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The Not So Impossible Challenge: Screen Saver Contest!
My entry: Electricity

declare sub setpal(c%, r%, g%, b%)
randomize timer
screen 13
for i% = 0 to 31
setpal(i%, 0, 0, i% * 2)
next i%
x% = abs(x% + int(rnd * 2) + (-1 * int(rnd * 2))) mod 319
y% = abs(y% + int(rnd * 2) + (-1 * int(rnd * 2))) mod 199
pset(x%, y%), int(rnd * 30) + 1
pset((159 + (x% + int(rnd * 2) + (-1 * int(rnd * 2)))) mod 319, (99 + (y% + int(rnd * 2) + (-1 * int(rnd * 2)))) mod 199), int(rnd * 30) + 1
pset((319 - (x% + int(rnd * 2) + (-1 * int(rnd * 2)))) mod 319, (199 - (y% + int(rnd * 2) + (-1 * int(rnd * 2)))) mod 199), int(rnd * 30) + 1
wait &H3DA, 8
if int(bg!) > 0 then
bg! = bg! - 0.5
setpal(0, 0, 0, int(bg!))
end if
if int(rnd * 500) = 1 then bg! = 25
loop while inkey$ = ""
sub setpal(c%, r%, g%, b%)
out &H3C8, c%
out &H3C9, r%
out &H3C9, g%
out &H3C9, b%
end sub


Messages In This Thread
Just - by Mango - 02-27-2005, 08:19 PM
The Not So Impossible Challenge: Screen Saver Contest! - by shiftLynx - 03-01-2005, 01:43 AM

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