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Bug Reports - VonGodric - 01-01-2005

Then could you make it possible to use nameless enums too? and seperate enum var's with , from eatch other? like:
enum i
   i, g, h, s
end enum

Bug Reports - theuserbl - 01-02-2005

I don't know, if it in 0.09 is so, but in 0.08 was a bug in inkey$.

For example:
If you type "k" it says that you hafe typed "k". (all ok).

But then there existing keys, which creates two bytes in key$.
For example the cursor keys or F1-F12.

On QBasic they ctreate CHR$(0)+AnOtherByte.

On FreeBasic it is CHR$(255)+AnOtherByte.

Don't know, if it is fixed in 0.09.


And second bug seems to be ptc in 0.09.
In 0.08 all ptc demos runs perfect in a window. And it is still so (I have now 0.08 and 0.08 on my computer).
But with 0.09 it goes in Win98 in fullscreenmode and then it do nothing.


A third bug (is it´one) is with qbgfx.
I have tried to run qbgfx. But I can´t compile it. :-(

ain.c: undefined reference to `SDL_FreeSurface'
ain.c: undefined reference to `SDL_SetColors'
ain.c: undefined reference to `SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom'
ain.c: undefined reference to `SDL_MapRGB'
ain.c: undefined reference to `SDL_SetColorKey'
ain.c: undefined reference to `SDL_UpperBlit'
ain.c: undefined reference to `SDL_FreeSurface'
ain.c: undefined reference to `SDL_SetColors'
ain.c: undefined reference to `SDL_MapRGB'
ain.c: undefined reference to `SDL_UpdateRect'
ain.c: undefined reference to `SDL_Quit'
.c: undefined reference to `SDL_SetPalette'
.c: undefined reference to `SDL_SetPalette'
.c: undefined reference to `SDL_SetPalette'
ext.c: undefined reference to `SDL_UpperBlit'
ext.c: undefined reference to `SDL_FillRect'
ext.c: undefined reference to `SDL_MapRGB'
ext.c: undefined reference to `SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom'
ext.c: undefined reference to `SDL_SetColors'
ext.c: undefined reference to `SDL_UpperBlit'
ext.c: undefined reference to `SDL_FreeSurface'
ext.c: undefined reference to `SDL_SetClipRect'
ext.c: undefined reference to `SDL_SetColorKey'
ext.c: undefined reference to `SDL_SetClipRect'


What have I do wrong?

Bug Reports - Z!re - 01-02-2005

inkey$ works correctly.

It is supposed to return chr255+chrScanCode for two byte keys, such as F1, F2 etc. chr0 is the null terminator for strings, so it couldnt be used.

Looks like you're either missing SDL.bi, or you havent included it.

Bug Reports - VonGodric - 01-03-2005

to run qb'ish graphics use '$include: 'sdl\sdl.bi'

Bug Reports - lkd85 - 01-03-2005

When compiling the mydll the compiler gives me the following:

Cannot export fb_MYDLL_entry: symbol not found
Cannot export fb_mydll_entry: symbol not found

The def file looks like this:

    fb_MYDLL_entry DATA
    fb_mydll_entry DATA

Bug Reports - v3cz0r - 01-03-2005

INKEY$ as shown at docs/keywords.txt will return CHR$(255) with extended keycodes, as CHR$(0) can't be part of strings with FB.

TinyPTC will run in fullscreen by default now, unless you pass the -d PTC_WIN command-line option.

Any app using qb gfx functions/statements needs a -l sdl option on command-line, i may change that later, but the gfx lib isn't working quite right for me atm - palette problems.

lkd85: i could not reproduce the error, it works just fine for me, what command-line options did you use?

Bug Reports - lkd85 - 01-03-2005

I'm using fbc -i c:\freebasic\inc -dll mydll.bas and I tried fbc -dll mydll.bas

Bug Reports - barok - 01-03-2005

I tried compiling using .09b, a program that uses sterling's graphical library. I ended up with this error:

gfxmain.bi(87): error 4: Duplicated definition On Line: 87

This is what line 87 is on qbgfxmain.bi:

declare function screen stdcall alias "fb_GfxScreen" (ScreenNum as integer) as integer

Oddly, this does not happen with any other version of fb... yet my program will crash inexplicibly no matter what i do. This is what i have so far in my program.

declare sub loadmap2 (filename$)

' $include: "qbgfx4fb.bi"

screen 13


'----------------**Tiles & sprites**-----------------------
redim shared npcsprite(1,1) as integer 'holds the npc sprites.
redim shared tiles(1) as integer 'holds the tiles.
redim shared objectsprites(1,1) as integer 'holds the object sprites.
redim shared npcfiles(1) as string 'holds the names of all the npc filenames.
DIM SHARED tileset(4) AS STRING 'holds the tile filenames: up to four tilesets.

'----------------**Map Layers**----------------------------
redim shared maplayer(1,1) as integer 'this holds the base layer.
redim shared mapoverlayer(1,1) as integer 'holds the roof/high wall layer.
redim shared mapobjectlayer(1,1) as integer 'holds map object layer.
redim shared mapcollayer(1,1) as integer 'this holds the map collision layer.
redim shared mapname as string 'holds the map filename.

'-----------------**Palette stuff**---------------------------
redim shared pal(1) as integer 'this holds the palette.
redim shared palname as string 'this holds the palette name.
dim shared palput as string 'this also holds the palette name... change later.

'------------------**Map Variables**---------------------------
redim shared mapx, mapy as single 'map height, width.
redim shared screen_height, screen_width as integer 'max screen height and width
TYPE maptype Field=1
    wid AS INTEGER 'width of map
    height AS INTEGER 'height of map
    pwid AS INTEGER 'width of map in pixels
    pheight AS INTEGER 'height of map in pixels
    pal AS STRING * 1 'palette name of map
    tileset AS STRING * 1 'tilesets names of map
    script AS STRING * 1 'name of map script
    mapname AS STRING * 1 'name of map itself.
dim shared map as maptype

loadmap2 "map3.map"

SUB loadmap2 (filename$)

FOR y = 1 TO 4
numsets(y) = 0

REDIM tiletile(1) AS INTEGER
REDIM tiletileindex(1) AS INTEGER
REDIM tiletile2(1) AS INTEGER
REDIM tiletile3(1) AS INTEGER
REDIM tiletile2index(1) AS INTEGER
REDIM tiletile3index(1) AS INTEGER
REDIM tiletile4(1) AS INTEGER
REDIM tiletile4index(1) AS INTEGER

filenum = FREEFILE

OPEN filename$ FOR BINARY AS #filenum

GET #filenum, , map.wid
GET #filenum, , map.height

GET #filenum, , templength

palput = SPACE$(templength)
GET #filenum, , palput

GET #filenum, , activetilesets

FOR y = 1 TO activetilesets
GET #filenum, , til
GET #filenum, , templength
tileset(til) = SPACE$(templength)
GET #filenum, , tileset(til)
numsets(til) = 1

REDIM maplayer(map.wid, map.height) AS INTEGER
REDIM mapoverlayer(map.wid, map.height) AS INTEGER
REDIM mapobjectlayer(map.wid, map.height) AS INTEGER
REDIM mapcollayer(map.wid, map.height) AS INTEGER

GET #filenum, , layerset(1)
GET #filenum, , layerset(2)
GET #filenum, , layerset(3)

FOR y = 0 TO map.height
FOR x = 0 TO map.wid
GET #filenum, , maplayer(x, y)

NEXT x, y

FOR y = 0 TO map.height
FOR x = 0 TO map.wid
GET #filenum, , mapoverlayer(x, y)
NEXT x, y

FOR y = 0 TO map.height
FOR x = 0 TO map.wid
GET #filenum, , mapcollayer(x, y)
NEXT x, y

FOR y = 0 TO map.height
FOR x = 0 TO map.wid
GET #filenum, , mapobjectlayer(x, y)

NEXT x, y

CLOSE #filenum


There could most definately be something wrong with the code, considering i copied and pasted it the subroutine from another program, which could mean invalid variables. However, i think i may of weeded them all out...

Bug Reports - Sterling Christensen - 01-03-2005

Quote:I tried compiling using .09b, a program that uses sterling's graphical library. I ended up with this error:

gfxmain.bi(87): error 4: Duplicated definition On Line: 87
0.09b has my library built in, so there's no need to '$include: "qbgfx4fb.bi" anymore.

Bug Reports - barok - 01-03-2005

now it won't compile... says it's an unknown error, and something about maybe a header or object isn't linked. This is after i got rid of the qbgfx including.