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I've been gold-digging...
I have found something of interest, I think. Since I couldn't create a new post in the QB forums, I am posting the code here...

The complete source can be found here:

I have found this site to be quite interesting. Big Grin

'       File:   CHKMODEM.BAS
'       Date:   06/21/90
'         By:   Gary G. Hendershot
'               Soft Sale Limited BBS
'               (703) 569-6876
'    Purpose:   Utility program to find HAYES command compatible
'               modems on COM1 thru COM4.  Report maximum possible
'               baud rate for all modems found.  Test a selected
'               modem for DTR and CD line settings.
'               This utility is part of an installation program
'               under development which when finished will
'               automate the installation of a commercial
'               vertical market micro to mainframe dialup
'               communications program.
'               The intent is to make the installation of the
'               program as idiot proof as possible. In this program
'               segment no configuration file is created.  Responses
'               are sent to the screen only.
'       Note:   Both the EXECUTABLE and SOURCE files are included.
'               The program conpiles under MS-BASIC Ver. 7.0 and
'               MS-QuickBASIC 4.5.
'               The program makes CALLs to a Serial I/O Library called
'               QBSERIAL Ver. 1.5.  This Library was written by
'               Jeff Sumberg and was obtained from the SailBoard BBS
'               at (201) 831-8152
'               I do not intend to provide any support or upgrades to
'               this program.  It is offered AS IS to anyone interested
'               in communications programming as an example of what
'               compiled BASIC can do with a little help.
'               I would of course appreciate any comments or mods others
'               might offer that would enhance the capabilities of this
'               program to deliver the results described above.  Please
'               leave any comments or mods addressed to the SYSOP at
'               (703) 569-6876 or in writting to
'                       Gary G. Hendershot
'                       7218 Reservoir Road
'                       Springfield, VA  22150
'       These DECLAREs are required by QBSERIAL.LIB
DECLARE SUB OpenComm CDECL ALIAS "_open_comm" (BYVAL Port%, BYVAL Wlen%, BYVAL Parity%, BYVAL Baud&, BYVAL HS%)
DECLARE SUB CloseComm CDECL ALIAS "_close_comm" ()
DECLARE SUB Transmit CDECL ALIAS "_transmit_string" (addr$)
DECLARE FUNCTION DataWaiting% CDECL ALIAS "_data_waiting" ()
DECLARE SUB ClearInputBuffer CDECL ALIAS "_clear_input_buffer" ()
DECLARE SUB CarrierDetect CDECL ALIAS "_carrier_detect_flag" (BYVAL OnOff%)
DECLARE SUB CDtrap CDECL ALIAS "_trap_mode" (BYVAL OnOff%)
DECLARE FUNCTION CarrierLost% CDECL ALIAS "_carrier_state" ()
DIM Report%(4,4)
DIM FoundPort%(4)
DIM Init%(4,60)
DIM ModemPort%(4)
DIM Respond$(30)
CONST   True = -1
CONST   False = 0
        Respond$(0)  = "OK"
        Respond$(1)  = "CONNECT"
        Respond$(2)  = "RING"
        Respond$(3)  = "NO CARRIER"
        Respond$(4)  = "ERROR"
        Respond$(5)  = "CONNECT 1200"
        Respond$(6)  = "NO DIALTONE"
        Respond$(7)  = "BUSY"
        Respond$(8)  = "NO ANSWER"
        Respond$(9)  = "RESERVED"
        Respond$(10) = "CONNECT 2400"
        Respond$(20) = "0"
        Respond$(21) = "1"
        Respond$(22) = "2"
        Respond$(23) = "3"
        Respond$(24) = "4"
        Respond$(25) = "5"
        Respond$(26) = "6"
        Respond$(27) = "7"
        Respond$(28) = "8"
        Respond$(29) = "9"
        Respond$(30) = "10"
        Length = 8
        Parity = 0
        HS = 0
        Send$ = "AT" + CHR$(13)
        NextPort% = 0
        PrevPort% = 0
        ModemAvail% = 0
        GOSUB TestPort1
        GOSUB TestPort2
        GOSUB TestPort3
        GOSUB TestPort4
        GOSUB PortReport
        GOSUB HowManyModems
        GOSUB ChooseActivePort
        GOSUB CheckCDLine
        GOSUB CheckDTRLine
        DTRControl 0
        Port = 1
        Rate& = 0
        GOSUB TickleIt
        Port = 2
        Rate& = 0
        GOSUB TickleIt
        Port = 3
        Rate& = 0
        GOSUB TickleIt
        Port = 4
        Rate& = 0
        GOSUB TickleIt
        LOCATE 4, 15, 0
        PRINT "An Ok marks a useable PORT/MODEM at a given BAUD"
        LOCATE 8, 15
        PRINT "300 BAUD"
        LOCATE 8, 30
        PRINT "1200 BAUD"
        LOCATE 8, 45
        PRINT "2400 BAUD"
        LOCATE 8, 60
        PRINT "9600 BAUD"
        LOCATE 11, 5
        PRINT "COM1:"
        LOCATE 13, 5
        PRINT "COM2:"
        LOCATE 15, 5
        PRINT "COM3:"
        LOCATE 17, 5
        PRINT "COM4:"
        FOR X% = 1 TO 4
                FOR Y% = 1 TO 4
                        LOCATE (X% * 2) + 9, (Y% * 15) + 3
                        IF Y% = 1 THEN
                                Speed% = 300
                        ELSEIF Y% = 2 THEN
                                Speed% = 1200
                        ELSEIF Y% = 3 THEN
                                Speed% = 2400
                        ELSEIF Y% = 4 THEN
                                Speed% =9600
                        END IF
                        IF Report%(X%,Y%) THEN
                                PRINT "Ok";
                                FoundPort%(X%) = Speed%
                        END IF
                NEXT Y%
        NEXT X%
        LOCATE 20, 30
        PRINT "Press Any Key to Continue"
        WHILE A$=""
        FOR X% = 1 TO 4
                IF FoundPort%(X%) THEN
                        ModemAvail% = ModemAvail% + 1
                        ModemPort%(ModemAvail%) = X%
                END IF
        NEXT X%
        IF ModemAvail% = 0 THEN
                PRINT "No MODEM found that responds to HAYES AT commands"
                PRINT "Press any key to exit program"
                A$ = ""
                WHILE A$ = ""
                        A$ = INKEY$
        ELSEIF ModemAvail% > 0 THEN
                FOR X% = 1 TO ModemAvail%
                        PRINT "There is a MODEM on COM";
                        PRINT STR$(ModemPort%(X%));":";
                        PRINT " responding properly at ";
                        PRINT STR$(FoundPort%(ModemPort%(X%)));" Baud"
                NEXT X%
                GOSUB ChooseModem
                IF ChosenModem% = 0 THEN SYSTEM
        END IF
        OpenComm Port, Length, Parity, Rate&, HS
        CarrierDetect 0
        SOUND 32767,15:SOUND 32767,1
        DTRcontrol 1
        SOUND 32767,15:SOUND 32767,1
        PRINT "Testing Carrier Detect"
        CarrierDetect 0
        SOUND 32767,15:SOUND 32767,1
        DTRControl 1

        SOUND 32767,15:SOUND 32767,1
        Send$ = "ATQ0E0V1X1" + CHR$(13)
        SOUND 32767,15:SOUND 32767,1
        Transmit Send$
        SOUND 32767,15:SOUND 32767,1
        GOSUB GetResponse

        IF Response% = 5 THEN
                CD% = 0
        END IF

        SOUND 32767,15:SOUND 32767,1
        Send$ = "ATA" + CHR$(13)
        Transmit Send$

        Response% = 0
        CounterVal! = TIMER + 60
        DO WHILE Response% <> 4 AND TIMER < CounterVal!
               GOSUB GetResponse

        IF Response% <> 4 THEN
                CD% = 0
                PRINT "Carrier Detect Test FAILED !!!!!"
                CD% = 1
                PRINT "Carrier Detect Test Successful !"
        END IF
        CarrierDetect  1
        IF CarrierLost THEN
                PRINT "CARRIERLOST Routine shows NO CARRIER"
                PRINT "CARRIERLOST Routine shows CARRIER PRESENT"
        END IF
        CarrierDetect  0

        SOUND 32767,15:SOUND 32767,1
        Send$ = "ATH0" + CHR$(13)
        Transmit Send$
        SOUND 32767,15:SOUND 32767,1
        GOSUB GetResponse

        SOUND 32767,15:SOUND 32767,1
        Send$ = "AT &F" + CHR$(13)
        Transmit Send$
        SOUND 32767,15:SOUND 32767,1
        GOSUB GetResponse
        SOUND 32767,15:SOUND 32767,1
        DTRControl 0
        TriggerVal! = TIMER + 10
        WHILE TIMER < TriggerVal!
        PRINT "Testing Data Terminal Ready"

        DTRControl 1
        SOUND 32767,15:SOUND 32767,1
        Send$ = "ATA" + CHR$(13)
        Transmit Send$
        SOUND 32767,15:SOUND 32767,1
        DTRControl 0
        SOUND 32767,15:SOUND 32767,1
        GOSUB GetResponse
        IF Response% = 1 THEN DTR = True ELSE DTR = False

        DTRControl 1
        SOUND 32767,15:SOUND 32767,1
        Send$ = "ATH0" + CHR$(13)
        Transmit Send$
        SOUND 32767,15:SOUND 32767,1
        GOSUB GetResponse
        DTRControl 0

        IF DTR THEN
                PRINT "Modem follows TRUE STATE of DTR"
                PRINT "Modem may not follow TRUE STATE of DTR"
        END IF
        GOSUB CycleRate
        ReportX% = Port
        Notice$ = "Initialize MODEM on COM" + STR$(Port) + ": at "
        Notice$ = Notice$ + STR$(Rate&) + " Baud"
        PRINT Notice$
        OpenComm Port, Length, Parity, Rate&, HS
        CarrierDetect 0
        SOUND 32767,15:SOUND 32767,1
        DTRcontrol 1
        SOUND 32767,15:SOUND 32767,1
        Response% = 0
        Transmit Send$
        GOSUB GetResponse
        DTRcontrol 0
        SOUND 32767,15:SOUND 32767,1
        IF Response% > 0 AND Response% <> 5 THEN
                PRINT "Attempt to ";Notice$;" SUCCEEDED !!";CHR$(13)
                Report%(ReportX%,ReportY%) = 1
                PRINT "Attempt to ";Notice$;" FAILED !!";CHR$(13)
                Report%(ReportX%,ReportY%) = 0
        END IF
        IF Rate& < 9600 THEN GOTO TickleIt
        IF Rate& = 0 THEN
                Rate& = 300
                ReportY% = 1
        ELSEIF  Rate& = 300 THEN
                Rate& = 1200
                ReportY% = 2
        ELSEIF  Rate& = 1200 THEN
                Rate& = 2400
                ReportY% = 3
        ELSEIF  Rate& = 2400 THEN
                Rate& = 9600
                ReportY% = 4
        ELSEIF  Rate& = 9600 THEN
                ReportY% = 0
        END IF
        PRINT "Choose the port number you wish to test from above list!"
        A$ = ""
        WHILE A$ = ""
                A$ = INKEY$
        ChosenModem% = VAL(A$)
        Rate& = FoundPort%(ChosenModem%)
        Port = ChosenModem%
        C$ = ""
        Response% = 0
        Accept% = 0
        TriggerVal! = TIMER + 1
                DO WHILE DataWaiting
                        A% = ASC(A$)
                        GOSUB GoodChar
                        IF Accept% = True THEN
                                C$ = C$ + A$
                        ELSEIF Accept% = 99 THEN
                                C$ = C$ + CHR$(32)
                        END IF
                GOSUB ResponseCatagory
        LOOP UNTIL TIMER > TriggerVal! OR Response% > 0 OR Accept% = 99
        IF Response% THEN
                PRINT "Modem Response:  ";C$;
        ELSEIF Accept% = 99 THEN
                GOTO GetResponse
        END IF
        IF INSTR(C$,Respond$(0)) OR INSTR(C$,Respond$(20)) THEN
                Response% = 1
        ELSEIF INSTR(C$,Respond$(1)) OR INSTR(C$,Respond$(21)) THEN
                Response% = 2
        ELSEIF INSTR(C$,Respond$(2)) OR INSTR(C$,Respond$(22)) THEN
                Response% = 3
        ELSEIF INSTR(C$,Respond$(3)) OR INSTR(C$,Respond$(23)) THEN
                Response% = 4
        ELSEIF INSTR(C$,Respond$(4)) OR INSTR(C$,Respond$(24)) THEN
                Response% = 5
        ELSEIF INSTR(C$,Respond$(5)) OR INSTR(C$,Respond$(25)) THEN
                Response% = 6
        ELSEIF INSTR(C$,Respond$(6)) OR INSTR(C$,Respond$(26)) THEN
                Response% = 7
        ELSEIF INSTR(C$,Respond$(7)) OR INSTR(C$,Respond$(27)) THEN
                Response% = 8
        ELSEIF INSTR(C$,Respond$(8)) OR INSTR(C$,Respond$(28)) THEN
                Response% = 9
        ELSEIF INSTR(C$,Respond$(8)) OR INSTR(C$,Respond$(29)) THEN
                Response% = 10
        ELSEIF INSTR(C$,Respond$(10)) OR INSTR(C$,Respond$(30)) THEN
                Response% = 11
        ELSEIF VAL(C$) > 0 THEN
                Response% = CINT(VAL(LEFT$(C$,INSTR(C$,CHR$(13)))))
                Response% = 0
        END IF
        IF A% = 13 THEN
                Accept% = 99
        ELSEIF A% = 32 THEN
                Accept% = True
        ELSEIF (A% > 47) AND (A% < 58) THEN
                Accept% = True
        ELSEIF (A% > 64) AND (A% < 91) THEN
                Accept% = True
                Accept% = False
        END IF

Screwing with your reality since 1998.

Messages In This Thread
I've been gold-digging... - by anarky - 02-17-2006, 08:17 PM

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