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Huh, this place still has life. Cool
What up people. Looks like there are a lot of threads like this in general discussion about people dropping in after years of absence, but what the hell. How about another one?
A lot of you probably remember me as a belligerent young fool, and the others probably have no clue who I am, so whatever.
Just popping in to say what's up? I'm impressed people are still playing around with code to make their computers do funny and cool things.
I've been in university the past 3 years. I have one more semester until I have a degree in mathematics and another degree in computer science, then off to grad school for my PhD in computer science.
I went from QB to C++ to Haskell, from games to graphics to automated theorem-proving. A lot has changed. What's changed here? Glenn and Rel still around?
am an asshole. Get used to it.

Messages In This Thread
Huh, this place still has life. Cool - by Ninkazu - 11-17-2008, 10:17 AM
Re: Huh, this place still has life. Cool - by Dav - 11-17-2008, 04:24 PM

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