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Serious challenge: Graphics demo within 25 LINES OR FEWER!
To Na_th_an,

About your source code that you have already posted from earlier within my thread here, when I have already checked it (minus the remark lines), it amounted to a grand total of 38 lines, which is just 13 lines too long. BUT, **thank God Almighty** that it was not even your entry for my current compo, because that one would *easily never* have been accepted at all had you actually entered this original QB gala, so fortunate you, Na_th_an!! Wink ! In the meantime though, your source code — the vertical twisty text-based graphics demo (which resembles a moving power drill, by the way!) — is REALLY fresh and **INSPIRINGLY** original, my man!! My, you got some pretty awesome potential in you to win big at my current compo, you know that? A minor glitch I found in your program (when compiled) is that when your text finally finishes, an “Illegal Function Call” error popped up on your program. Sad Other than that, though, a darned good practice shot from you on your posted QB source code overall, even if I personally say so myself as well! Big Grin !

To Richard Eric M. Lope,

Within your series of 25-line based graphics demos, you sure fire off some **OUTSTANDINGLY GOOD** practice shots, man, to be 100% brutally honest with you!!! ;D !!! Your 25-line plasma demo, is knock-out AWESOMELY ORIGINAL, and when I have compiled it to .EXE and ran it, it ran at a WHOPPING 60+ FPS on a Pionex 450mhz Pentium III computer that I already have!!! Big Grin Cool !! And, your 25-line water simulation program sure is a _really_ good one, with your 25-line water simulation with texture mapping sure TAKING THE ENTIRE CAKE when it largely comes to how ***flat-out excellent*** your demos really plain are!!! YOU HAVE THE MOST SPECTACULARLY SPLENDID POTENTIAL TO WIN GRAND PRIZE AT MY COMPO, so if you are all set for an invitation to my compo, gear up and get ready to go!!! (Just remember to please review the Official Rules of my compo and agree to all of them before even signing up for an invitation, with which you can truly begin entering! Wink The same is true for ANYONE that wants to join in, too.)

To Mango,

Hello and what an **absolute** pleasure for me to talk to you for the very first time!! God bless you ever so richly, man! Wink ! Look now, as for your practice entry which is your 25-line starfield demo, notice the part of the QuickBASIC code you put down:

1 TYPE star

Believe it or not, *that* counts as five (5) consecutive lines in a row, HOWEVER, since the rest of your code comprises of this:

6 DIM astar(0 TO 300) AS star
7 DIM oldstar(0 TO 300) AS star
8 FOR i = 0 TO 300
9  astar(i).x = RND * 640
10  astar(i).y = RND * 480
11  astar(i).z = RND * 300
12 NEXT i
13 SCREEN 11
14 DO
15 FOR i = 0 TO 300
16   IF astar(i).z < 1 THEN astar(i).z = 300 ELSE astar(i).z = astar(i).z - 1
17   FOR p% = 0 TO oldstar(i).z
18     CIRCLE (oldstar(i).x, oldstar(i).y), p%, 0
19     IF astar(i).z <> 300 THEN CIRCLE (INT(2 * astar(i).z + astar(i).x / (1 + astar(i).z / 30)), INT(astar(i).z + astar(i).y / (1 + astar(i).z / 30))), p%
20   NEXT p%
21   oldstar(i).x = INT(2 * astar(i).z + astar(i).x / (1 + astar(i).z / 30))
22   oldstar(i).y = INT(astar(i).z + astar(i).y / (1 + astar(i).z / 30))
23   oldstar(i).z = 5 / (1 + astar(i).z / 20)
24 NEXT i
25 LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> "" THAT is a **rather AMAZINGLY clever** ( :o ) strategy that _could_ help you nab a *SURE* shot at the Grand Prize at my compo, so utterly splendid good fortune to you on your newest entry, Mango, should you choose to have an invitation all set up for my QB event that’s currently going on right now!!! Wink Going back to your practice demo, it is **truly** freshly good and original (and even runs real well compiled, too!), as this is the kind of stuff that we want to see some more of in 25-line (or fewer-line-based) graphic demos that are created using QuickBASIC! Excellent work, man!! Big Grin Wink !

And to Sterling Christensen,

Hello to you again and thank you so much for your very good post! Long time, no see, man!! Wink ! Listen, your graphics demo that you have most recently posted from yesterday is indeed only 23 lines long just like you have already said, and I must go to great lengths to believe that that is some *REAL IMPRESSIVE* color show you sure put on in your tile-based graphics demo to the tune of fading red, white, and blue colors (can you say, “America, the beautiful”, people? :rotfl: ). For a 25-line (or fewer-line based) graphics demo, that is a pretty awesome practice run from you, Sterling. You got some **real good** potential going in you to prepare a new, mind-blowing QB demo that can _hopefully_ win you the Grand Prize at my compo, should you choose to get yourself a invitation as well, so I wish you REAL well on it!!! Big Grin ! And by the way, according to my requirements, you are rather fortunate, man, ‘cause there is *NO* such rule that says that “DEF fn” commands are not allowed in your program. Therefore I WILL allow the “DEF fn” commands to be used in these types of programs!! Period, point-blank end of the conversation. Big Grin ! All SUBs and FUNCTIONs, though, are completely disallowed. EVER.

And to the rest of the QB45/QB71 community (with just a few more words to say to Na_th_an, Eric, Mango, and Sterling! ;*) )

I want to remind you all that once you do get an invitation to my compo (which is found on my Official Rules page), you can choose any one of the seven categories. If you enter and choose “Graphics Demo within 25 LINES OR FEWER!”, then you must follow the requirements given to you for that category, and you must also make your entry a new pure-QuickBASIC graphics demo from scratch, okay now please? Man, I just hope to see you win big at this even *grander* QB gala, so ***MOST EXCELLENT FRESH, NEW, AND INSPIRINGLY ORIGINAL CODING IN QUICKBASIC TO YOU ALL***, and God’s massive fiery blessing to you all!!! See you all again later!! Big Grin Wink !!


[Image: AAPMini.gif]
Adigun Azikiwe Polack
One of the Founders of “Aura Flow”
Webmaster of the AAP Official Homepage
Official Founder of the “QuickBASIC Caliber Programming Compo”
url=][Image: file.php?id=194][/url]
Your *official* home of the FreeBasic GFX Demo Central, now holding over 150 FB graphics demos so far!!! Big Grin !

Messages In This Thread
Specification...What is a line? - by Mango - 07-09-2003, 08:28 AM
25-line graphics demo... - by Mango - 07-09-2003, 10:41 AM
Telling from your QB source codes, guys................ - by Adigun A. Polack - 07-17-2003, 10:41 AM

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