problems (check the example in the FAQ).

Text mode screen 0 revisited.... - toonski84 - 08-11-2003

Anybody for full motion video? (in glorious ega dithervision!)


yeah, i broke the "no external files" rule about 138 times but it was a fun way to test out my rgb tables.

Text mode screen 0 revisited.... - na_th_an - 08-11-2003

That was pretty neat. I did something similar, but in ascii. It breaks rel's rules as well, but only once Tongue


(and ... have anyone checked "nadya"?)

Text mode screen 0 revisited.... - Ninkazu - 08-11-2003

Rel, inspired by......... http://www.tAAt.fi/tmdc/


Text mode screen 0 revisited.... - oracle - 08-12-2003

For... for QBNZ? For me??? I... I don't know what to say... :lol: I'll take them, but I won't make one (as usual :rollSmile

Text mode screen 0 revisited.... - relsoft - 08-12-2003

Quote:Rel, inspired by......... http://www.tAAt.fi/tmdc/


Yeah, toonski gave me a link while talking at leah. ;*)

Text mode screen 0 revisited.... - Nexinarus - 08-12-2003

haha cool stuff there toonski.. 10secs of matrix in text mode ish movie hehe.

And nice text mode game there nathan Smile Very funny.

Text mode screen 0 revisited.... - BinarySHOCK - 08-27-2003

Textmode rotozoomer, ya it's prolly a lil late but owell....
i forced myself to do it in 25 lines aswell Tongue

1  FOR I% = 0 TO 7
2       PALETTE I%, I%
3       OUT 968, I%
4       OUT 969, I% * 4
5       OUT 969, I% * 4
6       OUT 969, 0

7       PALETTE I% + 8, I% + 8
8       OUT 968, I% + 8
9       OUT 969, (8 - I%) * 4
10      OUT 969, (8 - I%) * 4
11      OUT 969, 0

13 DEF SEG = &HB800
14 Ang! = Ang! + .01             '<--- adjust this for speed of rotozoomer

15 Ss% = COS(Ang!) * 128 * SIN(Ang!)
16 Cs% = SIN(Ang!) * 128 * SIN(Ang!)

17 FOR Ix% = 0 TO 79
18      FOR Iy% = 0 TO 24

19           Ys = (Iy% * Cs% + Ix% * Ss%) * 1.5
20           Xs = (Iy% * Ss% - Ix% * Cs%) * 1.5
21           POKE Ix% * 2 + Iy% * 160, (((Iy% + Ix%) + L&) AND 7) + 199
22           POKE (Ix% * 2 + Iy% * 160) + 1, (((Ys XOR Xs)) \ 256) AND 15

23      NEXT Iy%, Ix%
24 L& = (L& + 1) AND 32767       '<--- adjust this for speed of BG

25 IF LEN(INKEY$) = 0 THEN 14

Text mode screen 0 revisited.... - relsoft - 08-27-2003


Anyone else?

Text mode screen 0 revisited.... - barok - 08-27-2003

wow... :o i never about doing things like that in text mode (most likely because i can't! :lol: ) My favourite is rel's floormapping plasma, but binaryshock's rotozoomer isn't far behind... personally, i think rel's plasma and binaryshock's rotozoomer is better than most graphics ones.

unfortunately, my math skills are not quite up to par. i can give you one: one i found on the net a while back. remember, it's not mine. i just thought you guys would like to look at it. not quite as nice to look at as the rotozoomer or plasma though. oh, btw, don't exe it. it runs much too fast exe'd!!!

' rayasci1.bas version 1.01 by dieter marfurt
' version with &hffff& -multiplyer , poke-instead of line
' ,"peek-division" used to determine wall-height,
' and height-table.
' Just for fun:  USES 80*50 TEXTMODE!!!
' this one is pretty fast but hard to read...

'use the numeric keys to navigate.
'you might replace the keyboardhandler - it really sucks now if not compiled

DIM a$(50)
FOR i% = 0 TO 50
a$(i%) = STRING$(80, CHR$(178))

SCREEN 0: WIDTH 80, 50
DIM Grid%(13, 13)
DIM xxyyt&(500) ' divider-table
FOR i% = 0 TO 500
xxyyt&(i%) = &HFFFF& + 1
xxyyt&(i%) = xxyyt&(i%) * i%

DIM hht%(1200)' height-table
FOR i% = 1 TO 1200      '-9000  80*
hht%(i%) = ((-3000& + (64& * (hh% + 150))) \ i%)' AND &HEFFF

REDIM SHARED STable!(-192 TO 1992), CTable!(-192 TO 1992)
REDIM SHARED iSTable%(-192 TO 1992), iCTable%(-192 TO 1992)
PX& = 150000: PY& = 150000 ' start position
' init fast peek-division
XX& = 0: YY& = 0: txx2& = 0: tyy2& = 0
xxseg% = VARSEG(XX&)
yyseg% = VARSEG(YY&)
xxptr% = VARPTR(XX&) + 2
yyptr% = VARPTR(YY&) + 2

Stride2% = 3
Heading% = 980
Turn% = 30

FOR Y% = 1 TO 12
  FOR X% = 1 TO 12
    READ Grid%(X%, Y%)

Factor! = (ATN(1) * 8) / 1800
FOR a% = 0 TO 1799
  Angle! = CSNG(a%) * Factor!
  STable!(a%) = SIN(Angle!) * .1
  CTable!(a%) = COS(Angle!) * .1
FOR a% = 1800 TO 1800 + 192
  STable!(a%) = STable!(a% - 1800)
  CTable!(a%) = CTable!(a% - 1800)
FOR a% = 0 TO -192 STEP -1
  STable!(a%) = STable!(a% + 1800)
  CTable!(a%) = CTable!(a% + 1800)
FOR a% = -192 TO 1992
  iSTable%(a%) = STable!(a%) * &HFFFF&
  iCTable%(a%) = CTable!(a%) * &HFFFF&
REDIM SHARED STable!(0), CTable!(0)

DO '..........   Main loop !!!!
z% = z% + 1
IF z% >= 100 THEN
  z% = 0
  t2# = 101 / (TIMER - t#)
  t# = TIMER
aa% = INP(&H60)
a$ = INKEY$
IF aa% <> 0 THEN
  IF aa% = 75 THEN                    'turn left
    Heading% = (Heading% + Turn%) MOD 1800
  IF aa% = 77 THEN                    'turn right
    Heading% = (Heading% + (1800 - Turn%)) MOD 1800
  IF aa% = 72 THEN                    'walk forward
    NewPX& = PX& - (iSTable%(Heading%) * Stride2%)
    NewPY& = PY& - (iCTable%(Heading%) * Stride2%)
    IF Grid%(NewPX& \ &HFFFF&, NewPY& \ &HFFFF&) = 0 THEN
      PX& = NewPX&: PY& = NewPY&
    ELSE 'tried to walk through a wall
      SOUND 80, 1
    END IF
  IF aa% = 80 THEN                    'walk back
    NewPX& = PX& + (iSTable%(Heading%) * Stride2%)
    NewPY& = PY& + (iCTable%(Heading%) * Stride2%)
    IF Grid%(NewPX& \ &HFFFF&, NewPY& \ &HFFFF&) = 0 THEN
      PX& = NewPX&: PY& = NewPY&
    ELSE 'tried to walk through a wall
      SOUND 80, 1
    END IF
GOSUB ComputeView
  LOCATE 50, 20
  PRINT "FPS: "; INT(t2#); " ";
LOOP UNTIL aa% = 1 'a$ = CHR$(27)
END '.. ......eo mainloop

x1% = 0
FOR i% = 0 TO 49
a$(i%) = STRING$(80, "²")
FOR a% = Heading% + 160 TO Heading% - 159 STEP -4
  XX& = PX&: YY& = PY&
  L% = 0
   stepx% = iSTable%(a%) \ 5: stepy% = iCTable%(a%) \ 5
  DO   'raycaster
    XX& = XX& - stepx%: YY& = YY& - stepy%
     L% = L% + 2
     xg% = PEEK(xxptr%)
     yg% = PEEK(yyptr%)
     k% = Grid%(xg%, yg%)
     DD% = hht%(L%)
     ddasc% = DD% \ 3
     IF ddasc% > 23 THEN ddasc% = 23
     flasc% = 25 + ddasc%
     rasc% = 24 - ddasc%
     FOR i% = rasc% TO flasc%
      MID$(a$(i%), x1% + 1, 1) = CHR$(32 + k%)
     NEXT i%
     x1% = x1% + 1
FOR i% = 1 TO 48
PRINT a$(i%);

' Level data for Grid%(,)
DATA  9,  1,  9,  1,  9,  1,  9,  1,  9,  1,  9,  1
DATA  1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  4,  0,  9
DATA  9,  0,  2, 10,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, 12,  0,  1
DATA  1,  0, 10,  2,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  4,  0,  9
DATA  9,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, 12,  0,  1
DATA  1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  7,  7,  0,  0,  0,  0,  9
DATA  9,  0,  0,  0,  0,  7,  7,  0,  0,  0,  0,  1
DATA  1,  0, 13,  0,  0,  0,  0,  8,  0, 12,  0,  9
DATA  9,  0,  5,  0,  0,  0,  0,  7,  0,  4,  0,  1
DATA  1,  0, 13,  0,  0,  0,  0,  8,  0, 12,  0,  9
DATA  9,  0,  5,  0,  0,  0,  0,  7,  0,  4,  0,  1
DATA  1,  9,  1,  9,  1,  9,  1,  9,  1,  9,  1,  9