Someone interested to work on Rocket Fuel Mayhem database? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Someone interested to work on Rocket Fuel Mayhem database? (/thread-685.html)

Someone interested to work on Rocket Fuel Mayhem database? - Lachie Dazdarian - 04-22-2003

You see I'm making this action game, which is basicly Star Control Melee with gravity.

Ships, each with their unique characteristics and special abilities, fight on one screen arenas.

Game will feature lot's of options, 8 ships, 6 arenas, tournament, extra modes and a large database.

You can check for screenshots and more info on my website (Rocket Fuel Mayhem link under projects). You might have noticed me advertising this project in this forum before.

Game is like 70-80 % completed and there are some compiled demos available for selected people. All arenas, ships and menu routines are done except for the database.
I need to add some sound routines, end game animation and polish it all.

I need someone to help me work on the game database. Database will feature all the info about the universe, tournament, races, ships and arenas with mini graphic included. More specific info and some basic descriptions of the universe and few races is available and you'll get it with the demo if you agree to work on it.

I need everything from one race discriptions to as much work you can do.

I can't do it quality cause of my lack of time, bad english and bad articulation abilities.

So, anyone interested? I mean really interested, not just someone who is bored and wants a sneak-peak of the demo.

Someone interested to work on Rocket Fuel Mayhem database? - Agamemnus - 04-22-2003

I am.

Someone interested to work on Rocket Fuel Mayhem database? - Agamemnus - 04-24-2003

do I get any more info? :|

Someone interested to work on Rocket Fuel Mayhem database? - Lachie Dazdarian - 04-25-2003

You got mail.

Just don't disappear on a month now.

Someone interested to work on Rocket Fuel Mayhem database? - Agamemnus - 04-26-2003

Hm... I read it.


I will suggest some changes.

I actually created a scenario (I never finished it entirely) in Empire Earth, a real-time-strategy game.

The scenario was: you have a set of tanks ant anti-tanks. 2 teams, each player is either blue (winter landscape), red(lava), yellow(desert), or green(grassland)

Each has own advantages/disadvantages on home turf.

You get more tanks every half a minute and you get different tanks as you get more kills, up to the Hover Tank.

I also had a story for it, so I want to incorporate part of it in here, if you don't mind.