The best way to save multiple images? - Printable Version

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The best way to save multiple images? - wallace - 03-22-2006

If you have seen my site recently you know that I am working on my sprite editor, which can have up to 200 frames each. I need a good way to save them together. Each image can be a different size, and there is no way of knowing beforehand how many frames there will be (1 - 200). I have many thoughts.:

1) BSAVEing every single one into one sprite file.

2) BSAVEing each image into a bitmap and saving the path to the bitmap in the sprite file.

3) stacking multiple images into bitmaps, creating less of them with more images in each and saving the paths and positions into the sprite file.

4) stacking all images into one bitmap and saving just one path and positions and sized in the sprite file.

each has advantages and disadvantages. I need to have a nice balance of simplicity, speed, and memory usage. Which do you think is best? Is there another way?

The best way to save multiple images? - Anonymous - 03-23-2006

i save all pics from ll into seperate bmps, each bmp includes all frames for that one object, then i store a header with the data, saying the frame x/y size and the number of frames in the image. works fine.

The best way to save multiple images? - DirkFist - 03-23-2006

how bout collecting the frames of the animation into a single file ?

animation header
number of frames
pointer to frame headers ' . . . this is just a placeholder
version ' . . . for backward compatibility
frame header(0)
offset/pointer to frame(0) data
frame header(1)
. . .
frame header(number of frames)
etc . . .

This demonstrates loading an animation
saving left as excersize for the reader Big Grin
type image_header field=1
  format as ubyte               ' whatever the heck you want here
  w as uinteger
  h as uinteger
  union                               'important part
    data as ubyte ptr  
    offset  as integer
  end union
end type

type animation field=1
  num_frames   as uinteger
  frame  as image_header ptr
  version as integer
end type

function load_file(n$) as animation pointer
  dim a as zstring ptr
  dim anim as animation pointer
  dim p as ubyte ptr
  dim as integer I,offset

  a=allocate(LOF(1)+5)    :if a=0 then return 0:exit function
  open n$ for binary as 1 :if ERR=2 then return 0:exit function
  a=input$( LOF(1),1)       'copy entire file into ram
  anim->frame = a + sizeof(animation)
  for I=0 to anim->num_frames
    anim->frame[i].data = @p[offset]
  next I
  return anim
end function