My TinyPTC Extension Library (WARNING: LARGE IMAGES) - Printable Version

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My TinyPTC Extension Library (WARNING: LARGE IMAGES) - adosorken - 12-07-2004

Considering the fact that you either have to be 13 or have parental consent to be on this forum, I'd say he's probably breaking forums rules by even posting here. Big Grin

My TinyPTC Extension Library (WARNING: LARGE IMAGES) - Z!re - 12-07-2004

That rule is there for a reason, so the poor poor poor 11 yr olds don't have to watch this FILTHY FILTHY PORN!

Shame on you nek, SHAME ON YOU!

Damn, shes hot... err i mean.. SINNER!! YOU WILL BURN IN HELL FOR THAT PORN PIC!...

Right, so were can we find your lib ado?

My TinyPTC Extension Library (WARNING: LARGE IMAGES) - adosorken - 12-07-2004

When it's completed, I'll post a link for it. Anyways, here's another thingo I just added...take a looksee...
[Image: fb-tinyptc-alpha.png]
If the image doesn't show up, wait a few minutes and try again. Server's been a bit flooded lately. Big Grin Anyways, this is a test of the alpha blitter. I called PTC_ImportABMP several times with the same image with different alpha weights at 20 pixel increments.

I should be able to release this tomorrow. I still have to document it and finish up some more basic functions that I'd like to include with it.

Now excuse me while I go back to my own little heat-laden corner in the blazing inferno...mwuahaha

My TinyPTC Extension Library (WARNING: LARGE IMAGES) - CGI Joe - 12-07-2004

Gaaaaaaaah that looks like an Aphex Twin video.

My TinyPTC Extension Library (WARNING: LARGE IMAGES) - Jofers - 12-07-2004

link's dead to me.

My TinyPTC Extension Library (WARNING: LARGE IMAGES) - adosorken - 12-08-2004

Okay, one last thing before I stop shoving images down y'all's throats here...
[Image: fb-tinyptc-primitives.png]
Hey Jofers, read what I said about the server. Tongue

My TinyPTC Extension Library (WARNING: LARGE IMAGES) - adosorken - 12-08-2004

Routines completed as of right now:
'get an image array
Declare Sub PTC_Get(startX As Integer, startY As Integer, destX As Integer, destY As Integer, buffer() As Integer, offset As Integer)
'fastest blit; directly blits a sprite with no special features
Declare Sub PTC_Put (x As Integer, y As Integer, buffer() As Integer, offset As Integer)
'bllits a sprite using a unified colour mask
Declare Sub PTC_TPut (x As Integer, y As Integer, buffer() As Integer, transcolor As Integer, offset As Integer)
'blits a scaled sprite without colour masking
Declare Sub PTC_SPut (x As Integer, y As Integer, xs As Double, ys As Double, buffer() As Integer, offset As Integer)
'blits a scaled alpha blended sprite without colour masking
Declare Sub PTC_SAPut (x As Integer, y As Integer, xs As Double, ys As Double, buffer() As Integer, offset As Integer, alpha As Double)
'clears the buffer and optionally the screen as well
Declare Sub PTC_ClsX(update As Integer)
'plot a pixel
Declare Sub PTC_Pset(x As Integer, y As Integer, red As Integer, green As Integer, blue As Integer)
'plot an alpha pixel
Declare Sub PTC_APset(x As Integer, y As Integer, red As Integer, green As Integer, blue As Integer, alpha As Double)
'plot a pixel using a unified colour
Declare Sub PTC_RawPset(x As Integer, y As Integer, colour As Integer)
'plot an alpha pixel using a unified colour
Declare Sub PTC_RawAPset(x As Integer, y As Integer, colour As Integer, alpha As Double)
'draw a line using a unified colour
Declare Sub PTC_DrawLine (startX As Integer, startY As Integer, endX As Integer, endY As Integer, colour As Integer)
'draw an alpha line using a unified colour
Declare Sub PTC_DrawAlphaLine (startX As Integer, startY As Integer, endX As Integer, endY As Integer, colour As Integer, alpha As Double)
'draw an ellipse using a unified colour
Declare Sub PTC_DrawEllipse (x As Integer, y As Integer, xr As Integer, yr As Integer, colour As Integer)
'draw an alpha ellipse using a unified colour
Declare Sub PTC_DrawAlphaEllipse (x As Integer, y As Integer, xr As Integer, yr As Integer, colour As Integer, alpha As Double)
'draw an empty box using a unified colour
Declare Sub PTC_DrawBox(startX As Integer, startY As Integer, destX As Integer, destY As Integer, colour As Integer)
'draw a filled box using two unified colours
Declare Sub PTC_DrawFilledBox(startX As Integer, startY As Integer, destX As Integer, destY As Integer, colour As Integer, fillcolour As Integer)
'draw a filled box using two unified colours and using alpha blending on the fill
Declare Sub PTC_DrawFilledAlphaBox(startX As Integer, startY As Integer, destX As Integer, destY As Integer, colour As Integer, fillcolour As Integer, alpha As Double)
'load a 16x16 sized bitmapped character font from a bmp file
Declare Sub PTC_LoadBitmappedFont(filetoopen As String, fontbuffer() As Integer)
'show text in the buffer
Declare Sub PTC_ShowText(textstring As String, x As Integer, y As Integer, transcol As Integer, fontbuffer() As Integer)
'return a unified colour from r g b components
Declare Function PTC_ReturnRGB(red As Integer, green As Integer, blue As Integer) As Integer
'import a bmp to the buffer
Declare Function PTC_ImportBMP(filetoopen As String, offsetX As Integer, offsetY As Integer) As Integer
'import a bmp to the buffer but alpha blend it over anything that's already there
Declare Function PTC_ImportABMP(filetoopen As String, offsetX As Integer, offsetY As Integer, alpha As Double) As Integer
More to come.

My TinyPTC Extension Library (WARNING: LARGE IMAGES) - Jofers - 12-08-2004

pfft, like I can read...

My TinyPTC Extension Library (WARNING: LARGE IMAGES) - Nathan1993 - 12-08-2004

Ok, just don't post porn... although google image search as served me well at some occasions :wink:

My TinyPTC Extension Library (WARNING: LARGE IMAGES) - adosorken - 12-08-2004

I didn't post any porn. Tongue

By the way...the initial routines I wanted working in what I now call PTCXL (tinyPTC eXtension Library) are now complete, so I'm writing up the documentation right now and I will try to release it later tonight if at all possible. No promises, as we might have a guest tonight, so if not tonight then tomorrow at some point.