Clearing the Keyboard Buffer Quickly - Printable Version

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Clearing the Keyboard Buffer Quickly - Aaron - 03-18-2004

I already posted this in the thread for my project, but I figured I would post it here as well in the hope of getting help from people who aren't reading my thread on the projects board.

Anyway, here's my problem:

For part of my game, I am having the player hit a key that corresponds to a certain sprite. The sprites are of the 4 directional arrows but that is largely irrelevant. Anyway, I have several of the arrows lined up, and after a given delay (~1/5 sec) the next one in the que starts moving across the screen. The player has to hit the key representing that sprite before it reaches a limit.

The problem is, after the key is pressed for one arrow, the keyboard buffer isn't cleared quickly enough and the computer thinks the key is still pressed (even when its not) and registers an incorrect key press.

I'm using RelLib's key handler and I've tried dumping the keyboard buffer by replacing the header with the tail (Poke &H1A, Peek (&H1C)), but it doesn't seem to work, I still get the problem.

Any Suggestions?

Clearing the Keyboard Buffer Quickly - relsoft - 03-18-2004

Code? I haven't encountered or any Relkey user of that sort of prob. :*(

Clearing the Keyboard Buffer Quickly - Aaron - 03-18-2004

Sorry, its long and uncommented; I just started using RelKey with this sub recently, and I'm sure you could suggest better implementation...

SUB darkonsub
'darkon(x,0) = type of arrow
'darkon(x,1) = x-position of that arrow
'darkon(x,2) = usage of that arrow
'              -0 = not in use
'              -1 = inuse
'              -2 = moving
'              -3 = user pressed wrong key

DIM keyp%(5)

darkondata.maxhit = 0
darkondata.hitinarow = 0
'----finds first and last arrows
first% = 0
last% = 0
FOR i% = 0 TO darkondata.numberofarrows - 1
   IF darkon(i%, 2) = 0 AND i% > 0 THEN
     IF darkon(i% - 1, 2) = 1 THEN last% = i%
   ELSE last% = i%
IF last% = 0 THEN GOTO quitdarkonsub
darkon(first%, 2) = 2
darkondata.timeoflast = TIMER

   'dumb$ = INKEY$
   'keyp$ = INKEY$
   'IF keyp$ <> "" THEN press% = ASC(keyp$)
   '----Gets Input----
     DEF SEG = &H40
     POKE &H1A, PEEK(&H1C)
     POKE &H1A, PEEK(&H1C)
     DEF SEG
     IF RelKey%(72) THEN keyp%(1) = 1  'up
     IF RelKey%(80) THEN keyp%(2) = 1  'down
     IF RelKey%(75) THEN keyp%(3) = 1  'left
     IF RelKey%(77) THEN keyp%(4) = 1  'right
     IF RelKey%(1) THEN GOTO quitdarkonsub   'esc

   'DO: LOOP WHILE darkondata.waiter + 250 > CLOCK&
   'darkondata.waiter = CLOCK&

   '----turns on next moving arrow
   IF darkondata.timeoflast + darkondata.rate < TIMER THEN
     darkondata.timeoflast = TIMER
     FOR i% = 0 TO last%
        IF darkon(i%, 2) = 1 THEN
          darkon(i%, 2) = 2
          darkon(i%, 1) = darkondata.startlimit + 1
          FOR j% = i% + 1 TO last%
            darkon(j%, 1) = darkondata.startlimit + 13 + (j% - i%) * 12
          NEXT j%
          i% = last%
        END IF
     NEXT i%

   '----checks arrows to see if they have been hit or if they have passed the end limit
   FOR i% = 0 TO darkondata.numberofarrows - 1
     IF darkon(i%, 2) = 2 OR darkon(i%, 2) = 3 THEN
        darkon(i%, 1) = darkon(i%, 1) - darkondata.speed
        IF darkon(i%, 1) <= darkondata.endlimit AND darkon(i%, 2) = 2 THEN
          darkon(i%, 2) = 3
          darkondata.endlimit = darkondata.endlimit + 12
          IF darkondata.hitinarow > darkondata.maxhit THEN darkondata.maxhit = darkondata.hitinarow
          darkondata.hitinarow = 0
          first% = first% + 1
          GOTO skippage
        END IF
        IF darkon(i%, 1) <= 0 THEN darkon(i%, 2) = 0
     END IF
   NEXT i%
   FOR j% = 1 TO 4
     'IF keyp%(j%) <> 0 AND darkon(first%, 2) = 2 AND darkondata.waiter + 750 < CLOCK& THEN    'see if key has been pressed
     IF keyp%(j%) <> 0 AND darkon(first%, 2) = 2 THEN    'see if key has been pressed
        darkondata.waiter = CLOCK&
        IF j% <> darkon(first%, 0) THEN    'wrong arrow pressed
          darkon(first%, 2) = 3
          darkondata.endlimit = darkondata.endlimit + 12
          IF darkondata.hitinarow > darkondata.maxhit THEN darkondata.maxhit = darkondata.hitinarow
          darkondata.hitinarow = 0
          first% = first% + 1
          GOTO skippage
        END IF
        IF j% = darkon(first%, 0) THEN     'correct arrow pressed
          darkon(first%, 2) = 0
          darkondata.hitinarow = darkondata.hitinarow + 1
          first% = first% + 1
          GOTO skippage
        END IF
     END IF
   NEXT j%

   FOR j% = 0 TO 4
     keyp%(j%) = 0
   NEXT j%
   FOR i% = 0 TO last%
     IF darkon(i%, 2) = 1 OR darkon(i%, 2) = 2 THEN   'moving or waiting arrow
        RelSprite pageseg%, darkon(i%, 1), SCY% + 3, VARSEG(arrowgraphics%(0)), VARPTR(arrowgraphics%(arrowcnt(darkon(i%, 0))))
     END IF
     IF darkon(i%, 2) = 3 THEN                   'stuff for x and arrow
        RelSprite pageseg%, darkon(i%, 1), SCY% + 3, VARSEG(arrowgraphics%(0)), VARPTR(arrowgraphics%(arrowcnt(darkon(i%, 0))))
        RelSprite pageseg%, darkon(i%, 1), SCY% + 3, VARSEG(arrowgraphics%(0)), VARPTR(arrowgraphics%(arrowcnt(0)))
     END IF
   NEXT i%
   LINE (darkondata.startlimit, SCY% + 2)-(darkondata.startlimit, 199), 48
   LINE (darkondata.endlimit, SCY% + 2)-(darkondata.endlimit, 199), 4

   WAIT &H3DA, 8
   WAIT &H3DA, 8, 8
   RelPCopy &HA000, pageseg%
   LINE (0, SCY% + 2)-(319, 199), 0, BF
   IF first% = last% AND darkon(last%, 2) <> 2 THEN GOTO sumpoints

sumpoints:          'tally points
LINE (0, SCY% + 2)-(319, 199), 0, BF
LINE (darkondata.startlimit, SCY% + 2)-(darkondata.startlimit, 199), 48
LINE (darkondata.endlimit, SCY% + 2)-(darkondata.endlimit, 199), 4
player1.life = player1.life + 5 * darkondata.maxhit

quitdarkonsub:      'return to main game
FOR i% = 0 TO darkondata.numberofarrows - 1
   darkon(i%, 2) = 0
FOR i% = 0 TO numberofshots% - 1
   IF shots(i%).who = 2 THEN shots(i%).inuse = 0

Clearing the Keyboard Buffer Quickly - relsoft - 03-18-2004

Try erasing this:

DEF SEG = &H40

Though it does not matter really. :*)

And putting



'game stuff here including calls to RelKey




Clearing the Keyboard Buffer Quickly - TheBigBasicQ - 03-18-2004

This clears the keyboard buffer =).
DEF SEG = &H40

Clearing the Keyboard Buffer Quickly - KiZ - 03-18-2004

Does this not do the same job?
dmy$ = INKEY$

Clearing the Keyboard Buffer Quickly - Aaron - 03-18-2004

dark_prevail-I can't do that because I'm using RelKey

TheBigBasicQ-I'm already doing that

Rel-I have already turned RelKey on outside the sub, should I turn it on a second time? I don't want to turn it off at the end of my sub because then it won't be available for my main game loop.

All that aside, I am probably going to be changing the way this works and incoporating it into the main game engine, so it won't matter too much then.

Edit: No worries, I figured it out; the problem was in the implementation of RelKey, not in RelKey itself.

Clearing the Keyboard Buffer Quickly - relsoft - 03-19-2004


Clearing the Keyboard Buffer Quickly - barok - 03-21-2004

Aaron: yes, it will work. when you assign a key with inkey$, it will clear the keyboard buffer.