Combinatorics Algorithm - Printable Version

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Combinatorics Algorithm - Agamemnus - 12-21-2003

Make an algorithm that, given a bunch of (n) random INTEGERs and two inputted (sp??) LONGs, where the sum of the LONGs equals the sum of the integers,

finds the combination of INTEGERs for each LONG that most closely approximate (or exactly equal) the LONG's individual values.


INTEGERS: 5 4 2 3 = 14
LONGs: 6 8

4 2, 5 3

Most efficient (or, the one that actually works, if there is only one that works..) algorithm wins...

challenge specifics: - Meg - 12-22-2003

let's say the two longs = 10, 8
and the integers are 7, 2, and 9

both sets sum 18

would you want the program to say "7+2, 9" or "9+2, 7"? Both return answers (9, 9) or (11, 7) that are one away from correct.



p.s. cool challenge Wink

Combinatorics Algorithm - Agamemnus - 12-22-2003

heh. Good question.

Just any equivalent answer will do.

You could just display all equivalent answers. That would be even cooler.

Combinatorics Algorithm - Agamemnus - 12-29-2003

*swats the flies and gets rid of the giant dust balls*

Combinatorics Algorithm - Rhiannon - 12-29-2003

Quote:*swats the flies and gets rid of the giant dust balls*

Need some help there? I've got a vacuum Wink

Combinatorics Algorithm - Neo - 12-29-2003

Aga, I had such a question on a programming tournament (olympiad) once, and the answer is just like:

      give highest number from the stack
   loop all groups
      give lowest number from the stack
   loop all groups
loop all available 'stack-numbers'

I got many points on that question Wink

Combinatorics Algorithm - Agamemnus - 12-31-2003

I don't get it.

Combinatorics Algorithm - Neo - 12-31-2003

First you divide all highest numbers to all groups, then you divide all lowest numbers to each group. That should give a good answer. This is a global algorithm, there could be better answers, but take a look:

LONGs: 8, 6
INTs: 5, 4, 3, 2

My algo: 5 + 2 = 7 and 4 + 3 = 7
One-of-a-time algo: 5 + 3 = 8, 4 + 2 = 6

But take a look: average of my algo is 7, the one of a time algo is 7 as well. Smile

Combinatorics Algorithm - Agamemnus - 12-31-2003

How would it work with this:

100 500
200 100 195 15


Combinatorics Algorithm - SCM - 01-02-2004

This is my shot at it. It's probably not optimized, but it seems to work. My strategy is to only try to fit the smaller of the two longs, and I start with the biggest integers first.

If you want to try it with your own numbers, call GroupAddends with the longs in SUM(), the integers in Choices() (starting with Choices(1)), and the number of integers in n. The output is in Groups(), with the number of integers for the jth long in Groups(j, 0), and the integers starting from Groups(j, 1).


DECLARE SUB Sort (Array%(), n%)
DECLARE SUB GroupAddends (Sum() AS LONG, Choices%(), n%, Groups%(), Errr%)
DECLARE SUB FindAddends (Chcs%(), n%, BYVAL Total AS LONG, Sum AS LONG, Addends%(), Errr%)


n = 14
DIM Choices(n), Groups(1, n)


'------------- Generate & Display Numbers -----------------
Adds0 = INT(RND * (n - 1) + 1)

FOR j = 1 TO n
  Choices(j) = INT(RND * 1000 + .5)
  PRINT Choices(j);
  IF j <= Adds0 THEN
    Sum(0) = Sum(0) + Choices(j)
    IF j < Adds0 THEN
      PRINT "+";
      PRINT "="; Sum(0)
    END IF
    Sum(1) = Sum(1) + Choices(j)
    IF j < n THEN
      PRINT "+";
      PRINT "="; Sum(1)
    END IF
'------------ End of Genrate & Display Numbers ------------

GroupAddends Sum(), Choices(), n, Groups(), Errr

'-------------------  Display Results  --------------------
FOR i = 0 TO 1
  Total = 0
  FOR j = 1 TO Groups(i, 0) - 1
    Total = Total + Groups(i, j)
    PRINT Groups(i, j); "+";
  Total = Total + Groups(i, j)
  PRINT Groups(i, j); "="; Total
PRINT "Error ="; Errr
'-------------------- End of Display results --------------

SUB FindAddends (Chcs(), n, BYVAL Total AS LONG, Sum AS LONG, Addends(), Errr)
  DIM Adds(n)
  Errr = 10000
  j = n
    IF Total <= Sum THEN
      IF Sum - Total < Errr THEN
        Errr = Sum - Total
        Addends(0) = j
        FOR i = 1 TO j
          Addends(i) = Chcs(i)
      END IF
      EXIT SUB
      Total = Total - Chcs(j)
      IF Chcs(j) < Sum THEN
        FindAddends Chcs(), j - 1, Total, Sum - Chcs(j), Adds(), NewEr
        IF Sum - Chcs(j) < NewEr THEN
          IF Sum - Chcs(j) < Errr THEN
            Addends(0) = 1
            Addends(1) = Chcs(j)
            Errr = Sum - Chcs(j)
          END IF
        ELSEIF NewEr < Errr THEN
          Errr = NewEr
          Addends(0) = Adds(0) + 1
          FOR i = 1 TO Adds(0)
            Addends(i) = Adds(i)
          Addends(Addends(0)) = Chcs(j)
          IF NewEr = 0 THEN EXIT SUB
        END IF
        IF Chcs(j) - Sum < Errr THEN
          Errr = Chcs(j) - Sum
          Addends(0) = 1
          Addends(1) = Chcs(j)
        END IF
        IF Chcs(j) = Sum THEN EXIT SUB
      END IF
    END IF
    j = j - 1
  LOOP WHILE j > 0

SUB GroupAddends (Sum() AS LONG, Choices(), n, Groups(), Errr)
  DIM Addends(n), Total AS LONG
  Sort Choices(), n
  Smaller = -(Sum(1) < Sum(0))
  Total = Sum(0) + Sum(1)
  FindAddends Choices(), n, Total, Sum(Smaller), Addends(), Errr

  CIndex = 1
  GIndex = 0

  Groups(Smaller, 0) = Addends(0)
  Groups(1 - Smaller, 0) = n - Addends(0)

  FOR j = 1 TO Addends(0)
    WHILE Addends(j) > Choices(CIndex)
      GIndex = GIndex + 1
      Groups(1 - Smaller, GIndex) = Choices(CIndex)
      CIndex = CIndex + 1
    Groups(Smaller, j) = Addends(j)
    CIndex = CIndex + 1

  IF CIndex <= n THEN
    FOR j = CIndex TO n
      GIndex = GIndex + 1
      Groups(1 - Smaller, GIndex) = Choices(j)

SUB Sort (Array(), n)
    Changes = 0
    FOR j = 0 TO n - 1
      IF Array(j) > Array(j + 1) THEN
        SWAP Array(j), Array(j + 1)
        Changes = Changes + 1
      END IF
  LOOP WHILE Changes > 0