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Placing text on the screen
I am just wondering if anyone can give me a quick way to put text on the screen that is faster than using print and can also have a different font... I know there are various libraries that can do this, so if someone could give me a quick tutorial that would be cool, too, because I just don't understand how to use things like Yagl, though I wish I did. I know this question has been asked several times before, but I've read through those and they don't really help me either.

I don't understand "Drawstring" ... and I think that's what people were saying works? Print seems to slow things way down, and when you've got a lot of explosions, it would help to keep things fast and quick-like. Plus i get tired of the ol' dos-like font. Anyways, thanks for any help in advance!

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Messages In This Thread
Placing text on the screen - by NovaProgramming - 06-17-2006, 11:54 PM
Placing text on the screen - by Rattrapmax6 - 06-18-2006, 01:50 AM

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