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Here's another....file I/O difficulties.
Not a very strong encryption, but alright if you want to stop your little brother from changing your settings in photoshop. :wink:
I you want a simple but more robust encryption algorithm, try the following by Ethan Winer. It's even less code than yours.
rem X$ is the string to be encrypted.
rem Password$ is the password.

dim L as integer
dim X as integer
dim Pass as integer

for X = 1 to len(X$)
     Pass = asc(mid$(Password$, (X mod L) - L  * ((X mod L) = 0), 1))
     mid$(X$,X,1) = chr$(asc(mid$(X$,X,1)) xor Pass)
next X

Messages In This Thread
Here's another....file I/O difficulties. - by Moneo - 01-10-2006, 01:14 AM
Here's another....file I/O difficulties. - by Anonymous - 01-10-2006, 01:26 PM
Here's another....file I/O difficulties. - by DrV - 01-16-2006, 03:08 AM

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