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Substitutions for QB's PLAY (using Midi?)

I know about, but for some reason it doesn't work for me... whenever I try to run a program it always comes up with an error on line 901 of so I was wondering if there was a quick fix for this or an otherwise other way to do it... I need to sound two tones at the same time, in just a piano sound... if possible. I want to write a program that will give intervals (since I'm a music major, I need to be able to identify intervals). So this would be a way to test it. However, I need to be able sound two tones at the same time. I remember using once before and it worked fine, but for some reason now it doesn't work, so I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions? Thanks for your help in advance.

One night I had a dream where I was breaking balls. The next morning, BALLSBREAKER was born.

Quote: Excellent. Now you can have things without paying for them.

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Substitutions for QB's PLAY (using Midi?) - by NovaProgramming - 09-15-2006, 03:00 AM

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