QBasic to Visual Basic? - Printable Version

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QBasic to Visual Basic? - clairvoyant - 03-01-2003

OK -- this is a potentially sensitive question for a QBasic forum, but here goes...

I'm quite happy with QBasic, but I've been asked to translate some of my programs to Visual Basic so they can run directly under Windows. I played around with Visual Basic, but don't know it nearly as well as QBasic.

Are there any "translator programs" that can help me do this -- or would I be stuck doing "cut and paste" (not to mention complete restructing) myself? Or other ideas?

Many thanks.

QBasic to Visual Basic? - toonski84 - 03-02-2003

no. windows is completely different from dos, and not enough to automatically convert your stuff. you're just going to have to port the program to visual basic, which shouldnt take a horribly long time if you know the source well.

QBasic to Visual Basic? - na_th_an - 03-02-2003

to quote myself, from a *very* similar thread:

Quote:There should be some kind of statement writen in the sky that read: "Although QB and VB 's second letter means "Basic", you can't user your DOS code in Windows".

If you *really* need to reuse your code, you could look for those API calls which allows you to write Console programs in VB. It is not very hard, and it is explained here: http://nirsoft.tripod.com/vb/console.html