Nice little island/terrain generator - Printable Version

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Nice little island/terrain generator - red_Marvin - 03-19-2006

Technically it's a matrix, that is seeded with some height's
and then blurred, where the blur method doesn't take the uninitialized
parts of the matrix as valid input.

Maybe I'm gonna use it for a pirate-themed dungeoncrawler...

option explicit

declare sub showmap()
declare function getcolor(h as integer)
declare sub blur()
declare sub seed(v as integer, n as integer)
declare sub clearmap()
declare sub setborders()
declare function checkmap() as integer

randomize timer
dim shared a(0 to 39, 0 to 24)
dim i as string
  do:i=inkey$:loop until i=""
  seed 255,4
  seed 0,6
  seed 160,4
  dim as integer f, n

  loop until checkmap()
  do:i=inkey$:sleep 1:loop while i=""
loop until i=chr$(27)

sub showmap()
  dim x as integer
  dim y as integer
  for y=0 to 24
    for x=0 to 39
      locate y+1, x*2+1
      color getcolor(a(x,y))
      if len(hex$(abs(a(x,y))))=1 then print "0";
      print hex$(abs(a(x,y)));
end sub

function getcolor(h as integer)
  select case h
    case 0 to 63
      return 1
    case 64 to 95
      return 9
    case 96 to 111
      return 3
    case 112 to 127
      return 14
    case 128 to 159
      return 10
    case 160 to 207
      return 2
    case 208 to 235
      return 8
    case 236 to 241
      return 7
    case 242 to 255
      return 15
    case else
      return 4
  end select
end function

sub blur()
  dim t(0 to 39, 0 to 24) as integer
  dim as integer xx,x
  dim as integer yy,y
  dim as integer sum, ctr
  for yy=0 to 24
    for xx=0 to 39
      for y=yy-1 to yy+1
        for x=xx-1 to xx+1
          if x>=0 and x<40 and y>=0 and y<25 then
            if a(x,y)>-1 then
            end if
          end if
      if ctr then
        if t(xx,yy)>255 then t(xx,yy)=255
        if t(xx,yy)<0 then t(xx,yy)=0
      end if
  for y=0 to 24
    for x=0 to 39
end sub

sub seed (v as integer, n as integer)
  dim i as integer
  for i=0 to n-1
end sub

sub clearmap()
  dim x as integer
  dim y as integer
  for y=0 to 24
    for x=0 to 39
end sub

sub setborders()
  dim x as integer
  dim y as integer
  for x=0 to 39
  for y=0 to 24
end sub

function checkmap() as integer
  dim x as integer
  dim y as integer
  for y=0 to 24
    for x=0 to 39
      if a(x,y)=-1 then return 0
  return 1
end function

Nice little island/terrain generator - RyanKelly - 03-19-2006

Just looking at the output gives me a Robert Louis Stevenson feel.

Nice little island/terrain generator - Ryan - 03-19-2006

I love pirates.

Re: Nice little island/terrain generator - Deleter - 03-19-2006

Quote:Maybe I'm gonna use it for a pirate-themed dungeoncrawler...[code cut]
Maybe that would be really sweet. :lol:
nice code. Smile