External sort compo? - Printable Version

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External sort compo? - Antoni Gual - 05-24-2006

BigD , I'm having all kind of problems in running PDS in Win 2000 so I can't test your program.
I will try to get a copy of VBDOS, I recall it was more Windows-friendly.

External sort compo? - BigD - 05-24-2006

Ok, well these old dos programs tend to be unpredictable at times, I'm running XP SP2 myself and have no issues at all running PDS.

If you have trouble finding VB for DOS i believe it can be found at this page: http://www.phatcode.net/downloads.php?sub=compilers

External sort compo? - Antoni Gual - 05-24-2006

BigD , you win in the QB4.5 category!

I compiled your and my entry both in VBDOS, no optimizations. Your program did 37 seconds, mine did 65 seconds.


External sort compo? - BigD - 05-24-2006

It was a fun challenge. Smile

External sort compo? - Antoni Gual - 05-24-2006

After reading your code I liked your couple of tricks to coerce GET and PUT to handle a full array in a single operation.
And you use strings for the sort buckets to avoid one tally pass...Why did'nt you use MKL$ instead of 4 PEEKS?. Something like
Not so bad! Big Grin

EDITED: I tried the mkl$ trick and the time goes down to 16 seconds!!

External sort compo? - Neo - 05-25-2006

I made something this evening that sorts the 400MB of UIntegers in about 180 seconds on my pc, using up 99 MB (eek) of memory.
Since it sorts UIntegers I wasn't certain if it fitted in your categories.

Also, I dont know anything about sorting (I just know bubblesort and insertion sort, that's all), but I made it this afternoon, just tell me if you're interested Wink

- Neo

P.S., here's the program output from my comp:
Quote:Preparing index... 100%.
Creating index... 100%. Took 69 seconds
Converting index... 100%. Took 118 seconds
Destroying index... 100%.
Process completed. Took 188 seconds.

P.S.2. It's very unoptimized, uncommented code, as I dont have much time Smile

External sort compo? - BigD - 05-25-2006

Yeah, well to be honest it as kind of a rush job and I wanted to post some code before the deadline.
I don't have a lot of spare time where I can spend my time optimizing, and i simply didn't think of mkl$.
Great improvement of my code though Big Grin

External sort compo? - Antoni Gual - 05-25-2006

Neo, please post your code somewhere!

External sort compo? - Neo - 05-25-2006

Alright... if by "somewhere" you mean here, then here it is.

'NDEM Sort
'Sorts files internally on UIntegers, with filesizes up to the maximum file size of your file system.
'24 May 2006

'No-Comment version
'No-Optimization version
'Hideously bugged version

Option Dynamic
Option Explicit

Declare Sub PrepareIndex()
Declare Sub DestroyIndex()
Declare Sub CreateIndex()
Declare Sub ConvertIndex()

#include "crt.bi"

#define BUFFERSIZE_STD 131072

Type BufferType
    size As Integer
    data As UInteger Ptr
End Type

Dim Shared FileAccess As Integer
Dim Shared length As UInteger
Dim Shared Buffers(255) As BufferType

Dim timestarted As Single
timestarted = Timer

Call PrepareIndex()
Call CreateIndex()
Call ConvertIndex()
Call DestroyIndex()

Print "Process completed. Took "; Int(Timer - timestarted); " seconds."

Private Sub ConvertIndex()
    Print "Converting index... ";
    Dim starttime As Single
    starttime = Timer
    Dim i As UInteger, j As Integer, k As Integer, l As Integer, z As UInteger
    Dim buffer(INTEGERSIZE_STD-1) As UInteger, got As UInteger = 0, buffersiz As Integer = BUFFERSIZE_STD, length As UInteger
    Dim MasterIndexArray(16777215) As UInteger
    For i = 0 To 255
        j = FreeFile
        Open ".\Index\" + Str$(i) + ".index" For Binary As #j
            length = LoF(j)
            got = 0
            buffersiz = BUFFERSIZE_STD
            ReDim buffer(INTEGERSIZE_STD-1) As UInteger
            Do Until got >= length
                If got + buffersiz > length Then
                    buffersiz = length - got
                    ReDim buffer(buffersiz\4-1) As UInteger
                End If
                Get #j, , buffer()
                z = UBound(buffer)
                For k = 0 To z
                    MasterIndexArray(buffer(k)) += 1
                Next k
                got += buffersiz
        Close #j
        Open "sort.dat" For Binary As #j
            Seek #j, LoF(j)+1
            For k = 0 To 16777215&
                If MasterIndexArray(k) > 0 Then
                    z = k Xor (i Shl 24)
                    For got = 1 To MasterIndexArray(k)
                        Put #j, , z
                    Next got
                    MasterIndexArray(k) = 0
                End If
            Next k
        Close #j
        Locate 3,1: Print "Converting index... "; Int(i/255*1000)/10; "%   "
    Next i
    Locate 3,1: Print "Converting index... 100%. Took "; Int(Timer - starttime); " seconds"
End Sub

Private Sub CreateIndex()
    Print "Creating index... ";
    Dim starttime As Single, lasttimed As Single
    starttime = Timer
    lasttimed = Timer
    length = LoF(FileAccess)
    Dim got As UInteger = 0, buffersiz As Integer = BUFFERSIZE_STD, i As Integer, z As UInteger
    Dim buffer(INTEGERSIZE_STD-1) As UInteger, relevantbyte As UByte, lessrelevantbytes As UInteger
    Dim writebuffer(INTEGERSIZE_STD-1) As UInteger, j As Integer
    Do Until got >= length
        If got + buffersiz > length Then
            buffersiz = length - got
            ReDim buffer(buffersiz\4-1) As UInteger
        End If
        Get #FileAccess, , buffer()
        z = UBound(buffer)
        For i = 0 To z
            relevantbyte = ((buffer(i) And &HFF000000) Shr 24)
            lessrelevantbytes = (buffer(i) And &HFFFFFF)
            Buffers(relevantbyte).data[Buffers(relevantbyte).size] = lessrelevantbytes
            Buffers(relevantbyte).size += 1
            If Buffers(relevantbyte).size = INTEGERSIZE_STD Then
                MemCpy(@writebuffer(0), Buffers(relevantbyte).data, BUFFERSIZE_STD)
                j = FreeFile
                Open ".\Index\" + Str$(relevantbyte) + ".index" For Binary As #j
                    Put #j, LoF(j)+1, writebuffer()
                Close #j
                Buffers(relevantbyte).size = 0
            End If
        Next i
        got += buffersiz
        If (Timer - lasttimed > 2.5) Then Locate 2,1: Print "Creating index... "; Str$(Int(got/length*1000)/10); "%   ": lasttimed = Timer
    For i = 0 To 255
        If Buffers(i).size > 0 Then
            ReDim writebuffer(Buffers(i).size - 1) As UInteger
            MemCpy(@writebuffer(0), Buffers(i).data, Buffers(i).size * 4)
            j = FreeFile
            Open ".\Index\" + Str$(i) + ".index" For Binary As #j
                Put #j, LoF(j)+1, writebuffer()
            Close #j
            Buffers(i).size = 0
        End If
    Next i
    Close #FileAccess
    Locate 2,1: Print "Creating index... 100%. Took "; Int(Timer - starttime); " seconds"
End Sub

Private Sub PrepareIndex()
    Print "Preparing index... ";
    MkDir "Index"
    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
    j = FreeFile
    For i = 0 To 255
        Open ".\Index\" + Str$(i) + ".index" For Output As #j
        Close #j
        Buffers(i).data = CAllocate(BUFFERSIZE_STD)
        Buffers(i).size = 0
    Next i
    j = FreeFile
    Open "sort.dat" For Output As #j
    Close #j
    j = FreeFile
    FileAccess = j
    Open "unsortfb.dat" For Binary As #j
    Print "100%."
End Sub

Private Sub DestroyIndex()
    Print "Destroying index... ";
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 0 To 255
        Kill ".\Index\" + Str$(i) + ".index"
        Deallocate Buffers(i).data
        Buffers(i).size = 0
    Next i
    RmDir "Index"
    Print "100%."
End Sub

As I said, the code is highly unoptimized, uncommented, and looks hideous Sad
Anyway, as you might've noticed it doesn't really use a conventional sorting algorithm like bubble sort or so. And to be able to run it quickly, I hope you have a fast disk cache... ^^

The algorithm itself is probably really sucky, but I wanted to demonstrate another "unconventional" solution to the problem. It also works with files up to 2GB (didn't test though, dont have enough free space).

Hope it's at least worth 1 word (I'm so noobish! Sad),

- Neo

External sort compo? - Neo - 05-29-2006

As I thought, I guess it's worth nothing >.>