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maze code

Do not know if anyone would be able to use this but here is the code for what I have used to make my mazes. I have put as much info in it as I can. Good luck.


'************* This makes maze. All rooms will be visited and all rooms
'************* can be reached from every other room. There will be blank spaces
'************* to make it less dense like a dungeon(some rooms are filled in).
'************* You can remove The code that
'************* adds loops and removes dead ends to make a pure maze(all rooms used).
'************* The value of the array sps% could be saved as a file. It is the
'************* room number and the directions 1=north 2=south 3=west 4=east
'************* and if it is blocked(1) or open(0).

'************* The maze is drawn on screen 13 so you can see it. Once it is
'************* drawn press any key to make a new maze or ESC to exit.

'************* Change mx,my to change the size of the maze(max x=31 max y=19)
'************* Change lop to change the chance for a loop.(min = 2)
'************* Change dense to change the number of rooms with one exit that
'************* are filled in to make the dungeon less dense.

'************* mx=x size of maze
'************* my=y size of maze
'************* lop=chance of loops being made. A higher number is a lesser
'************* chance for a loop.
'************* dense=chance of dead ends being removed and filled in.
'************* sp=total spaces in maze(mx*my)
'************* vs%(#,#)=if room is visited first # is room x # second # is room y
'************* drt%(1-4)=random direction check for maze generation
'************* svbps%(#,1-4)=direction of doors of room 1st # is cell # 2nd # is
'************* direction(1=north 2=south 3=west 4=east) =blocked(1) or open(0)
'************* csp=current cell space (c = cy - 1 : cc = c * mx : csp = cc + cx)
'************* pcx=graphic x pcx = ((cx * 10) - 5)
'************* pcy=graphic y pcy = ((cy * 10) - 5)
'************* c and ts are used as space holders.

'************* Set screen 13.
'************* Randomize.

'((((-*-)))))) '************** start of program.

'************* Start of making the maze.

'************* Set maze size mx,my.Set lop as 5. Set denst as 5
mx = 20: my = 19 : lop = 5 : dense=5

'************* Clear the screen.

'************** Draw the mazes basic shape on the screen. Just rooms with no doors.
FOR xx = 1 TO (mx * 10) STEP 10
FOR yy = 1 TO (my * 10) STEP 10
LINE (xx, yy)-(xx + 9, yy + 9), 1, B

'************* Start of makeing the basic maze.

'************* sp=total spaces in maze(mx*my).
'************* vs%(#,#)=cell visited first # is cell # 2nt # is 0 not visited
'************* 1 visited .
'************* drt%(1-4)=direction check random for maze generation .
'************* sps%(#,1-4)=doors of cells 1st # is cell # 2nd # is direction
'************* 1=north 2=south 3=west 4=east =blocked(1) or open(0).
'************* dim arrays.
sp = (mx * my)
DIM vs%(mx, my), drt%(5), sps%(sp, 4), dsp%(sp)

'************* Set the array vs%(x,y) to all not visited(0).
'************* This makes all rooms not visited.
FOR t = 1 TO mx
FOR tt = 1 TO my
vs%(t, tt) = 0

'************* Make array for each room and make each direction blocked(1).
'************* sps%(#,1-4)=blocked(1).
'************* This makes all rooms have no doors .
FOR t = 1 TO sp
sps%(t, 1) = 1
sps%(t, 2) = 1
sps%(t, 3) = 1
sps%(t, 4) = 1

'************* Pick a random room. This is a number between 1 and sp(total rooms
'************* in the maze).
rndsp = INT(RND(1) * sp) + 1

'************* This converts the room number into the cx,cy values.
c = INT(rndsp / mx)
cy = (c + 1)
cx = (rndsp - (c * mx))
IF cx = 0 THEN cx = mx: cy = cy - 1

'************** Set first random room as visited.
vs%(cx, cy) = 1

'((((-*-)))))) Pick random number 1 to 4, then set drt% as a random direction
'************** (1=north 2=south 3=west 4=east). drc is used to see if all directions
'************** have been checked. (1=1 direction checked 2=2 directions checked ect..)
dr = INT(RND(1) * 4) + 1
IF dr = 1 THEN drt%(1) = 1: drt%(2) = 2: drt%(3) = 3: drt%(4) = 4: drc = 1
IF dr = 2 THEN drt%(1) = 2: drt%(2) = 3: drt%(3) = 4: drt%(4) = 1: drc = 1
IF dr = 3 THEN drt%(1) = 3: drt%(2) = 4: drt%(3) = 1: drt%(4) = 2: drc = 1
IF dr = 4 THEN drt%(1) = 4: drt%(2) = 1: drt%(3) = 2: drt%(4) = 3: drc = 1

'((((-*-)))))) Check the direction to see if valid.
'************** If all directions are invalid pick new visited room.
IF drc = 4 THEN drc = 1: GOTO fndvis:

'************** Set dc as the direction (1=north 2=south 3=west 4=east).
dc = drt%(drc)
'************** Check to see if there there is a room in that direction.
'************** If there is no room in that direction then add one to drc
'************** and go to chdr: to check the next direction.
IF dc = 1 AND cy = 1 THEN drc = drc + 1: GOTO chdr:
IF dc = 2 AND cy = my THEN drc = drc + 1: GOTO chdr:
IF dc = 3 AND cx = 1 THEN drc = drc + 1: GOTO chdr:
IF dc = 4 AND cx = mx THEN drc = drc + 1: GOTO chdr:

'************** Set the room you are looking at as lx,ly.
IF dc = 1 THEN ly = cy - 1: lx = cx
IF dc = 2 THEN ly = cy + 1: lx = cx
IF dc = 3 THEN lx = cx - 1: ly = cy
IF dc = 4 THEN lx = cx + 1: ly = cy

'************** If the room you are looking at is visited then then add one to drc
'************** and go to chdr: to check next direction.
IF vs%(lx, ly) = 1 THEN drc = drc + 1: GOTO chdr:

'************** If all directions are invalid then pick a new visited room.
IF drc = 4 THEN drc = 1: GOTO fndvis:

'************** Set current room as csp. Converts cx,cy into space number csp
c = cy - 1
cc = c * mx
csp = cc + cx

'************** Make door open in the direction (1=north 2=south 3=west 4=east).
'************** sps%(csp,direction)=0. From current room to the room you are
'************* looking at.
IF dc = 1 THEN sps%(csp, 1) = 0
IF dc = 2 THEN sps%(csp, 2) = 0
IF dc = 3 THEN sps%(csp, 3) = 0
IF dc = 4 THEN sps%(csp, 4) = 0

'************* Set graphic points for room.
pcx = ((cx * 10) - 5)
pcy = ((cy * 10) - 5)

'************** Draw the opening for the room.dc=(1=north 2=south 3=west 4=east).
IF dc = 1 THEN LINE (pcx - 1, pcy - 5)-(pcx + 2, pcy - 4), o, B
IF dc = 2 THEN LINE (pcx - 1, pcy + 5)-(pcx + 2, pcy + 6), o, B
IF dc = 3 THEN LINE (pcx - 5, pcy - 1)-(pcx - 4, pcy + 2), o, B
IF dc = 4 THEN LINE (pcx + 5, pcy - 1)-(pcx + 6, pcy + 2), o, B

'************** Make the room you are looking at the current room and make visited.
cx = lx: cy = ly: vs%(cx, cy) = 1

'******csp=current space cx,cy. Converts cx,cy into space number csp.
c = cy - 1
cc = c * mx
csp = cc + cx

'************** Make door open in the direction (1=north 2=south 3=west 4=east).
'************** sps%(csp,direction)=0. From current room and the room you just
'************* moved from.
IF dc = 1 THEN sps%(csp, 2) = 0
IF dc = 2 THEN sps%(csp, 1) = 0
IF dc = 3 THEN sps%(csp, 4) = 0
IF dc = 4 THEN sps%(csp, 3) = 0

'************** Check to see if all rooms have been visited. If not goto pic:
'************** to pick next room.
FOR t = 1 TO mx
FOR tt = 1 TO my
c = vs%(t, tt)
IF c = 0 THEN GOTO pic:

'************* End of making the basic maze.

'************* Start of removing part of the dead ends to create loops.

'************* ts is used as a counter
'************* Check each room to see if it has only one exit. C counts
'************* the number of exits that are blocked in the room and if
'************* it is 3(only one exit) then it may be made into a loop.
ts = 1
FOR tt = 1 TO my
FOR t = 1 TO mx
c = 0: cc = 0
cc = sps%(ts, 1): c = c + cc
cc = sps%(ts, 2): c = c + cc
cc = sps%(ts, 3): c = c + cc
cc = sps%(ts, 4): c = c + cc

'************* Set graphic points for room.
pcx = ((t * 10) - 5)
pcy = ((tt * 10) - 5)

'************* If only one exit then goto lpic: and see if loop is made.
IF c = 3 THEN GOTO lpic:

'************* Go to lnext: to go to next room.
GOTO lnext:

'************* Make a loop if rdd=2. This gives a one and lop chance for a
'************* room with only one exit to be made in to a loop. Go to lpic2:
'************* to make a loop.
rdd = INT(RND(1) * lop) + 1
IF rdd = 2 THEN GOTO lpic2:

'************* Goto lnext: to go to the next room.
GOTO lnext:

'((((-*-)))))) Pick random number 1 to 4, then set drt% as a random direction
'************** (1=north 2=south 3=west 4=east). drc is used to see if all directions
'************** have been checked. (1=1 direction checked 2=2 directions checked ect..)
dr = INT(RND(1) * 4) + 1
IF dr = 1 THEN drt%(1) = 1: drt%(2) = 2: drt%(3) = 3: drt%(4) = 4: drc = 1
IF dr = 2 THEN drt%(1) = 2: drt%(2) = 3: drt%(3) = 4: drt%(4) = 1: drc = 1
IF dr = 3 THEN drt%(1) = 3: drt%(2) = 4: drt%(3) = 1: drt%(4) = 2: drc = 1
IF dr = 4 THEN drt%(1) = 4: drt%(2) = 1: drt%(3) = 2: drt%(4) = 3: drc = 1

'************** If all directions are invalid pick new visited room.
IF drc = 4 THEN drc = 1: GOTO lnext:
dc = drt%(drc)

'************** Check to see if there there is a room in that direction.
'************** If there is no room in that direction then add one to drc
'************** and go to lchdr: to check the next direction.
IF dc = 1 AND tt = 1 THEN drc = drc + 1: GOTO lchdr:
IF dc = 2 AND tt = my THEN drc = drc + 1: GOTO lchdr:
IF dc = 3 AND t = 1 THEN drc = drc + 1: GOTO lchdr:
IF dc = 4 AND t = mx THEN drc = drc + 1: GOTO lchdr:

'************** Set the room you are looking at as lx,ly.
IF dc = 1 THEN ly = tt - 1: lx = t
IF dc = 2 THEN ly = tt + 1: lx = t
IF dc = 3 THEN lx = t - 1: ly = tt
IF dc = 4 THEN lx = t + 1: ly = tt

'************** Set current room as csp. Converts cx,cy into space number csp
c = tt - 1
cc = c * mx
csp = cc + t

'************** Make door open in the direction (1=north 2=south 3=west 4=east).
'************** sps%(csp,direction)=0. From current room to the room you are
'************* looking at.
IF dc = 1 THEN sps%(csp, 1) = 0
IF dc = 2 THEN sps%(csp, 2) = 0
IF dc = 3 THEN sps%(csp, 3) = 0
IF dc = 4 THEN sps%(csp, 4) = 0

'************* Set graphic points for room.
pcx = ((t * 10) - 5)
pcy = ((tt * 10) - 5)

'************** Draw the opening for the room.dc=(1=north 2=south 3=west 4=east).
IF dc = 1 THEN LINE (pcx - 1, pcy - 5)-(pcx + 2, pcy - 4), o, B
IF dc = 2 THEN LINE (pcx - 1, pcy + 5)-(pcx + 2, pcy + 6), o, B
IF dc = 3 THEN LINE (pcx - 5, pcy - 1)-(pcx - 4, pcy + 2), o, B
IF dc = 4 THEN LINE (pcx + 5, pcy - 1)-(pcx + 6, pcy + 2), o, B

'************** Make the room you are looking at the current room and make visited.
cx = lx: cy = ly: vs%(cx, cy) = 1
c = cy - 1
cc = c * mx
csp = cc + cx

'************** Make door open in the direction (1=north 2=south 3=west 4=east).
'************** sps%(csp,direction)=0. From current room and the room you just
'************* moved from.
IF dc = 1 THEN sps%(csp, 2) = 0
IF dc = 2 THEN sps%(csp, 1) = 0
IF dc = 3 THEN sps%(csp, 4) = 0
IF dc = 4 THEN sps%(csp, 3) = 0

'********** Next room.
ts = ts + 1

'************* End of removing part of the dead ends to create loops.

'************* Start of filling in dead ends to make maze less dense.

'************* count the number of rooms with only one exit.
'************* if dead end then remove room and door to other room and door from
'************* other room. Do it dense times. The higher dense is the less dense
'************* the maze is
FOR v = 1 TO dense

'************* ts is used as a counter
'************* Check each room to see if it has only one exit. C counts
'************* the number of exits that are blocked in the room and if
'************* it is 3(only one exit) then it may be filled in.
ts = 1
FOR tt = 1 TO my
FOR t = 1 TO mx
c = 0: cc = 0
cc = sps%(ts, 1): c = c + cc
cc = sps%(ts, 2): c = c + cc
cc = sps%(ts, 3): c = c + cc
cc = sps%(ts, 4): c = c + cc

'************* Set graphic points for room.
pcx = ((t * 10) - 5)
pcy = ((tt * 10) - 5)

'************* if only one exit erase the room and remove doors from both rooms.
'************* Fill the room.
IF c = 3 AND sps%(ts, 1) = 0 THEN LINE (pcx - 3, pcy - 5)-(pcx + 4, pcy + 4), 1, BF: sps%((ts - mx), 2) = 1: vs%(t, tt) = 1
IF c = 3 AND sps%(ts, 2) = 0 THEN LINE (pcx - 3, pcy - 3)-(pcx + 4, pcy + 6), 1, BF: sps%((ts + mx), 1) = 1: vs%(t, tt) = 1
IF c = 3 AND sps%(ts, 3) = 0 THEN LINE (pcx - 5, pcy - 4)-(pcx + 4, pcy + 4), 1, BF: sps%((ts - 1), 4) = 1: vs%(t, tt) = 1
IF c = 3 AND sps%(ts, 4) = 0 THEN LINE (pcx - 3, pcy - 4)-(pcx + 6, pcy + 4), 1, BF: sps%((ts + 1), 3) = 1: vs%(t, tt) = 1
ts = ts + 1

'************* End of filling in dead ends to make maze less dense.

'************* end of makeing the maze.

'************* Start of waiting for input to make new maze or exit.

'************** Loop untill a key is pressed.
'************** End the program.
if a$=chr$(27) then end
if a$=chr$(255)+"X" then end
loop while a$=""
Goto st:

'************* End of waiting for input to make new maze or exit.

'************* Start of finding a random room and checking if it has been visited.

'************* Pick a random room. This is a number between 1 and sp(total rooms
'************* in the maze).
rndsp = INT(RND(1) * sp) + 1

'************* This converts the room number into the cx,cy values.
c = INT(rndsp / mx)
cy = (c + 1)
cx = (rndsp - (c * mx))
IF cx = 0 THEN cx = mx: cy = cy - 1

'************** Check to see if the room has been visited. If not goto pic:
'************** to pick next room.
IF vs%(cx, cy) = 1 THEN GOTO pic:
GOTO fndvis:

'************* End of finding a random room and checking if it has been visited.

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maze code - by loking1235 - 07-28-2005, 11:07 AM

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