freeBASIC (a 32-bit QB-syntax compatible compiler) preview.. - Printable Version

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freeBASIC (a 32-bit QB-syntax compatible compiler) preview.. - KiZ - 11-08-2004

Everything is sounding so amazingly great, just one mini suggestion:

It would be good if you could include an icon when compiling the exe to make them look more like windows exes, now that they are 32bit, in the same way that you can assign an icon into a program in VB.

freeBASIC (a 32-bit QB-syntax compatible compiler) preview.. - Jofers - 11-08-2004

Well, now that it seems that this little program is fleshing out, I might as well inquire:

Has anyone done some speed tests with it? You know, the usual memory handling, calculation, etc suite? It would be nice to have a benchmark with other non-basic compilers, seeing as none of 'em have come close to GCC thus yet.

freeBASIC (a 32-bit QB-syntax compatible compiler) preview.. - v3cz0r - 11-08-2004

It's a 2 months old qb-compatible compiler made by just one person and do you want to compare it with GCC? Nor PowerBASIC that is being hacked in ~10 years can come close to the optimizations done by a modern C compiler.. but yeah, freeBASIC gens better code than FreePascal with complex expressions, for example.. I know you asked about C, screw you :P

If you can fit a horse logo into a 16x16 icon, i'll add them to the Exe's ;)

freeBASIC (a 32-bit QB-syntax compatible compiler) preview.. - ShadowWolf - 11-08-2004

v3cz0r relax once you have this thing open source there will be lots of people slowly improving the code generation after a couple year who knows.

if there any programming community out there that has the insain drive to push somthing to it's limmit's it's the qb community.

freeBASIC (a 32-bit QB-syntax compatible compiler) preview.. - relsoft - 11-08-2004

Hahaha!! I just tried to do C convention pointer last night. LOL

I know what's wrong now.


p = p + 1

p = p + len(type)

Or would this work?

inc = len(type)
p = p + i

How about structures?

p = p + len(typename) ?

BTW, Made a tinyPTC wrapper last night. More like a Rellib using TinyPTC.

And since you're not on the badlogic channel:

T! = frame
x = Cos(t! *. 6)

Subscript out of range.

Line(H,V, diag)

all works now. Will optimize using pointers later tonight.

Joe: Speed wise, on a non-scaled window, 20(prolly more) 64 * 64 on full speed on my comp( 233 cyrix)

freeBASIC (a 32-bit QB-syntax compatible compiler) preview.. - v3cz0r - 11-08-2004

Hey, nice.. i could use that as a QB gfx implementation by now.. LINE, PSET and stuff.

Yeah, there's no pointer arithmetics, you must do by hand: p = p + len( integer ) for example.

Btw, here's an app with the fb icon: http://freebasic.bad-logic.com/downloads/ptc_test-fbicon.zip (horse didn't look that bad :P)

freeBASIC (a 32-bit QB-syntax compatible compiler) preview.. - relsoft - 11-08-2004

v1c: Get your arse at badlogic(efnet) now. wanna talk something. Not much time, I'm on a luchbreak. :*)

Really not much yet as I was watching Irobot when I made this:
(I'll convert this using pointer notation later)
Autoclipping already supported.

'//TinyPTC relGFX style
'//Relsoft 2004
'//v3cz0r is da man!
defint a-z
'$include: 'tinyptc.bi'

declare sub cls(byref buffer())
declare sub put_pixel(byref buffer(), byval x as integer, byval y as integer, byval col as integer)
declare sub draw_line(byref buffer(), byval x as integer, byval y as integer, byval x2 as integer, byval y2 as integer, byval col as integer)
declare sub draw_line_h ( byref buffer(), byval x1 as integer, byval y as integer, byval x2 as integer, byval col as integer)
declare sub draw_line_v ( byref buffer(), byval x as integer, byval y1 as integer, byval y2 as integer, byval col as integer)
declare sub draw_rect_fill(byref buffer(), byval x1 as integer, byval y1 as integer, byval x2 as integer, byval y2 as integer, byval col as integer)
declare sub draw_rect(byref buffer(), byval x1 as integer, byval y1 as integer, byval x2 as integer, byval y2 as integer, byval col as integer)
declare sub put_solid (byref buffer(), byval x as integer, byval y as integer, byref sprite())
declare sub put (byref buffer(), byval x as integer, byval y as integer, byref sprite())
declare sub get_sprite( byref buffer() as integer, byval x1 as integer, byval y1 as integer _
                        , byval x2 as integer, byval y2 as integer, byref sprite() as integer)
declare function size_of_image(byval x1 as integer, byval y1 as integer, byval x2 as integer _
                               , byval y2 as integer)

option explicit

const SCR_WIDTH = 320
const SCR_HEIGHT = 240

const PI = 3.141593

const SPR_WID = 64
const SPR_HEI = 64

    dim shared buffer( 0 to SCR_SIZE-1 ) as integer
    dim shared Lcos(0 to 359) as single
    dim shared Lsin(0 to 359) as single
    'dim shared sprite(0 to (SPR_SIZE - 1) + 2) as integer
    redim shared sprite(0 to size_of_image(0,0,SPR_WID - 1, SPR_HEI -1)) as integer

    dim frame as long
    dim col as integer
    dim i as integer
    dim j as integer
    dim offs as long
    dim rot as integer
    dim counter as long
    dim pixel as integer
    dim xptr as long ptr
    dim x as integer
    dim y as integer
    dim x1 as integer
    dim y1 as integer
    dim x2 as integer
    dim y2 as integer
    dim t as single
    dim angle as integer

    dim r as integer
    dim g as integer
    dim b as integer

    if( ptc_open( "freeBASIC v0.01 - RelGFX win demo(Relsoft)", SCR_WIDTH, SCR_HEIGHT ) = 0 ) then
        end -1
    end if

    for i = 0 to 359
        Lcos(i) = cos ( i * PI /180)
        Lsin(i) = sin ( i * PI /180)
    next i

    sprite(0) = SPR_WID
    sprite(1) = SPR_HEI

    for y = 0 to SPR_HEI -1
        for x = 0 to SPR_WID -1
            r = abs(INT(128 - 127 * SIN(x * PI / 16)))
            g = abs(INT(128 - 127 * SIN(y * PI / 32)))
            b = abs(INT(128 - 127 * SIN((x+y) * PI / 16)))
            put_pixel buffer, x, y , r shl 16 or  g shl 8 or b
        next x
    next y
    get_sprite buffer(), 0, 0, SPR_WID -1, SPR_HEI -1, sprite()
    counter = 0
    frame = 0
    angle = 0
      frame = (frame + 1) and &h7fffffff
        angle = (angle + 1) mod 360
        x = (Lcos(angle) * (SCR_WIDTH  \ 2 ) )
        y = (Lsin(angle) * (SCR_HEIGHT \ 2 ) )

        cls buffer()
        put buffer(), x+ ((SCR_WIDTH  \ 2) - 32), y+ ((SCR_HEIGHT \ 2) - 32), sprite()
        put buffer(), -x+ ((SCR_WIDTH  \ 2) - 32), y+ ((SCR_HEIGHT \ 2) - 32), sprite()
        put buffer(), x+ ((SCR_WIDTH  \ 2) - 32), -y+ ((SCR_HEIGHT \ 2) - 32), sprite()
        put buffer(), -x+ ((SCR_WIDTH  \ 2) - 32), -y+ ((SCR_HEIGHT \ 2) - 32), sprite()
        ptc_update varptr( buffer(0) )



private sub put_pixel(byref buffer(), byval x as integer, byval y as integer, byval col as integer)
        buffer(y * SCR_WIDTH + x) = col
end sub

private sub cls(byref buffer())
    dim offset as long
    for offset = 0 to  SCR_SIZE -1
        buffer( offset ) = 0
    next offset
end sub

private sub draw_line(byref buffer(), byval x as integer, byval y as integer, byval x2 as integer, byval y2 as integer, byval col as integer)

dim i as integer
dim slope as integer
dim eterm as integer
dim dx as integer
dim dy as integer
dim sx as integer
dim sy as integer
dim notclip as integer
dim temp as integer

const scrxmax = SCR_WIDTH  - 1
const scrymax = SCR_HEIGHT - 1

I = 0
Slope = 0
Eterm = 0

IF (X2 - X) > 0 THEN
     SX = 1
     SX = -1
Dx = ABS(X2 - X)

IF (Y2 - Y) > 0 THEN
     SY = 1
     SY = -1
Dy = ABS(Y2 - Y)

IF (Dy > Dx) THEN
        Slope = 1
        temp = x
        x = y
        y = temp

        temp = dx
        dx = dy
        dy = temp

        temp = sx
        sx = sy
        sy = temp

Eterm = 2 * Dy - Dx

FOR I = 0 TO Dx - 1
   IF Slope = 1 THEN
     NotClip = (((Y < 0) + (X < 0) + (Y > scrxmax) + (X > scrymax)) = 0)
     IF NotClip THEN  buffer(x * SCR_WIDTH + y ) = col
     NotClip = (((X < 0) + (Y < 0) + (X > scrxmax) + (Y > scrymax)) = 0)
     IF NotClip THEN buffer(Y * SCR_WIDTH + X ) = col

   WHILE Eterm >= 0
      Y = Y + SY: Eterm = Eterm - 2 * Dx
   X = X + SX: Eterm = Eterm + 2 * Dy
     NotClip = (((X2 < 0) + (Y2 < 0) + (X2 > scrxmax) + (Y2 > scrymax)) = 0)
     IF NotClip THEN buffer(Y2 * SCR_WIDTH + X2 ) = col

end sub

private sub draw_line_h ( byref buffer(), byval x1 as integer, byval y as integer, byval x2 as integer, byval col as integer)

    const SCR_X_MAX = SCR_WIDTH - 1
    const SCR_Y_MAX = SCR_HEIGHT - 1

    dim wid as integer
    dim offset as long
    dim counter as integer
    dim temp as integer

    if (y < 0) or (y > SCR_Y_MAX)  then exit sub

    if (x1 > x2) then
        temp = x1
        x1 = x2
        x2 = temp
    end if

    if x1 > SCR_X_MAX then exit sub

    if x2 < 0 then exit sub

    if x1 < 0 then
        x1 = 0
        if (x2 - x1) < 0 then exit sub
    end if

    if x2 > SCR_X_MAX then
        x2 = SCR_X_MAX
        if (x2 - x1) < 0 then exit sub
    end if

        wid = (x2 - x1) + 1
    if wid <= 0  then exit sub

    offset = y * SCR_WIDTH + x1

    for counter = 0 to  (wid - 1)
        buffer( offset ) = col
        offset = offset + 1
    next counter

end sub

private sub draw_line_v ( byref buffer(), byval x as integer, byval y1 as integer, byval y2 as integer, byval col as integer)

    const SCR_X_MAX = SCR_WIDTH - 1
    const SCR_Y_MAX = SCR_HEIGHT - 1

    dim hite as integer
    dim offset as long
    dim counter as integer
    dim temp as integer

    if (x < 0) or (x > SCR_X_MAX)  then exit sub

    if (y1 > y2) then
        temp = y1
        y1 = y2
        y2 = temp
    end if

    if y1 > SCR_Y_MAX then exit sub

    if y2 < 0 then exit sub

    if y1 < 0 then
        y1 = 0
        if (y2 - y1) < 0 then exit sub
    end if

    if y2 > SCR_Y_MAX then
        y2 = SCR_Y_MAX
        if (y2 - y1) < 0 then exit sub
    end if

        hite = (y2 - y1) + 1
    if hite <= 0  then exit sub

    offset = y1 * SCR_WIDTH + x

    for counter = 0 to  (hite - 1)
        buffer( offset ) = col
        offset = offset + SCR_WIDTH
    next counter

end sub

private sub draw_rect_fill(byref buffer(), byval x1 as integer, byval y1 as integer, byval x2 as integer, byval y2 as integer, byval col as integer)

    const SCR_X_MAX = SCR_WIDTH - 1
    const SCR_Y_MAX = SCR_HEIGHT - 1

    dim hite as integer
    dim wid as integer
    dim offset as long
    dim xcounter as integer
    dim ycounter as integer
    dim temp as integer

       if (x1 > x2) then
        temp = x1
        x1 = x2
        x2 = temp
    end if

    if x1 > SCR_X_MAX then exit sub

    if x2 < 0 then exit sub

    if x1 < 0 then
        x1 = 0
        if (x2 - x1) < 0 then exit sub
    end if

    if x2 > SCR_X_MAX then
        x2 = SCR_X_MAX
        if (x2 - x1) < 0 then exit sub
    end if

        wid = (x2 - x1) + 1
    if wid <= 0  then exit sub

    if (y1 > y2) then
        temp = y1
        y1 = y2
        y2 = temp
    end if

    if y1 > SCR_Y_MAX then exit sub

    if y2 < 0 then exit sub

    if y1 < 0 then
        y1 = 0
        if (y2 - y1) < 0 then exit sub
    end if

    if y2 > SCR_Y_MAX then
        y2 = SCR_Y_MAX
        if (y2 - y1) < 0 then exit sub
    end if

        hite = (y2 - y1) + 1
    if hite <= 0  then exit sub

    offset = y1 * SCR_WIDTH + x1

    for ycounter = 0  to  (hite - 1)
        for xcounter = 0  to  (wid  - 1)
            buffer( offset + xcounter ) = col
           next xcounter
           offset = offset + SCR_WIDTH
    next ycounter

end sub

private sub draw_rect(byref buffer(), byval x1 as integer, byval y1 as integer, byval x2 as integer, byval y2 as integer, byval col as integer)
    draw_line_h buffer(), x1, y1, x2, col
    draw_line_v buffer(), x1, y1, y2, col
    draw_line_h buffer(), x1, y2, x2, col
    draw_line_v buffer(), x2, y1, y2, col
end sub

private function size_of_image(byval x1 as integer, byval y1 as integer, byval x2 as integer, byval y2 as integer)
    dim s as integer
    dim temp as integer
    if x1 > x2 then
        temp = x1
        x1 = x2
        x2 = temp
    end if
    if y1 > y2 then
        temp = y1
        y1 = y2
        y2 = temp
    end if
    s = ((x2 - x1) + 1) * ((y2 - y1) + 1) + 2
    size_of_image = s

end function

private sub put_solid (byref buffer(), byval x as integer, byval y as integer, byref sprite())

    const SCR_X_MAX = SCR_WIDTH - 1
    const SCR_Y_MAX = SCR_HEIGHT - 1

    dim owid as integer
    dim ohei as integer
       dim wid  as integer
    dim hei  as integer
       dim wcounter as integer
    dim hcounter as integer
    dim offset  as long
    dim soffset as long
    dim htemp as integer
    dim wtemp as integer

    if (x > SCR_X_MAX) then exit sub
    if (y > SCR_Y_MAX) then exit sub
    owid = sprite(0)
    ohei = sprite(1)
    wid = owid
    hei = ohei

    soffset = 2

    if y < 0 then
        y = -y
        soffset = soffset + (wid * y)
        hei = hei - y
        if hei <= 0 then exit sub
        y = 0
    end if

    if  (y + hei) > SCR_Y_MAX then
        htemp = (y + hei) - SCR_HEIGHT
        hei = hei - htemp
        if hei <= 0 then exit sub
    end if

    if x < 0 then
        x = -x
        soffset= soffset + x
        wid = wid - x
        if wid <= 0 then exit sub
        x = 0
    end if
    if  (x + wid) > SCR_X_MAX then
        wtemp = (x + wid) - SCR_WIDTH
        wid = wid - wtemp
        if (wid <= 0) then exit sub
    end if

    offset = y * SCR_WIDTH + x

    for hcounter = 0 to (hei - 1)
        for wcounter = 0 to (wid - 1 )
            buffer( offset + wcounter) = sprite(soffset + wcounter)
        next wcounter
        offset = offset + SCR_WIDTH
        soffset = soffset + owid
    next hcounter

end sub

private sub put (byref buffer(), byval x as integer, byval y as integer, byref sprite())

    const SCR_X_MAX = SCR_WIDTH - 1
    const SCR_Y_MAX = SCR_HEIGHT - 1

    dim owid as integer
    dim ohei as integer
       dim wid  as integer
    dim hei  as integer
       dim wcounter as integer
    dim hcounter as integer
    dim offset  as long
    dim soffset as long
    dim htemp as integer
    dim wtemp as integer
    dim pixel as integer

    if (x > SCR_X_MAX) then exit sub
    if (y > SCR_Y_MAX) then exit sub
    owid = sprite(0)
    ohei = sprite(1)
    wid = owid
    hei = ohei

    soffset = 2

    if y < 0 then
        y = -y
        soffset = soffset + (wid * y)
        hei = hei - y
        if hei <= 0 then exit sub
        y = 0
    end if

    if  (y + hei) > SCR_Y_MAX then
        htemp = (y + hei) - SCR_HEIGHT
        hei = hei - htemp
        if hei <= 0 then exit sub
    end if

    if x < 0 then
        x = -x
        soffset= soffset + x
        wid = wid - x
        if wid <= 0 then exit sub
        x = 0
    end if
    if  (x + wid) > SCR_X_MAX then
        wtemp = (x + wid) - SCR_WIDTH
        wid = wid - wtemp
        if (wid <= 0) then exit sub
    end if

    offset = y * SCR_WIDTH + x

    for hcounter = 0 to (hei - 1)
        for wcounter = 0 to (wid - 1 )
            pixel = sprite(soffset + wcounter)
            if pixel <> 0 then buffer( offset + wcounter) = pixel
        next wcounter
        offset = offset + SCR_WIDTH
        soffset = soffset + owid
    next hcounter

end sub

private sub get_sprite( byref buffer() as integer, byval x1 as integer, byval y1 as integer _
                        , byval x2 as integer, byval y2 as integer, byref sprite() as integer)

    const SCR_X_MAX = SCR_WIDTH - 1
    const SCR_Y_MAX = SCR_HEIGHT - 1

    dim hite as integer
    dim wid as integer
    dim offset as long
    dim soffset as long
    dim xcounter as integer
    dim ycounter as integer
    dim temp as integer

       if (x1 > x2) then
        temp = x1
        x1 = x2
        x2 = temp
    end if

    if x1 > SCR_X_MAX then exit sub

    if x2 < 0 then exit sub

    if x1 < 0 then
        x1 = 0
        if (x2 - x1) < 0 then exit sub
    end if

    if x2 > SCR_X_MAX then
        x2 = SCR_X_MAX
        if (x2 - x1) < 0 then exit sub
    end if

    wid = (x2 - x1) + 1
    if wid <= 0  then exit sub

    if (y1 > y2) then
        temp = y1
        y1 = y2
        y2 = temp
    end if

    if y1 > SCR_Y_MAX then exit sub

    if y2 < 0 then exit sub

    if y1 < 0 then
        y1 = 0
        if (y2 - y1) < 0 then exit sub
    end if

    if y2 > SCR_Y_MAX then
        y2 = SCR_Y_MAX
        if (y2 - y1) < 0 then exit sub
    end if

    hite = (y2 - y1) + 1
    if hite <= 0  then exit sub

    sprite(0) = wid
    sprite(1) = hite

    soffset = 2
    offset = y1 * SCR_WIDTH + x1

    for ycounter = 0  to  (hite - 1)
        for xcounter = 0  to  (wid -1)
            sprite( soffset + xcounter )= buffer( offset + xcounter )
           next xcounter
           offset = offset + SCR_WIDTH
           soffset = soffset + wid
    next ycounter

end sub

freeBASIC (a 32-bit QB-syntax compatible compiler) preview.. - v3cz0r - 11-08-2004

Whoa, and some ppl say i code too fast ;)

Runs fine here, i barely can see the sprites moving, heh.. if tinyPTC could run in full-screen..

Btw, just found another bug: if an argument has the same name and type as a shared var, fb is accessing the shared var, not the arg.. will fix that later.. another day, another bug.

(and that cos( T! * . 6 ) thing, problem is that there is a space between the dot and the digit.. as QB can parse that, i added that "feature" too.. you need the new version tho)

freeBASIC (a 32-bit QB-syntax compatible compiler) preview.. - barok - 11-08-2004

I agree with shadow fox... if there is any community out there that is crazy about pushing things to the limits, it's the qb community. We'll (well, maybe people like rel or plasma Wink) eventually make freebasic one of THE most powerful compilers out there! :lol:

freeBASIC (a 32-bit QB-syntax compatible compiler) preview.. - Jofers - 11-08-2004

Well, duh, It's not going to "compare" compare... I just want a meter guage at FB's speed Smile When I say no BASIC compiler in the past has compared to GCC, I mean that they compare closer to good ol' QB (and in a few cases, actually lose) Smile

I made an ico file with a few formats (winXP, 256, 16 color) for 48x48, 32x32, 16x16 I also replaced the white background with a circle to make it look more like an icon and less like thumbnail:
[Image: Horse.ico]

It shows up as 16x16 XP format in firefox 1.0rc...