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The new AAP Official Projects Squad has just been raised!
Quote:Bring it on, ‘cause I am *aggressively* serious about it!!
What is it that you are so afraid of that forces you into being aggressive?

Do we intimidate you?

Are you insecure about your accomplishments?

Do you feel that you are a lesser person, and somehow make up for it by being aggressive?

Aggressivity spawns from fear, doesent it? Sorry to say AAP, but you're breaking your own rules all the time.

But I guess that's ok?

Fun sidenote: I had my mum read AAP's rules.. she's 48, and would probably qualify as a "hippie". She could not in her wildest imagination (is that ok to say AAP? or is imagination sinful?) see how people could have sex, or kiss on a forumboard, or how a faery would post a message.

In fact, the rules state that AAP beleive in faeries, wizards aso, as the rules ban those groups of people from his forum, clearly, they exist, and must be banned.

And, no nymphs?.. Nympho(something) is a "sickness" making a person have increased apetite for sex.

Rule nr 43532 on Z!re's forum: No diabetics!
Rule nr 43533 on Z!re's forum: No coughing!
Rule nr 43534 on Z!re's forum: Absolutely, and blatantly, no exceptions period. No sneezing!

And to any Admin:
You keep warning people for "jumping" AAP, when all we do is point out his absurd stupid, and sometimes totaly braindead rules (my opinion, and if you think of it, it's prolly close to your own opinion as well, I do appologize however or I'd get a warning)
"Most" of the forum/qmunity has a problem with AAP's forumboard/rules, yet you allow him to post?

Like Nath said, peace symbols, and various religious symbols, are classified as evil? Not everyone is a christian you know.

Maybe rename QBN to "All Christian ForumBoard for the QBCaliberCompo"?

Is the cross an OK symbol? To me it stands for inhumane suffering and slaughtering of thousands of people in the roman empire.

Seeing as Christianity/the Cross is the only thing allowed on AAP's forum I find it highly insulting.

That you as admins would allow something like that to be posted?

If I posted a link to a site, where there was a link to a childporn site, would that be ok?

Or, if I posted a link to a site where I showed a picture of my dead cat, which btw, was burned and runned over by a truck?

Or... [...]

You get the picture?

You don't have a problem with AAP?, good for you.
But I have a problem with his forum and it's rules, and his compo and it's rules.
But I guess I don't count, because AAP is doing something valuable for the qmunnity by having his "compos".

Hell (no pun intended), my forum about Novix has more visitors, my homepage about Novix has a LOT more visitors (18000 now, been up since january, note that this is hits, not unique visits)
And I havent seen any news post about Novix, why? Because I havent posted about it.
I havent heard anyone complain about any rules on my forum, granted there's not many registered users, and it's pretty slow.

AAP splits the community, he makes people upset, and he's ignorant. What do you have to do to be banned?

Ohh, and BTW, seeing as my Novix forum is a bit slow, can I have my own forum here? AAP got one, didn't he?

Or is hi's compo, with (what I've heard/read) only one contestant more important then something that has had 18000 hits? (remember when AAP's site had 2000 hits... well.. I guess it's around 2500 now.)

That was your way of justifying it, he needed a forum for his important compo.

My fingers are getting tired.

Last time I "went up against" AAP, I got a warning, for what? A post, simillar to this one, which you removed though. I even copied it and sent it to a few people just in case you would ban me.

Ohh the joy of knowing that some people are treated differently just because they are special and important, and have an important compo.

A compo that I, btw, would never in my life join, and I hope most of you never join it.

I seriously DOUBT that AAP's compo is important for the "continued prosperity" of the qmunnity.
I'm AFRAID that it only hinders people from progressing.

Ohh, and fear in swedish: Rädsla
I doubt AAP even knows how to pronounce that.

- Z!re
One of the "people on this earth"
Continuing "male"
Current Developrt of "Novix"
Webmaster of the 18000hit site "Z!re's official Novix site"

Making people mad since.. err.. 1985
Bring it on, cause I have a boner, and it's hard!
My wrath is never ending!
I will strike down on thee with my fists of must-erbation!
Look into my eyes and see the darkness, ohh you wretched dogs!

Messages In This Thread
Well said, Rhiannon! ;) ! - by Adigun A. Polack - 06-24-2004, 08:50 AM
The new AAP Official Projects Squad has just been raised! - by Z!re - 06-25-2004, 07:55 PM

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