New FreeBASIC online tutorial in Linux programming. - Printable Version

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New FreeBASIC online tutorial in Linux programming. - d.j.peters - 10-10-2005

(Again sorry for this english :oopsSmile

On my forum http://fbforum.de/forum/viewtopic.php?t=152 i started an online tutorial in Linux programming with FreeBASIC. Every day i will post an new example. (XLib, client / server network, multimedia video/sound playback and the kernel API and many C Lib stuff.

It is an german board but the examples are usefull for english readers too
If any needs to start with Linux programming try it out.

The real target of the lessons are the missing include files in the FreeBASIC package.
I mean after the last lesson the FB community will have all most includefiles for FreeBASIC.


If any person can translate the short german tutorial messages please feel free and do it for us all.
[Image: drawline.jpg]

New FreeBASIC online tutorial in Linux programming. - d.j.peters - 10-12-2005

New lessons about XEvents and Childwindows. (xtest4.bas, xtest4.bas)
XEvent, XSelectInput, XPending, XNextEvent, XMapSubwindows, XDrawString, XClearWindow, XDestroyWindow

[Image: dechexbin.jpg]


New FreeBASIC online tutorial in Linux programming. - d.j.peters - 10-14-2005

Now the first x11.bi file is online.
It is far away from final but after the last xlib lesson it will be up to date.
It is the result of "x.h" "xlib.h" "xutil.h".

All types and macros are translated i will add the misiing things next days.
Linux "x11.bi" http://fbforum.de/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1117#1117

All new lessons needs evertime the curent "x11.bi" file.

(I made it per hand my "wrong" usage of the swig tool makes to many wrong things.)

Re: New FreeBASIC online tutorial in Linux programming. - Sterling Christensen - 10-14-2005

Great tutorials, thanks.
Quote:(Again sorry for this english :oops:)
And again, your English is fine - really. Sometimes you phrase things in ways Americans wouldn't usually, but your grammar is as good as any American's and you're perfectly understandable. You don't need to keep apologizing.

Re: New FreeBASIC online tutorial in Linux programming. - d.j.peters - 10-14-2005

Quote:Great tutorials, thanks.

Thanx too :lol:


New FreeBASIC online tutorial in Linux programming. - d.j.peters - 10-14-2005

Now an C example translated to FreeBASIC it use the curent "x11.bi" file and it works so far. :rotfl:
Linux "x11.bi": Download

' xtest7.bas test for c translatet XLib programm
' demonstrate handling of X events using an events loop.
option explicit
#include once "x11.bi"
dim shared Pixels(2600,2000) as short

' function: create_simple_window. Creates a window with a white background
'           in the given size.
' input:    display, size of the window (in pixels), and location of the window
'           (in pixels).
' output:   the window's ID.
' notes:    window is created with a black border, 2 pixels wide.
'           the window is automatically mapped after its creation.

function create_simple_window(byval display as XDISPLAY ptr, _
                              byval w as integer,byval h as integer, _
                              byval x as integer,byval y as integer) as windowid

  dim screen_num as integer=XDefaultScreen(display)
  dim win_border_width as integer= 2
  dim as windowid win
  ' create a simple window, as a direct child of the screen's
  ' root window. Use the screen's black and white colors as  
  ' the foreground and background colors of the window,      
  ' respectively. Place the new window's top-left corner at  
  ' the given 'x,y' coordinates.                              
  win = XCreateSimpleWindow(display, XDefaultRootWindow(display), _
                            x, y, w, h, win_border_width, _
                            XBlackPixel(display, screen_num), _
                            XWhitePixel(display, screen_num))

  ' make the window actually appear on the screen.
  XMapWindow display, win

  'Flussh all pending requests to the X server.
  XFlush display

  return win
end function

function create_gc(byval display as XDISPLAY ptr,byval win as windowid,byval reverse_video as integer) as GContext

  dim gc as GContext                    ' handle of newly created GC.  
  dim valuemask as uinteger             ' which values in 'values' to  
                                        ' check when creating the GC.  
  dim as XGCValues values               ' initial values for the GC.  
  dim as uinteger line_width = 2        ' line width for the GC.      
  dim as integer line_style = LineSolid ' style for lines drawing and  
  dim as integer cap_style = CapButt    ' style of the line's edje and
  dim as integer join_style = JoinBevel ' joined lines.              
  dim as integer screen_num = XDefaultScreen(display)
  print "create_gc";reverse_video
  gc = XCreateGC(display, win, valuemask, values)
  if (gc < 0) then
    print "ERROR: XCreateGC"
  end if

  ' allocate foreground and background colors for this GC.
  if (reverse_video) then
    XSetForeground display, gc, XWhitePixel(display, screen_num)
    XSetBackground display, gc, XBlackPixel(display, screen_num)
    XSetForeground display, gc, XBlackPixel(display, screen_num)
    XSetBackground display, gc, XWhitePixel(display, screen_num)
  end if

  ' define the style of lines that will be drawn using this GC.
  XSetLineAttributes display, gc,line_width, line_style, cap_style, join_style

  ' define the fill style for the GC. to be 'solid filling'.
  XSetFillStyle display, gc, FillSolid

  return gc
end function

' function: handle_expose. handles an Expose event by redrawing the window.
' input:    display, 2 GCs, XExposeEvent event structure, dimensions of
'           the window, pixels array.
' output:   none.
sub handle_expose(byval display as XDISPLAY ptr,byval gc as GContext,byval rev_gc as GContext, _
                  byref expose_event as XExposeEvent, _
                  byval w as integer,byval h as integer)
  print "handel_expose",w,h

  ' if this is the first in a set of expose events - ignore this event.
  if (expose_event.count > 1) then return
  ' draw the contents of our window.
  ' draw one pixel near each corner of the window
  XDrawPoint display, expose_event.window, gc, 5 ,  5
  XDrawPoint display, expose_event.window, gc, 5 ,  h-5
  XDrawPoint display, expose_event.window, gc, w-5, 5
  XDrawPoint display, expose_event.window, gc, w-5, h-5

  ' draw two intersecting lines, one horizontal and one vertical,
  XDrawLine display, expose_event.window, gc, 0, h\2, w, h\2
  XDrawLine display, expose_event.window, gc, w\2, 0, w\2, h

  ' now use the XDrawArc() function to draw a circle  
  XDrawArc display, expose_event.window, gc,w\2-25, h\2-25, 250, 25, 0, 360*64

  dim points(4) as Xpoint = {(0, 0), (50, 50), (0, 50), (0, 0) }
  dim as integer npoints = 3

  ' draw a small triangle at the top-left corner of the window.
  ' the triangle is made of a set of consecutive lines, whose  
  ' end-point pixels are specified in the 'points' array.      
  XDrawLines display, expose_event.window, gc, points(0), npoints, CoordModeOrigin

  ' draw a rectangle whose top-left corner is at '120,150', its width is
  ' 50 pixels, and height is 60 pixels.                                  
  XDrawRectangle display, expose_event.window, gc, 120, 150, 50, 60

  ' draw a filled rectangle of the same size as above, to the left of the
  ' previous rectangle.                                                  
  XFillRectangle display, expose_event.window, gc, 60, 150, 50, 60

  ' finally, draw all the pixels in the 'pixels' array.
  dim as integer x, y
  for x=0 to w
    for y=0 to h
      select case pixels(x,y)  
        case 1 'draw point
          XDrawPoint display, expose_event.window, gc, x, y
        case -1 ' erase point.
          XDrawPoint display, expose_event.window, rev_gc, x, y
      end select    
  XFlush display
end sub

' function: handle_drag. handles a Mouse drag event - if the left button
'           is depressed - draws the pixel below the mouse pointer. if the
'           middle button is depressed - erases the pixel below the mouse
'           pointer.
' input:    display, 2 GCs, XButtonEvent event structure, dimensions of
'           the window, pixels array.
' output:   none.

sub handle_drag(byval display as XDISPLAY ptr,byval gc as GContext,byval rev_gc as GContext, _
                byref drag_event as XButtonEvent,byval w as uinteger,byval h as uinteger)

  dim as integer x, y

  ' invert the pixel under the mouse.
  x = drag_event.x
  y = drag_event.y
  print "handel_drag ",x,y,drag_event.state
  select case (drag_event.state)
    case Button1Mask ' draw the given pixel in black color.
      XDrawPoint display, drag_event.window, gc, x, y
      pixels(x,y) = 1
    case Button2Mask ' draw the given pixel in white color.
      XDrawPoint display, drag_event.window, rev_gc, x, y
      pixels(x,y) = -1
  end select
end sub

' function: handle_button_down. handles a Mouse press event - if the left
'           button is depressed - draws the pixel below the mouse pointer.
'           if the middle button is depressed - erases the pixel below the
'           mouse pointer.
' input:    display, 2 GCs, XButtonEvent event structure, dimensions of
'           the window, pixels array.
' output:   none.
sub handle_button_down(byval display as XDISPLAY ptr,byval gc as GContext,byval rev_gc as GContext, _
                       byref button_event as XButtonEvent ,byval w as uinteger,byval h as uinteger)

  dim as integer x, y

  ' invert the pixel under the mouse.
  x = button_event.x
  y = button_event.y
  print "handle_button_down";x,y,button_event.button
  select case (button_event.button)
    case Button1 ' draw the given pixel in black color.
      XDrawPoint display, button_event.window, gc, x, y
      pixels(x,y) = 1
    case Button3 ' draw the given pixel in white color.
      XDrawPoint display, button_event.window, rev_gc, x, y
      pixels(x,y) = -1
  end select    
end sub  

' main
dim display as XDISPLAY ptr       ' pointer to X Display structure.          
dim as integer screen_num         ' number of screen to place the window on.  
dim as windowid win               ' pointer to the newly created window.      
dim as uinteger display_width     ' height and width of the X display.
dim as uinteger display_height          
dim as uinteger w                 ' height and width for the new window.
dim as uinteger h        
dim as GContext gc                ' GC (graphics context) used for drawing    
dim as GContext rev_gc            ' in our window.                          
' open connection with the X server.
display = XOpenDisplay("")
if (display = NULL) then
  print "cannot connect to X server"
  end 1
end if

' get the geometry of the default screen for our display.
screen_num     = XDefaultScreen(display)
display_width  = XDisplayWidth (display, screen_num)
display_height = XDisplayHeight(display, screen_num)

' make the new window occupy 1/9 of the screen's size.
w = (display_width / 3)
h = (display_height / 3)
' create a simple window, as a direct child of the screen's  
' root window. Use the screen's white color as the background
' color of the window. Place the new window's top-left corner
' at the given 'x,y' coordinates.                            
win = create_simple_window(display, w, h, 0, 0)

' allocate two new GCs (graphics contexts) for drawing in the window.
' the first is used for drawing black over white, the second is used  
' for drawing white over black.                                      
gc     = create_gc(display, win, 0)
rev_gc = create_gc(display, win, 1)

' subscribe to the given set of event types.
XSelectInput display, win, ExposureMask or KeyPressMask or ButtonPressMask or _
                           Button1MotionMask or Button2MotionMask or StructureNotifyMask

' perform an events loop
dim as integer done
dim as XANYEVENT an_event
while done=0
  XNextEvent display,an_event
  select case (an_event.xevent.eventtype)
    case Expose
      ' redraw our window.
      handle_expose display, gc, rev_gc, an_event.xexpose, w, h

    case ConfigureNotify
      ' update the size of our window, for expose events.
      w = an_event.xconfigure.width
      h = an_event.xconfigure.height
    case ButtonPress
      ' invert the pixel under the mouse pointer.
      handle_button_down display, gc, rev_gc,an_event.xbutton, w, h
    case MotionNotify
      ' invert the pixel under the mouse pointer.
      handle_drag        display, gc, rev_gc,an_event.xbutton, w, h
    case KeyPress
      ' exit the application by braking out of the events loop.
      done = 1
    case else  
      ' ignore any other event types.
  end select

' free the GCs.
XFreeGC display, gc
XFreeGC display, rev_gc

' close the connection to the X server.
XCloseDisplay display


New FreeBASIC online tutorial in Linux programming. - d.j.peters - 10-19-2005

I have ported over 600 prototypes as an "x11.bi" FreeBASIC include file.

[Image: x11.jpg]download

After this last hard work i will make a short brake and post next days new x11 programing lessons and you will need the new "x11.bi" include file if you are follow the next lessons.

Thanx for your attention.


New FreeBASIC online tutorial in Linux programming. - Antoni Gual - 10-19-2005

Hmm...Your tutorials are a good reason for me to undertake at last that long delayed german lessons!

New FreeBASIC online tutorial in Linux programming. - d.j.peters - 10-20-2005

Quote:Hmm...Your tutorials are a good reason for me to undertake at last that long delayed german lessons!

I think it was good to make a break for the "x11.bi" file it makes the next lessions simpler.
I hope so.
