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Kangaroo problem, np complete :)
Hey will anyone post their solutions please?
Heheh. You haven't waited two months for someone to post one, have you? :o

It's not on this computer... I'll post it.....soon...

I also sent someone here a solution, too.....
Peace cannot be obtained without war. Why? If there is already peace, it is unnecessary for war. If there is no peace, there is already war."

Visit to see rubbish in all its finest.
:lol: No i didn't wait 2 months

I just havn't been around for that long and was curios of the answer since I'm trying to figure it out
I have found the solution but I cannot contain it within the margin of this paper. :king: :rotfl:
Peace cannot be obtained without war. Why? If there is already peace, it is unnecessary for war. If there is no peace, there is already war."

Visit to see rubbish in all its finest.
This was my solution (slightly modified):

DECLARE SUB DsplMove (Grp%, j%, Pstn%(), LnUp$, Mv$, Move%)

WIDTH 80, 25

  Title$ = "Kangaroo Problem"
  LOCATE 1, 32
  PRINT Title$; TAB(2); STRING$(78, "=")

  DO   '==============================  User Input   ==========================
    LOCATE 10, 18
    INPUT "Enter the number of kangaroos per side: ", n
    Okay = 0
    IF n < 10 THEN
      Okay = -1
      LOCATE 13, 1
      IF n > 31 THEN
        PRINT TAB(22); "Can't display more than 31 kangaroos.";
        Txt$ = "(You really didn't want to watch"
        Txt$ = Txt$ + STR$(n * (n + 2)) + " moves anyway)"
        PRINT TAB(40 - LEN(Txt$) \ 2); Txt$
        DO: k$ = INKEY$: LOOP WHILE k$ = ""
        Txt$ = "This will require" + STR$(n * (n + 2))
        Txt$ = Txt$ + " moves.  Use n =" + STR$(n) + "? (y/n)"
        PRINT TAB(40 - LEN(Txt$) \ 2); Txt$
        DO: k$ = LCASE$(INKEY$): LOOP UNTIL k$ = "y" OR k$ = "n"
        Okay = (k$ = "y")
      END IF
      LOCATE 10, 1: PRINT STRING$(80, " ")
      LOCATE 13, 1: PRINT STRING$(80, " ")
      LOCATE 14, 1: PRINT STRING$(80, " ")
    END IF
  LOOP UNTIL Okay      '============   End User Input ==========================

  CLS        '-----------------------  set up solution screen -----------------
  T$ = Title$ + "  (n =" + STR$(n) + ")"
  LOCATE 1, 41 - LEN(T$) \ 2
  PRINT T$; TAB(2); STRING$(78, "=")
  VIEW PRINT 3 TO 24   '-----------  End set up solution screen  --------------

  REDIM Pstn(1, 1 TO n)                         ' position of each kangaroo
  FOR i = 1 TO n                                ' starting from 1 on left
    Pstn(0, i) = n + 1 - i
    Pstn(1, i) = n + 1 + i
  LineUp = STRING$(n, ">") + "_" + STRING$(n, "<")
  Move = 0
  DsplMove Group, j, Pstn(), LineUp, "", Move

  FOR i = 0 TO n - 1
    Group = i MOD 2
    FOR j = 1 TO i
      DsplMove Group, j, Pstn(), LineUp, "jump", Move
    DsplMove Group, i + 1, Pstn(), LineUp, "hop ", Move

  Group = n MOD 2
  FOR j = 1 TO n
      DsplMove Group, j, Pstn(), LineUp, "jump", Move
  FOR i = n - 1 TO 0 STEP -1
    Group = i MOD 2
    DsplMove Group, n - i, Pstn(), LineUp, "hop ", Move
    FOR j = 1 TO i
      DsplMove Group, n - i + j, Pstn(), LineUp, "jump", Move
  PRINT TAB(28); "Try a different value? (y/n)";
  DO: k$ = LCASE$(INKEY$): LOOP UNTIL k$ = "y" OR k$ = "n"
LOOP WHILE k$ = "y"

SUB DsplMove (Grp, j, Pstn(), LnUp$, Mv$, Move)
  IF Grp = 0 THEN
    Char$ = ">"
    Grp$ = "R"
    Drctn = 1
    Char$ = "<"
    Grp$ = "L"
    Drctn = -1

  Dspl$ = RIGHT$("  " + STR$(Move), 4) + ")  "
  IF Move = 0 THEN
    Dspl$ = Dspl$ + STRING$(10, " ") + LnUp$
    MvLngth = 1 - (Mv$ = "jump")
    MID$(LnUp$, Pstn(Grp, j), 1) = "_"
    MID$(LnUp$, Pstn(Grp, j) + MvLngth * Drctn, 1) = Char$

    Pstn(Grp, j) = Pstn(Grp, j) + MvLngth * Drctn
    Dspl$ = Dspl$ + Grp$ + LEFT$(RIGHT$(STR$(j) + " ", 2 - (j > 9)), 2)
    Dspl$ = Dspl$ + " " + Mv$ + "  " + LnUp$
  PRINT TAB(40 - LEN(Dspl$) \ 2); Dspl$;

  IF Move > 0 AND Move MOD 20 = 0 THEN
    PRINT TAB(23); "PAUSED - Press any key to continue";
    DO: k$ = INKEY$: LOOP WHILE k$ = ""
    IF k$ = "q" OR k$ = CHR$(27) THEN END
    LOCATE 24, 23: PRINT ; "                                  ";
    LOCATE 24, 1
  Move = Move + 1
I also have Aga's solution, but I'll allow him to post it.
hrist Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am first.(I Timothy 1:15)

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.(John 3:16)
Well can someone post a very simple version of this for me.

This is because I'm in 9th grade math (geometry) and he said it was 10th grade extra credit
so i will be confused
Copy the program and run it. It displays each move. Use a small number of kangaroos to start. You should see a pattern.
hrist Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am first.(I Timothy 1:15)

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.(John 3:16)
Sure i can solve it by myself i just need to figure out how to program it

all i know is the # of steps used = "n + 1" ^ 2
counting the first one >_< as #1

I am sorry I didn't respond earlier. I didn't know what to say. You say that you want to be able to write a program to solve it, but you want a simpler program as an example. I could rewrite it, but then you wouldn't have the chance to do it yourself. I am very happy to help you, but if you are to have any satisfaction in writing the program, you will have to do most of the work.

Please, run the program with n = 4. Then group the moves by which way the moving kangaroo is facing (R or L). Then look for a pattern in those groups. This determines your loop structure. When you think you have it, try it with n = 3 to verify it. Let me know what you find. (What is the initial pattern? When does it change? What is the next pattern that comes up? When Does it begin? What happened between these two patterns?)
hrist Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am first.(I Timothy 1:15)

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.(John 3:16)
Here is my solution. I suddenly remembered it was in my outbox!! :rotfl:

I also saw a typo... it was "do" instead of "to" in the question....

'The point of this program is to solve
'the Kangaroo Problem, defined as follows:

'There are N kangaroos crossing a bridge from both sides.
'(so 2N kangaroos total)
'They need to get to their respective other sides.
'The only problem is that the bridge is so narrow
'that they can only move forward and not sideways.
'At first the kangaroos line up like this: >>>_<<< (n = 3)
'They need to line up like this:           <<<_>>>
'Kangaroos can HOP and JUMP.
'A kangaroo HOP moves the Kangaroo forward one space: >_ to _>
'A kangaroo JUMP moves the Kangaroo forward two spaces: ><_ to >_>
'How to HOP and JUMP the kangaroos to the other side?
'(two kangaroos can't occupy one space!)
'HINT Try to solve the problems with small N's first!

'An analysis of the problem proceeds in the following fashion:
'Try to solve N = 1 through N = 4 yourself, and look at any patterns emerging.
'You will then be able to extrapolate the general method...

' Try N=1
'>_< 0) they meet                      2
'_>< 1) hop one space       HOP  > ++  1
'<>_ 2) jump one space      JUMP < --  3
'<_> 3) hop one space: done HOP  > ++  2

' Now try N=2
'>>_<< 0) they meet                    3
'>_><< 1) hop one space     HOP  > ++  2
'><>_< 2) jump one space    JUMP < --  4
'><><_ 3) hop one space     HOP  < +-  5
'><_<> 4) jump one space    JUMP > -+  3
'_<><> 5) jump one space    JUMP > -+  1
'<_><> 6) hop one space     HOP  < +-  2
'<<>_> 7) jump one space    JUMP < --  4
'<<_>> 8) hop one space     HOP  > ++  3

' Now try N=3
'>>>_<<< 00) they meet                  4
'>>_><<< 01) hop one space   HOP  > ++  3 -1
'>><>_<< 02) jump one space  JUMP < --  5 +2
'>><><_< 03) hop one space   HOP  < +-  6 +1
'>><_<>< 04) jump one space  JUMP > -+  4 -2
'>_<><>< 05) jump one space  JUMP > -+  2 -2
'_><><>< 06) hop one space   HOP  > ++  1 -1
'<>_><>< 07) jump one space  JUMP < --  3 +2
'<><>_>< 08) jump one space  JUMP < --  5 +2
'<><><>_ 09) jump one space  JUMP < --  7 +2
'<><><_> 10) hop one space   HOP  > ++  6 -1
'<><_<>> 11) jump one space  JUMP > -+  4 -2
'<_<><>> 12) jump one space  JUMP > -+  2 -2
'<<_><>> 13) hop one space   HOP  < +-  3 +1
'<<<>_>> 14) jump one space  JUMP < --  5 +2
'<<<_>>> 15) hop one space   HOP  > ++  4 -1


PRINT : INPUT "Number of kangaroos on each side? ", N%
move.amount% = N% * N% + 2 * N%
spaces.amount% = N% * 2 + 1
DIM SHARED move(move.amount%) AS INTEGER
DIM SHARED type1(move.amount%) AS INTEGER
DIM SHARED kangaroo.string$: kangaroo.string$ = SPACE$(spaces.amount%)

FOR i% = 1 TO spaces.amount%
CASE IS < N% + 1: MID$(kangaroo.string$, i%, 1) = ">"
CASE IS = N% + 1: MID$(kangaroo.string$, i%, 1) = "_"
CASE IS > N% + 1: MID$(kangaroo.string$, i%, 1) = "<"
k% = 0: j% = 0: k2% = 0: counter% = 1: counter2% = 1

FOR i% = 1 TO move.amount% \ 2
IF j% = k% THEN k% = k% + 1: j% = 0: move(i%) = -1 ELSE j% = j% + 1
IF j2% = k2% THEN k2% = k2% + 1: j2% = 1: temp% = 1 - temp% ELSE j2% = j2% + 1
type1%(i%) = temp%

FOR i% = move.amount% \ 2 + 1 TO move.amount%
i2% = move.amount% - i% + 1: move%(i%) = move%(i2%): type1(i%) = type1(i2%)

cur.empty% = N% + 1: s1$ = "_"
FOR i% = 1 TO move.amount%
IF type1(i%) THEN next.empty% = cur.empty% - move%(i%) - 2 ELSE next.empty% = cur.empty% + move(i%) + 2
s2$ = MID$(kangaroo.string$, next.empty%, 1)
MID$(kangaroo.string$, next.empty%, 1) = s1$
MID$(kangaroo.string$, cur.empty%, 1) = s2$
cur.empty% = next.empty%
PRINT kangaroo.string$ + " "; : IF move%(i%) THEN PRINT "hop" ELSE PRINT "jump"
1 : IF INKEY$ = "" THEN GOTO 1

Peace cannot be obtained without war. Why? If there is already peace, it is unnecessary for war. If there is no peace, there is already war."

Visit to see rubbish in all its finest.

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