FreeBasic forum and examples/previews quicklist - Printable Version

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FreeBasic forum and examples/previews quicklist - barok - 12-12-2004

w00t! that's SO sweet! Alright!!!

Maybe i'll post up my stuff... nothing fancy, just a fake scrolling engine, bouncing particles and a starfield...


Plasma, Rotozoomer, Polar effect - Optimus - 12-13-2004

My demoscene.gr website is down, so I uploaded them in Fortunecity. Perhaps direct download are not allowed, so get them from here=> http://www.fortunecity.com/skyscraper/black/791/downz/

Except from Freebasic executables and source, there are also DevC++ project files and executables inside, for comparisons. There is a frame counter, both with gfx fonts and behind in a console window. If you move the SDL window preety much down, so that the effect portion will be out of the screen, you can check pure effect calculation speed with the fps in the console window, because SDL don't waste time for output when a portion of the window is not visible. Also, the effect's movement are timed, so that no matter if it draws 30 or 500 fps, the effect will animate at a viewable speed (Either jumping frames or running smooth). This effects were originally coded in DevC++ and when I had learned about Freebasic I was astonished and decided to port them there. Perhaps I will port an old OpenGL effect soon (and later other stuff too), that I had coded years ago. Sorry for too much text Smile

FreeBasic forum and examples/previews quicklist - Antoni Gual - 12-13-2004

Welcome back, Optimus!

A lot of people is sweeping the spider webs in their \basic\ directories since FreeBasic is out..I would not be surprised if Toshi or Entropy posted here tomorrow...That's good!!

Optimus: Your temporal site tries to install spyware in my PC so i will avoid to visit it. Just for safety.

FreeBasic forum and examples/previews quicklist - Dr_Davenstein - 12-13-2004

Quote:Optimus: Your temporal site tries to install spyware in my PC so i will avoid to visit it. Just for safety.

Yeah, it was acting strange for me too. I tried to download one of the demos and I got a file called denial.html.

FreeBasic forum and examples/previews quicklist - relsoft - 12-13-2004

Woot!!! Optimus!!! Great FX.

BTW, FB has ATAN2. :*)

Liked the polar plasma.

FreeBasic forum and examples/previews quicklist - barok - 12-13-2004

Wow, Optimus! Gotta say that i loved your Into the Fight demo. Totally blew my socks off!!

Geeze, I feel incredibly lucky, being graced by all these programming Guru's. Big Grin

I'm downloading the files, but they're coming at a snails rate... less than 1 KB/S. Sad


I downloaded the files, and ran a few, and they were quite nice. Smile Then my computer froze, and now none of Optimus's fb programs will work (the devcpp ones will) along with several other programs. (rel's cube.exe won't work, sdlgltor2.exe won't work, sdlgltext.exe won't work, sdlgltextfull.exe won't work...) do you guys see a pattern? Wink

Web - Optimus - 12-13-2004

Hmm,. really? Shit..
And my other account (optimus.demoscene.gr) is still down Tongue
I think I have to search for a new server (without pop ups).

FreeBasic forum and examples/previews quicklist - relsoft - 12-13-2004

That cube.exe is made with DevC++ so it's safe to assume that it's not FB's fault. Did you try to reboot?

FreeBasic forum and examples/previews quicklist - barok - 12-13-2004

rebooting would probably fix it, as the problem started when the computer froze on me. I'll reboot it in about 5 minutes.

Win32: Minimal Window Demo - zydon - 12-16-2004

I'm new to FB and like the compiler very much. here my example of minimal window template modified from winhello.bas example. It has been tested on win9x. Let me know if it's work on Win NT/XP too.

[Image: winmin.gif]

'' filename: win.bas


const null    = 0
const true    = -1
const false   = 0

'' Additon to API call. Add this to kernel32.bi
declare sub ExitProcess _
        lib "kernel32" _
        alias "ExitProcess" _
        (lpModuleName As Integer)

'' Window Procedure Handler
function WndProc ( byval hWnd as long, _
                   byval uMsg as long, _
                   byval wParam as long, _
                   byval lParam as long ) as integer
    WndProc = 0
    select case ( uMsg )
        case WM_KEYDOWN
            if( (wParam and &hff) = 27 ) then
                PostMessage hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0
            end if
        case WM_DESTROY
            PostQuitMessage 0            
            exit function
    end select
    WndProc = DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam )    
end function

'' Program entry
dim wMsg as MSG
dim wcls as WNDCLASS    
dim hWnd as unsigned long
dim hInstance as long

dim szAppName as string
    szAppName = "DemoWin"
wcls.style         = CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW
wcls.lpfnWndProc   = @WndProc()
wcls.cbClsExtra    = 0
wcls.cbWndExtra    = 0
wcls.hInstance     = hInstance
wcls.hIcon         = LoadIcon( null, IDI_APPLICATION )
wcls.hCursor       = LoadCursor( null, IDC_ARROW )
wcls.hbrBackground = 6 ' default color
wcls.lpszMenuName  = null
wcls.lpszClassName = sadd( szAppName )
if ( RegisterClass( wcls ) = false ) then
   MessageBox null, "Failed to register wcls!", _
              szAppName, MB_ICONERROR
   Goto Done
end if
hWnd = CreateWindowEx( 0, _
         szAppName, "Window Demo", _
         200, 200, 240, 120, _
         null, null, hInstance, null )
'' messages loop
   if ( GetMessage( wMsg, null, 0, 0 ) = false ) _
      then goto Done

   TranslateMessage wMsg
   DispatchMessage  wMsg
   Gosub Again

    ExitProcess 0

Keep up the good works guys on FB compiler... Smile