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Your best "Hello, world!" program in FreeBasic
Simple. Post a neat "Hello, world!" program. It does not necessarily have to be obfuscated, but should be clever, inefficient, unsafe or otherwise something you shouldn't be doing. Wink

The output must only be "Hello, world!" (without quotes).

You may submit more than one entry - and are encouraged to do so - but you cannot post consecutive entries; you must wait until at least one entry has been posted before posting again.

There are no prizes; everyone is a winner. I'll start:

'' : HelloWorld.bas :
'' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
dim _l(3) as double => { 1.0795350776197, 2.68322932786768, _
                         0.926115152769539, 0.717391304347826 }

dim as zstring * 14 _O => "Goodbye, sol."

    dim as longint _0 => &hfeedface
    dim as longint _1 => &hdeadbeef
    while(_1 <_0 )
        _0 = *cptr( integer ptr, @_O[O_*4] ) * _l(O_)
        O_ += 1 : print *cptr( zstring ptr, @_0 ) ;
        _0 += _1-O_*10

    sleep : end O_-4

Messages In This Thread
Your best "Hello, world!" program in FreeBasic - by stylin - 01-26-2006, 01:12 PM

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