Screensaver - Printable Version

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Screensaver - Skyler - 01-01-2007

I have found several cool screensavers in this forum. Many, sadly, are out of date.(Out of date is a phrase which here means, it either runs too fast on my computer or it's not compatible with FB) So I would like to propose a new challenge:

FreeBASIC only.
No static or random circles. Really good ASCII screensavers may be accepted.
Size is, of course, important.
Comments please! Points will be deducted for no/few comments.

Deadline: Jan. 31, 2007

If you want me to revise anything, let me know and I'll consider it.

Happy New Year's!

Screensaver - red_Marvin - 01-02-2007

These can be screensavers if they are renamed to scr (I think). I have however not done any fancy stuff with winapi and cli switches (since I'm on linux :p)
They do also not quit on mouse movement, but by pressing the any-key.
I've recently posted them on freebasic.net/forum but i think this is a good reason to repost them (The versions might differ slightly)
Both requires cvs (for "FOR x AS INTEGER = ..." and transparent drawing primitives)
Enjoy Smile
' Bouncing circles, by red_Marvin/insomninja 061219 - edited 070101
' A number of points randomly bounces around on the screen and if point #n is close enough to point #0 a circle is drawn
' at the center of point #n with the distance as radius. If the point is even closer a filled circle is drawn in the
' same way with a slowly cycling color and the opacity depending on the distance.

type point2d
    x as single
    y as single
    xa as single
    ya as single
end type
dim as point2d p(0 to 199)
dim as single r,a
dim as double t
dim as integer ar,x,y,ox,oy,c,rc,gc,bc
randomize timer
for n as integer=0 to 199
    while abs(p(n).xa)<1 or abs(p(n).ya)<1
screenres 1024,768,32,1,&h41
setmouse ,,0
    if a>360 then a-=360
        if p(0).x<=0 then p(0).xa=rnd+1
        if p(0).y<=0 then p(0).ya=rnd+1
        if p(0).x>=1023 then p(0).xa=-rnd-1
        if p(0).y>=767 then p(0).ya=-rnd-1
        getmouse x, y
        if x<>ox or y<>oy or (timer<t and c=1) then
                if c=0 then
                end if
        end if
        for n as integer = 1 to 199
            if p(n).x<=-100 then p(n).xa=rnd+1
            if p(n).y<=-100 then p(n).ya=rnd+1
            if p(n).x>=1123 then p(n).xa=-rnd-1
            if p(n).y>=867 then p(n).ya=-rnd-1
            if ar<255 then
            end if
            if ar<32 then
            end if
    sleep 50
loop while inkey=""

' Bouncing triangles red_Marvin/insomninja 061219 - edited 070101
' A number of points randomly bounces around on the screen and if point the distance between point #n and #0 multiplied
' with the distance between point #0 and #n+60 a triangle is drawn between the three points. If the number is even smaller
' the triangle is filled with a cycling color and opacity depending on said number.

declare sub triangle(x1 as integer, y1 as integer, x2 as integer, y2 as integer, x3 as integer, y3 as integer, clr as integer)
declare sub swapi(a as integer ptr, b as integer ptr)

type point2d
    x as single
    y as single
    xa as single
    ya as single
end type

dim as point2d p(0 to 120)
dim as double t
dim as single a
dim as integer x,y,ox,oy,c,rc,gc,bc,px,py
dim as double s,ms
randomize timer
for n as integer=0 to 120
    while abs(p(n).xa)<1 or abs(p(n).ya)<1
screenres 1024,768,32,1,&h41
setmouse ,,0
    if a>360 then a-=360
        if p(0).x<=0 then p(0).xa=rnd+1
        if p(0).y<=0 then p(0).ya=rnd+1
        if p(0).x>=1023 then p(0).xa=-rnd-1
        if p(0).y>=767 then p(0).ya=-rnd-1
        getmouse x, y
        if x<>ox or y<>oy or (timer<t and c=1) then
                if c=0 then
                end if
        end if
        for n as integer = 1 to 60
            if p(n).x<=-100 then p(n).xa=rnd+1
            if p(n).y<=-100 then p(n).ya=rnd+1
            if p(n).x>=1123 then p(n).xa=-rnd-1
            if p(n).y>=867 then p(n).ya=-rnd-1
            if p(n+60).x<=-100 then p(n+60).xa=rnd+1
            if p(n+60).y<=-100 then p(n+60).ya=rnd+1
            if p(n+60).x>=1123 then p(n+60).xa=-rnd-1
            if p(n+60).y>=867 then p(n+60).ya=-rnd-1
            s=sqr(  ((p(0).x-p(n).x)^2  +  (p(0).y-p(n).y)^2  )* (  (p(0).x-p(n+60).x)^2  +  (p(0).y-p(n+60).y)^2  ))

            if ms<255 then
                triangle p(0).x, p(0).y, p(n).x, p(n).y, p(n+60).x, p(n+60).y, rgba(rc,gc,bc,255-ms)
                draw string (px,py), "("+str(px)+";"+str(py)+")",rgba(255,255,255,31)
                draw string (px,py), "("+str(px)+";"+str(py)+")",rgba(255,255,255,31)
            end if
            if ms<32 then
            end if
    draw string (p(0).x,p(0).y), "("+str(cint(p(0).x))+";"+str(cint(p(0).y))+")",rgba(255,255,255,127)
    sleep 50
loop while inkey=""

sub triangle(x1 as integer, y1 as integer, x2 as integer, y2 as integer, x3 as integer, y3 as integer, clr as integer)
    dim as single xm12, xm13, xm23
    dim as single xa,xb
    if y2<y1 then swapi @x1, @x2 : swapi @y1, @y2
    if y3<y1 then swapi @x1, @x3 : swapi @y1, @y3
    if y3<y2 then swapi @x2, @x3 : swapi @y2, @y3
    if cint(y2)>cint(y1) then
        for y as integer = cint(y1) to cint(y2)-1
            line (xa,y)-(xb,y),clr
    end if
    line (xa,y2)-(xb,y2),clr
    if cint(y2)<cint(y3) then
        for y as integer = cint(y2)+1 to cint(y3)
            line (xa,y)-(xb,y),clr
    end if
end sub

sub swapi(a as integer ptr, b as integer ptr)
    dim t as integer
end sub

EDIt: Come on! More entries!

Screensaver - Skyler - 01-02-2007

Good, no ASM shortcuts. That means I can understand it easily!

Screensaver - Dr_Davenstein - 01-02-2007

This is very similar to something I made in QB. I just made a version in FB to test the speed. Needless to say, FB is awesome. Wink

#Include "Fbgfx.bi"
Randomize Timer
Using FB

Const False As Integer = 0
Const True As Integer = Not False
Const Cir_Cnt As Integer = 150
Const SCR_WIDTH As Integer = 320
Const SCR_HEIGHT As Integer = 240
Const BPP As Integer = 32

Screenres SCR_WIDTH, SCR_HEIGHT, BPP,2', 1
Screenset 0,1

Setmouse 0,0,0

Type Point2D
    X As Integer
    Y As Integer
End Type

Type Circles
    P As Point2d
    Rad As Integer
    Hill_Hole As Byte
End Type

Type Colors
    As Integer R, G, B
End Type

Declare Function Vec_2D_Dist( Byval vA As Point2D, Byval vB As Point2D) As Integer
Declare Sub Blur_Buffer( Byval Buffer As Colors Ptr Ptr, Byref tBuffer As Colors Ptr Ptr, Byval Strength As Integer )

Dim As Circles Cir(CIR_CNT)
Dim As Integer i, X, Y, R, G, B, All_Colors_Match, Dist, Work_Page
Dim As Colors Ptr Ptr Buffer, tBuffer, Scr_Buffer
Dim As Point2D tVec

Buffer  = Callocate(SCR_WIDTH * Sizeof(Colors) )
tBuffer = Callocate(SCR_WIDTH * Sizeof(Colors) )
Scr_Buffer = Callocate(SCR_WIDTH * Sizeof(Colors) )

For X = 0 To SCR_WIDTH-1
    Buffer[X]  = Callocate(SCR_Height * Sizeof(Colors) )
    tBuffer[X] = Callocate(SCR_Height * Sizeof(Colors) )
    Scr_Buffer[X] = Callocate(SCR_Height * Sizeof(Colors) )

    For i= 0 To Ubound(Cir)
        Cir(i).P.X = Rnd*SCR_WIDTH
        Cir(i).P.Y = Rnd*SCR_HEIGHT
        Cir(i).Rad = 25+(Rnd*150)
        Select Case Int(Rnd*2)
        Case 0
            Cir(i).Hill_Hole = 1
        Case 1
            Cir(i).Hill_Hole = -1
        End Select
    For Y = 0 To SCR_HEIGHT-1
        For X = 0 To SCR_WIDTH-1
            tVec.Y = Y
            tVec.X = X
            R = 0
            G = 128
            B = 0
            For i = 0 To Ubound(Cir)
                Dist = Vec_2D_Dist( Cir(i).P, tVec )
                If Dist<=Cir(i).Rad Then
                    G += (((Cir(i).Rad-Dist))*Cir(i).Hill_Hole)
                End If
            If G<0 Then G=0
            If G>255 Then G=255
            If G<=68 And G>=64 Then
                R = 128
                G = 128
                B = 255
            End If
            If G<64 Then
                B = G+Int(Rnd*64)
                R = 0
                G = 0
            End If
            If Int(Rnd*2)=0 Then
                If B<G Then
                End If
            End If
            Scr_Buffer[X][Y].R = R
            Scr_Buffer[X][Y].G = G
            Scr_Buffer[X][Y].B = B
            If Multikey(Sc_Escape) Then End
    Blur_Buffer Scr_Buffer, tBuffer, 1
        Screenset Work_Page, Work_page Xor 1
        All_Colors_Match = True
        For Y = 0 To SCR_HEIGHT-1
            For X = 0 To SCR_WIDTH-1
                If tBuffer[X][Y].R<>Buffer[X][Y].R Or tBuffer[X][Y].G<>Buffer[X][Y].G Or tBuffer[X][Y].B<>Buffer[X][Y].B Then
                    All_Colors_Match = False
                End If
                Pset(X,Y), Rgb(Buffer[X][Y].R, Buffer[X][Y].G, Buffer[X][Y].B)
                If Multikey(Sc_Escape) Then End
        Work_Page Xor = 1
    Loop Until All_Colors_Match
Loop Until Multikey(Sc_Escape)

For X = 0 To SCR_WIDTH-1
    Deallocate Buffer[X]
    Deallocate tBuffer[X]
    Deallocate Scr_Buffer[X]
Deallocate Buffer
Deallocate tBuffer
Deallocate Scr_Buffer


Private Sub Blur_Buffer( Byval Buffer As Colors Ptr Ptr, Byref tBuffer As Colors Ptr Ptr, Byval Strength As Integer )
    Dim As Integer X, Y, X1, Y1, XBeg, XFin, YBeg, YFin, Hits, R, G, B
    For Y = 0 To SCR_HEIGHT-1
        For X = 0 To SCR_WIDTH-1
            Hits = 0
            XBeg = X-Strength
            If XBeg<0 Then XBeg=0
            YBeg = Y-Strength
            If YBeg<0 Then YBeg=0
            XFin = X+Strength
            If XFin>SCR_WIDTH-1 Then XFin=SCR_WIDTH-1
            YFin = Y+Strength
            If YFin>SCR_HEIGHT-1 Then YFin=SCR_HEIGHT-1
            Hits = (((XFin-XBeg)+1)*((YFin-YBeg)+1))
            For Y1 = YBeg To YFin
                For X1 = XBeg To XFin
                    R+= Buffer[X1][Y1].R
                    G+= Buffer[X1][Y1].G
                    B+= Buffer[X1][Y1].B
            If Hits=0 Then Hits=1
            tBuffer[X][Y].R = R
            tBuffer[X][Y].G = G
            tBuffer[X][Y].B = B
End Sub

Private Function Vec_2D_Dist(Byval vA As Point2D, Byval vB As Point2D) As Integer
    Dim DX As Integer, _
    DY As Integer ,_
    Dist As Integer, _
    tD As Integer
    DX = (Va.X - Vb.X)
    DY = (Va.Y - Vb.Y)
    tD = Dx*Dx+Dy*Dy
    Dist = Sqr(tD)
    Function = Dist
End Function

This one requires an image, so I put it in a zip. It actually does look lie a screensaver. Wink

Screensaver - Skyler - 01-02-2007

WOW! That is amazing, Dr_D!

EDIT: Red Marvin, where can I get the CVS version?
EDIT2: Never mind, I found it.
EDIT3: Nice screensavers, RedMarvin. I like the mesmerizing shifting pattern of the triangles. The circles are, in my opinion, too small.

Screensaver - Skyler - 01-06-2007

Come on!

Screensaver - red_Marvin - 01-08-2007

Maybe not to some, since an older version has been visible on freebasic.net forums, but I though you migh be interested here too.

' random/changing IFS fractal generator by red_Marvin/insomninja code is licensed under the GNU GPL

#define fc 6.283185308

declare sub ifs(x0 as single, y0 as single, branchcount as uinteger, l0 as single, a0 as single, lm as single ptr, am as single ptr, maxdepth as integer, depth as uinteger = 0)

randomize timer
dim as uinteger md = 10
dim as uinteger bc = 3
dim as single ptr lm = callocate(len(single)*bc)
dim as single ptr am = callocate(len(single)*bc)
dim as single ptr lma = callocate(len(single)*bc)
dim as single ptr ama = callocate(len(single)*bc)

dim as single a0=rnd*fc
for n as integer = 0 to bc-1

screenres 1024,768,32,1,&H41
    ifs(512, 384, bc, 100, a0, lm, am, md)
    for n as integer = 0 to bc-1
        if lma[n]>1.01 then lma[n]=1.01
        if lma[n]<.99 then lma[n]=.99
        if lm[n]>.9 then lm[n]=.9 : lma[n]=1
        if lm[n]<.5 then lm[n]=.5 : lma[n]=1
        if ama[n]>.01 then ama[n]=.01
        if ama[n]<-.01 then ama[n]=-.01
        if am[n]>fc then am[n]-=fc
        if am[n]<0 then am[n]+=fc
    sleep 15
loop while inkey=""
deallocate lm
deallocate am
deallocate lma
deallocate ama

sub ifs(x0 as single, y0 as single, branchcount as uinteger, l0 as single, a0 as single, lm as single ptr, am as single ptr, maxdepth as integer, depth as uinteger = 0)
    if depth < maxdepth then
        dim as single l1, a1, x1, y1
        for n as uinteger = 0 to branchcount-1
            line(x0, y0)-(x1, y1), rgba(255,255,255,64-depth*64\maxdepth)
            ifs(x1, y1, branchcount, l1, a1, lm, am, maxdepth, depth+1)
    end if
end sub

Screensaver - Skyler - 01-08-2007

Whoa...:wow: Lots of neurons... :lol:

Screensaver - Dr_Davenstein - 01-08-2007

Nice demo man. Wink

Screensaver - Skyler - 01-08-2007

Davenstein! Come on, make an entry!