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Let's kick up the fun in here
Here's mine. Tutorial I got from Hugo Elias. Thanks Antoni!!! The site is a goldmine!!!!

Antoni.. Yeah, I'll prolly do some Metaballs with it. ;*)

*Think Plasma inside Blobs...

I'll try to add the gel algo laterz...If I can. LOL

DECLARE SUB AF.Print (Layer%, offs%, Xpos%, Ypos%, text$, col%)
DECLARE SUB Rel.KgenFont (Layer%, offs%, X%, Y%, Font$, MinColor%, Italic%)
DECLARE SUB Grad (col1%, r1%, g1%, b1%, col2%, r2%, g2%, b2%)

DIM Vpage1%(32001)
DIM Vpage2%(32001)

DIM cmap%(255)
DIM div5%(255 * 5)
DIM Lsin(-10 TO 370) AS SINGLE
DIM Lcos(-10 TO 370) AS SINGLE
DIM textX%(10)
DIM textY%(10)
DIM text$(10)

DIM Layer1%
DIM Layer2%
DIM offs1%
DIM offs2%

Vpage1%(0) = 2560                      'Width 320*8
Vpage1%(1) = 200                       'Height
Vpage2%(0) = 2560                      'Width 320*8
Vpage2%(1) = 200                       'Height

Layer1% = VARSEG(Vpage1%(0))
Layer2% = VARSEG(Vpage2%(0))

offs1% = VARPTR(Vpage1%(2))
offs2% = VARPTR(Vpage2%(2))

FOR i% = 0 TO 255
    cmap%(i%) = 1 + INT(RND * 10)

FOR i% = 0 TO 255 * 5
    div5%(i%) = i% \ 5

FOR i% = -10 TO 370
    ax! = i% * 3.141593 / 180
    Lsin(i%) = SIN(ax!)
    Lcos(i%) = COS(ax!)

FOR i% = 0 TO 199
    Ly&(i%) = i% * 320&

FOR i% = 0 TO 10
    READ textX(i%)
    READ textY(i%)
    READ text$(i%)

Grad 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0
Grad 2, 15, 0, 0, 63, 63, 0, 0
Grad 64, 63, 0, 0, 127, 63, 63, 0
Grad 128, 63, 63, 0, 255, 63, 63, 0

Xrad% = 40
Yrad% = 40
Freq% = 6
FoldLeng! = 0
Fdir! = .3
rotdir% = 1
bx% = 91
bxdir% = 1

        Frames& = Frames& + 1
        DEF SEG = Layer1%
            Acount% = Acount% + 1
            IF Acount% > 360 THEN Acount% = 360

            FoldLeng! = FoldLeng! + Fdir!
            IF FoldLeng! < -30 THEN
                Fdir! = -Fdir!
            ELSEIF FoldLeng! > 30 THEN
                Fdir! = -Fdir!
            END IF

            ang% = (ang% + rotdir%)
            IF ang% < 0 THEN
                rotdir% = -rotdir%
            ELSEIF ang% > 360 THEN
                rotdir% = -rotdir%
            END IF
            bx% = bx% + bxdir%
            IF bx% < 80 THEN
                bxdir% = -bxdir%
            ELSEIF bx% > 240 THEN
                bxdir% = -bxdir%
            END IF
            ty% = ABS(SIN(ang% * 3.141593 / 180)) * 50
            xx% = bx%
            yy% = 125 - ty%

            FOR angle% = 0 TO Acount%
                A% = ((Freq% * angle%) MOD 360)
                B% = (angle% + ang%) MOD 360
                X% = (Xrad% + FoldLeng! * Lsin((A%))) * Lsin((B%)) + xx
                Y% = (Yrad% + FoldLeng! * Lsin((A%))) * Lcos((B%)) + yy
                POKE offs1% + Ly&(Y%) + X%, 255
                POKE offs1% + Ly&(Y%) + X% + 1, 127
                POKE offs1% + Ly&(Y%) + X% - 1, 127
                POKE offs1% + Ly&((Y% - 1)) + X%, 127
                POKE offs1% + Ly&((Y% + 1)) + X%, 255
            NEXT angle%

        T! = (Frames&) * 3.141593 / 180
        X% = INT(COS(T! * 8) + SIN(T!) * 140)
        Y% = INT(SIN(T! + 2) * SIN(T! * 2) * 90)
        xx% = X% + 160
        yy% = Y% + 100
        IF xx% > 2 AND yy% > 2 AND xx% < 318 AND yy% < 198 THEN
            POKE woff1% + Ly&(yy%) + xx%, 255
            POKE woff1% + Ly&(yy%) + xx% + 1, 255
            POKE woff1% + Ly&(yy%) + xx% - 1, 255
            POKE woff1% + Ly&(yy% - 1) + xx%, 255
            POKE woff1% + Ly&(yy% + 1) + xx%, 255

            POKE woff1% + Ly&(200 - yy% + 1) + (320 - xx%), 255
            POKE woff1% + Ly&(200 - yy% - 1) + (320 - xx%), 255
            POKE woff1% + Ly&(200 - yy%) + (320 - xx% + 1), 255
            POKE woff1% + Ly&(200 - yy%) + (320 - xx% - 1), 255

        END IF

        T! = TIMER
        X% = INT(COS(T! * 8) + SIN(T!) * 140)
        Y% = INT(SIN(T! + 2) * SIN(T! * 2) * 90)
        xx% = X% + 160
        yy% = Y% + 100
        IF xx% > 2 AND yy% > 2 AND xx% < 318 AND yy% < 198 THEN
            POKE woff1% + Ly&(yy%) + xx%, 255
            POKE woff1% + Ly&(yy%) + xx% + 1, 255
            POKE woff1% + Ly&(yy%) + xx% - 1, 255
            POKE woff1% + Ly&(yy% - 1) + xx%, 255
            POKE woff1% + Ly&(yy% + 1) + xx%, 255

            POKE woff1% + Ly&(200 - yy% + 1) + (320 - xx%), 255
            POKE woff1% + Ly&(200 - yy% - 1) + (320 - xx%), 255
            POKE woff1% + Ly&(200 - yy%) + (320 - xx% + 1), 255
            POKE woff1% + Ly&(200 - yy%) + (320 - xx% - 1), 255

        END IF
        IF (Frames& AND 7) = 1 THEN
            texX% = textX%(Textidx%)
            texY% = textY%(Textidx%)
            tex$ = text$(Textidx%)
            AF.Print Layer1%, offs1%, texX%, texY, tex$, 245
            IF (Frames& AND 15) = 1 THEN
                Textidx% = (Textidx% + 1) MOD 11
            END IF
        END IF
    clrmap% = INT(RND * 5)
    FOR C& = 321 TO 64000 - 321 STEP 4
        DEF SEG = Layer1%
        p& = offs1% + C&
        clr% = PEEK(p& + 1) + PEEK(p& - 1) + PEEK(p& - 320) + PEEK(p& + 320) + PEEK(p&)
        clr% = div5%(clr%)
        clrmap% = (clrmap% + 1) AND 255
        clr% = clr% - cmap%(clrmap%)
        IF clr% < 0 THEN clr% = 0
        n1% = clr%
        p& = p& + 1
        clr% = PEEK(p& + 1) + PEEK(p& - 1) + PEEK(p& - 320) + PEEK(p& + 320) + PEEK(p&)
        clr% = div5%(clr%)
        clrmap% = (clrmap% + 1) AND 255
        clr% = clr% - cmap%(clrmap%)
        IF clr% < 0 THEN clr% = 0
        n2% = clr%
        p& = p& + 1
        clr% = PEEK(p& + 1) + PEEK(p& - 1) + PEEK(p& - 320) + PEEK(p& + 320) + PEEK(p&)
        clr% = div5%(clr%)
        clrmap% = (clrmap% + 1) AND 255
        clr% = clr% - cmap%(clrmap%)
        IF clr% < 0 THEN clr% = 0
        n3% = clr%
        p& = p& + 1
        clr% = PEEK(p& + 1) + PEEK(p& - 1) + PEEK(p& - 320) + PEEK(p& + 320) + PEEK(p&)
        clr% = div5%(clr%)
        clrmap% = (clrmap% + 1) AND 255
        clr% = clr% - cmap%(clrmap%)
        IF clr% < 0 THEN clr% = 0
        n4% = clr%
        DEF SEG = Layer2%
        p2& = offs2% + C& - 320
        POKE p2&, n1%
        p2& = p2& + 1
        POKE p2&, n2%
        p2& = p2& + 1
        POKE p2&, n3%
        p2& = p2& + 1
        POKE p2&, n4%
    NEXT C&
    PUT (0, 0), Vpage2%(0), PSET
    FOR i% = 3 TO 32001
        Vpage1%(i%) = Vpage2%(i%)
    NEXT i%

PRINT "FPS:"; Frames& / (TIMER - T#)
PRINT "Fire by Relsoft"
C$ = INPUT$(1)

DATA 100,50,"Fire by Relsoft"
DATA 10,40,"From a tutorial by Hugo Elias."
DATA 140,140,"Greetz to..."
DATA 40,170,"God"
DATA 10,160,"Anya Therese"
DATA 10,20,"Rosmelly"
DATA 180,110,"Peter"
DATA 40,60,"Lily"
DATA 160,140,"Marie"
DATA 10,160,"Cristina"
DATA 40,140,"And all the QBasicnews people."

SUB AF.Print (Layer%, offs%, Xpos%, Ypos%, text$, col%)
'Prints the standard 8*8 CGA font
'Segment=the Layer to print to
'Xpos,Ypos=the coordinates of the text
'Text$=the string to print
'col= is the color to print(gradient)

X% = Xpos%
Y% = Ypos%
Spacing% = 8
  FOR i% = 0 TO LEN(text$) - 1
    X% = X% + Spacing%
    Offset% = 8 * ASC(MID$(text$, i% + 1, 1)) + 14
    FOR J% = 0 TO 7
      DEF SEG = &HFFA6
      Bit% = PEEK(Offset% + J%)
      DEF SEG = Layer%
      IF Bit% AND 1 THEN POKE offs% + Ly&(Y% + J%) + X%, col% + J%
      IF Bit% AND 2 THEN POKE offs% + Ly&(Y% + J%) + (X% - 1), col% + J%
      IF Bit% AND 4 THEN POKE offs% + Ly&(Y% + J%) + (X% - 2), col% + J%
      IF Bit% AND 8 THEN POKE offs% + Ly&(Y% + J%) + (X% - 3), col% + J%
      IF Bit% AND 16 THEN POKE offs% + Ly&(Y% + J%) + (X% - 4), col% + J%
      IF Bit% AND 32 THEN POKE offs% + Ly&(Y% + J%) + (X% - 5), col% + J%
      IF Bit% AND 64 THEN POKE offs% + Ly&(Y% + J%) + (X% - 6), col% + J%
      IF Bit% AND 128 THEN POKE offs% + Ly&(Y% + J%) + (X% - 7), col% + J%
    NEXT J%
  NEXT i%


SUB Grad (col1, r1, g1, b1, col2, r2, g2, b2)

cols = col2 - col1 + 1
rstep! = (r2 - r1) / cols
gstep! = (g2 - g1) / cols
bstep! = (b2 - b1) / cols
r! = r1
g! = g1
B! = b1
FOR col = col1 TO col2
  r! = r! + rstep!
  g! = g! + gstep!
  B! = B! + bstep!
  red% = INT(r!)
  Green% = INT(g!)
  Blue% = INT(B!)
  OUT &H3C8, col
  OUT &H3C9, red%
  OUT &H3C9, Green%
  OUT &H3C9, Blue%
NEXT col

y smiley is 24 bit.
[Image: anya2.jpg]

Genso's Junkyard:

Messages In This Thread
Let's kick up the fun in here - by Ninkazu - 07-17-2003, 09:34 AM
Let's kick up the fun in here - by relsoft - 07-17-2003, 11:11 AM
Let's kick up the fun in here - by Nexinarus - 07-17-2003, 03:27 PM
Let's kick up the fun in here - by Antoni Gual - 07-17-2003, 06:50 PM
Let's kick up the fun in here - by Ninkazu - 07-18-2003, 09:25 AM
Let's kick up the fun in here - by relsoft - 07-18-2003, 11:27 AM
Let's kick up the fun in here - by oracle - 07-19-2003, 04:13 AM
Let's kick up the fun in here - by relsoft - 07-19-2003, 10:18 AM
Let's kick up the fun in here - by oracle - 07-19-2003, 10:44 AM
Let's kick up the fun in here - by Nexinarus - 07-19-2003, 03:30 PM
Let's kick up the fun in here - by relsoft - 07-21-2003, 08:49 AM
Let's kick up the fun in here - by Nexinarus - 07-21-2003, 09:50 AM
Let's kick up the fun in here - by oracle - 07-21-2003, 10:05 AM
Let's kick up the fun in here - by relsoft - 07-21-2003, 10:38 AM
Let's kick up the fun in here - by oracle - 07-21-2003, 10:55 AM
Let's kick up the fun in here - by Nexinarus - 07-21-2003, 02:28 PM
Let's kick up the fun in here - by relsoft - 07-24-2003, 11:59 AM
Let's kick up the fun in here - by oracle - 07-25-2003, 06:02 AM
Let's kick up the fun in here - by toonski84 - 07-25-2003, 06:16 AM
Let's kick up the fun in here - by Blitz - 07-25-2003, 06:35 AM
Let's kick up the fun in here - by oracle - 07-25-2003, 07:25 AM
Let's kick up the fun in here - by toonski84 - 07-25-2003, 07:47 AM
Let's kick up the fun in here - by oracle - 07-25-2003, 07:52 AM
Let's kick up the fun in here - by relsoft - 07-25-2003, 11:52 AM
Let's kick up the fun in here - by Blitz - 07-25-2003, 05:22 PM
Let's kick up the fun in here - by relsoft - 07-26-2003, 10:21 AM
Let's kick up the fun in here - by oracle - 07-26-2003, 12:27 PM

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