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I have no time to make a parser for this list file so I'm posting. Anyone know of an opcode(the one we use in CALL Absolute) for MASM/TASM specific code?

I could Use debug 95 but it has probs with forward jumps. And I'm too lazy to rewrite my code using BP offsets.

Here's the listing file:

BTW, this is a flipped sprite routine which is as fast as relsprite. :*)

Turbo Assembler     Version 4.1        05/30/03 16:41:25        Page 1

      1                     ;SUB RelSpriteFlip(BYVAL Layer%,BYVAL X%,BYVAL    Y%,BYVAL SprSeg%,BYVAL SPROff%,Byval        +
      2                     Flipmode%)
      3                     ;;;;;
      4                     ;;;;;
      5                     ;;
      6                     ;0=NoFlip
      7                     ;1=FlipH
      8                     ;2=FlipV
      9                     ;3=FlipVH
     10                     ;Else=No Flip
     11                     ;;
     12                     ;;
     13        0000             .Model    Medium,BASIC
     14                     .386
     15        0000             .Code
     17                     Align 2
     20                     PUBLIC    RelSpriteFlip
     22        0000             RelSpriteFlip    PROC uses Ds Es    Si di,\
     23                             Layer:Word, X:Word, Y:Word, SprSeg:Word, SprOff:Word, FlipMode:Word
     25                             Local SiOff:    Word
     26                             Local Wid:         Word
     27                             Local Hei:         Word
     28                             Local t20Mw:    Word
     29                             Local OldWid:   Word
     30                             Local OldHei:   Word
     31                             Local ClipT:    Word         ;Clipping offsets
     32                             Local ClipR:    Word
     33                             Local ClipL:    Word
     34                             Local ClipD:    Word
1    37        0000  C8 0014 00             ENTERW     00014h,0
1    38        0004  1E                 PUSH     DS
1    39        0005  06                 PUSH     ES
1    40        0006  56                 PUSH     SI
1    41        0007  57                 PUSH     DI
1    42        0008  8E 5E    0A             Mov ds,SprSeg
     43        000B  8E 46    10             Mov es,Layer
     44        000E  8B 76    08             Mov si,SprOff
     45        0011  8B 1C                 Mov bx,ds:[si]             ;Width    of spr
     46        0013  C1 EB    03             Shr bx,3
     47        0016  89 5E    FC             Mov Wid,bx
     48        0019  89 5E    F6             Mov OldWid,bx
     49        001C  8B 54    02             Mov dx,ds:[si+2]            ;Height
     50        001F  89 56    FA             Mov Hei,dx
     51        0022  89 56    F4             Mov OldHei,Dx
     52        0025  C7 46    FE 0000             Mov Sioff,0
     53        002A  C7 46    F8 0000             Mov t20mW,0
     54        002F  C7 46    F2 0000             mov clipT,0
     55        0034  C7 46    F0 0000             mov clipR,0
     56        0039  C7 46    EC 0000             mov clipD,0
     57        003E  C7 46    EE 0000             mov clipL,0
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     59        0043  83 C6    04             Add si,4                 ;1st color
     62                                         ;Note!!!!  After the clips
     63                                         ;Ax=X         Clipped
     64                                         ;Cx=Y         Clipped
     65                                         ;Bx=Width   New
     66                                         ;Dx=Height  New
     68        0046  8B 46    0E             Mov ax,X
     69        0049  3D 013F             Cmp ax,319
     70        004C  0F 8F    007E             Jg @exit
     71        0050  3D 0000             Cmp ax,0
     72        0053  0F 8C    007F             Jl @ClipLeft
     73        0057             @PostClipLeft:
     74        0057  8B 4E    0C             Mov cx,Y
     75        005A  81 F9    00C7             Cmp cx,199
     76        005E  7F 6E    90 90             Jg @exit
     77        0062  83 F9    00             Cmp cx,0
     78        0065  0F 8C    0080             Jl @ClipTop
     79        0069             @PostClipTop:
     81        0069  03 D8                 Add bx,ax         ;Add X    to WID and see if its over *BX is destroyed
     82        006B  81 FB    013F             Cmp bx,319         ;If X+Width > 319,  crop it
     83        006F  0F 8F    0088             Jg  @ClipRight
     84        0073  2B D8                 Sub bx,ax         ;Restore bx
     85        0075             @PostClipRight:
     87        0075  03 D1                 Add dx,cx
     88        0077  81 FA    00C7             Cmp dx,199
     89        007B  0F 8F    008E             Jg  @ClipDown
     90        007F  2B D1                 Sub dx,cx         ;Restore dx
     91        0081             @PostClipDown:
     93                                     ;ax=X,    cx=Y, bx=NewWidth, dx=NewHeight
     95        0081  89 5E    FC             Mov Wid,bx         ;Save wid
     97                         ;;;;;calc offset.....
     99        0084  86 E9                 Xchg ch,cl
    100        0086  BB 0140             Mov bx,320
    102        0089  8B F9                 Mov di,cx
    103        008B  2B 5E    FC             Sub bx,Wid         ;get 320-Width
    105        008E  C1 EF    02             Shr di,2
    106        0091  03 F9                 Add di,cx         ;Y*64+Y*256=Y*320  :)
    107        0093  89 5E    F8             Mov T20Mw,bx
    109        0096  03 F8                 Add di,ax         ;Offset done!!!=Y*320+X
    111                         ;;;;
    112                         ;;;;
    113                         ;;;;
    114                         ;;;;
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    115                         ;;;;Check here    for our    flipmode
    117        0098  83 7E    06 01             cmp FlipMode,1
    118        009C  0F 84    0084                 Je    @FlipH
    119        00A0  83 7E    06 02             cmp FlipMode,2
    120        00A4  0F 84    00A3                 Je    @FlipV
    121        00A8  83 7E    06 03             cmp FlipMode,3
    122        00AC  0F 84    00DF                 Je    @FlipVH
    124        00B0  8B 5E    FC             Mov bx,Wid         ;restore bx
    126        00B3             @Yloop:
    128        00B3  8B CB                 Mov cx,bx         ;Clipped width    to counter
    130        00B5             @Xloop:
    132        00B5  8A 04                 Mov al,ds:[si]         ;color
    133        00B7  46                 Inc si             ;Next color
    134        00B8  0A C0                 Or al,al         ;check    for color 0
    136        00BA  74 05    90 90             JZ @Skipcolor
    137        00BE  26: 88 05                Mov    es:[di],al
    138        00C1                 @Skipcolor:
    140        00C1  47                 Inc di
    141        00C2  49                 Dec cx             ;Check    width
    143        00C3  75 F0                 Jnz @Xloop
    145        00C5  03 7E    F8             Add di,T20MW             ;Add to di    320-ClipWidth
    146        00C8  03 76    FE             Add si,SiOff             ;Si Offset    clipped    corrector
    148        00CB  4A                 dec dx                 ;Check Height
    150        00CC  75 E5                 Jnz @Yloop
    152        00CE             @exit:
1   153        00CE  5F                 POP     DI
1   154        00CF  5E                 POP     SI
1   155        00D0  07                 POP     ES
1   156        00D1  1F                 POP     DS
1   157        00D2  C9                 LEAVEW
1   158        00D3  CA 000C             RET     0000Ch
    161        00D6             @ClipLeft:
    162        00D6  F7 D8                 Neg ax         ;-ax=+ax
    163        00D8  2B D8                 Sub bx,ax     ;sub clipped width to read width
    164        00DA  7E F2                 Jle @Exit     ;Negative result = outa here
    165        00DC  03 F0                 Add si,ax     ;clip our sprite offset
    166                                 ;bx is    the new    clipped    width
    167        00DE  89 46    FE             Mov Sioff,ax     ;save si offset corrector
    168        00E1  89 46    EE             mov ClipL,ax     ;for clip of flipH
    169        00E4  33 C0                 Xor ax,ax     ;zero out coord
    170        00E6  E9 FF6E             Jmp @PostClipLeft
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    173        00E9             @ClipTop:
    174        00E9  F7 D9                 Neg cx
    175        00EB  2B D1                 Sub dx,cx
    176        00ED  7E DF                 Jle @exit
    177        00EF  89 4E    F2             mov ClipT,cx     ;How much to clip down    if flipped V
    179        00F2                  @HeightLoop:
    180        00F2  03 76    FC             Add si,Wid     ;add width to get to next scanline
    181        00F5  49                 Dec cx
    182        00F6  75 FA                  Jnz @HeightLoop     ;Loop until we    get to
    183        00F8  E9 FF6E              Jmp @PostClipTop
    185        00FB             @ClipRight:
    186        00FB  81 EB    0140            Sub Bx,320     ;Bx is    now clipped right
    187        00FF  01 5E    FE            Add Sioff,bx     ;Add to si corrector
    188        0102  89 5E    F0            mov ClipR,bx     ;for clip of flipH
    189        0105  BB 0140            Mov bx,320     ;Correct bx to    clipX2+1
    190        0108  2B D8                Sub bx,ax     ;Subract ax to    bx to correct width(0 TO 319)
    191        010A  E9 FF68            Jmp @PostClipRight
    193        010D             @ClipDown:
    194        010D  03 CA                Add cx,dx     ;add height to    Y
    195        010F  81 E9    00C8            Sub cx,200     ;Correct it
    196        0113  2B D1                Sub dx,cx     ;Crop out height
    197        0115  8B 4E    F4            mov cx,OldHei     ;put in OldHeight
    198        0118  89 4E    EC            mov ClipD,cx     ;
    199        011B  29 56    EC            sub ClipD,dx     ;cropped down height
    200        011E  8B 4E    0C            Mov cx,Y     ;Restore Y
    201        0121  E9 FF5D            Jmp @PostClipDown
    204                     ;;==========Horizontal    Flip clips perfectly!!!
    205        0124             @FlipH:
    206        0124  03 76    F0            add si,ClipR             ;if clipped right then correct start offset
    207        0127                @YloopFh:
    208        0127  8B 4E    FC            mov cx,Wid             ;put width    to counter
    209        012A  8B D9                mov bx,cx             ;copy it to bx for    the 'hack'
    210        012C  4B                dec bx
    211        012D  2B 5E    EE            sub bx,ClipL             ;if Clipped Left
    213        0130                 @XloopFH:
    215        0130  8A 00                     mov al,ds:[si+bx]
    216        0132  0A C0                     or    al,al
    217        0134  74 05    90 90                 jz    @skipFh
    218        0138  26: 88 05                mov es:[di],al
    219        013B                     @skipFh:
    220        013B  47                     inc di
    221        013C  4B                     dec bx
    222        013D  49                     dec cx
    224        013E  75 F0                 jnz @XloopFH
    225        0140  03 7E    F8             add di,t20Mw
    226        0143  03 76    F6             add si,oldWid
    227        0146  4A                 dec dx
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    229        0147  75 DE                 jnz @YloopFh
    232        0149  EB 83             Jmp @Exit
    235                     ;;==========Vertical Flip clips perfectly!!!
    237        014B             @FlipV:
    239        014B  B9 0140             mov cx,320
    240        014E  8B DA                 mov bx,dx               ;bx=height
    241        0150  4B                 dec bx
    242        0151  0F AF    CB             Imul cx,bx               ;cx=Xy+di offset
    243        0154  03 F9                 add di,cx               ;Correct    offset now
    244                         ;;;
    245                         ;;;clipT
    246        0156  8B 4E    F6             mov cx,OldWid           ;mov oldWid to counter if
    247        0159  8B 5E    F2             mov bx,ClipT           ;cropped    height at top
    248        015C  0F AF    CB             imul cx,bx               ;mutiply    by width to get    correct    offset
    249        015F  2B F1                 sub si,cx               ;correct    offset
    251                         ;;;
    252                         ;;;ClipD
    253        0161  8B 46    F6             mov ax,OldWid           ;mov oldWid to counter if
    254        0164  8B 5E    EC             mov bx,ClipD           ;cropped    height at top
    255        0167  0F AF    C3             imul ax,bx               ;mutiply    by width to get    correct    offset
    256        016A  03 F0                 add si,ax               ;correct    offset
    259        016C                 @YloopV:
    261        016C  8B 4E    FC             mov cx,wid
    263        016F                 @XloopV:
    265        016F  8A 04                     mov al,ds:[si]
    266        0171  46                     inc si
    267        0172  0A C0                     or    al,al
    268        0174  74 05    90 90                 jz    @skipFv
    269        0178  26: 88 05                mov es:[di],al
    270        017B                     @skipFv:
    272        017B  47                     inc di
    273        017C  49                     dec cx
    274        017D  75 F0                 jnz @XloopV
    276        017F  2B 7E    FC             sub di,wid             ;subract width
    277        0182  81 EF    0140             sub di,320             ;sub TO DI 320
    278        0186  03 76    FE             add si,SiOff
    279        0189  4A                 dec dx
    280        018A  75 E0                 jnz @YloopV
    282        018C  E9 FF3F         Jmp @Exit
    284                     ;;==========Vertical &    Horizontal  clips perfectly!!!
    285        018F             @FlipVH:
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    287                         ;Recalculate Si
    288                         ;Si=Si+(Height)*Width
    290        018F  8B 4E    F6             mov cx,OldWid
    292        0192  8B DA                 mov bx,dx         ;Height
    293        0194  0F AF    CB             imul cx,bx         ;Offset
    294        0197  03 F1                 add si,cx
    295        0199  4E                 dec si         ;Si= Last pixel on sprite
    297                         ;;;
    298                         ;;;clipT
    299        019A  8B 4E    F6             mov cx,OldWid           ;mov oldWid to counter if
    300        019D  8B 5E    F2             mov bx,ClipT           ;cropped    height at top
    301        01A0  0F AF    CB             imul cx,bx               ;mutiply    by width to get    correct    offset
    302        01A3  2B F1                 sub si,cx               ;correct    offset
    304                         ;;;
    305                         ;;;ClipD
    306        01A5  8B 46    F6             mov ax,OldWid           ;mov oldWid to counter if
    307        01A8  8B 5E    EC             mov bx,ClipD           ;cropped    height at top
    308        01AB  0F AF    C3             imul ax,bx               ;mutiply    by width to get    correct    offset
    309        01AE  03 F0                 add si,ax               ;correct    offset
    311                         ;;;
    312                         ;;;ClipL
    313        01B0  2B 76    EE             sub si,ClipL           ;correct    startoff
    315        01B3                 @YloopVH:
    316        01B3  8B 4E    FC             mov cx,Wid
    317        01B6  2B 76    EE             sub si,ClipL           ;add corrector
    318        01B9                 @XloopVH:
    320        01B9  8A 04                     mov al,ds:[si]
    321        01BB  4E                     dec si
    322        01BC  0A C0                     or    al,al
    323        01BE  74 05    90 90                 jz    @skipVH
    324        01C2  26: 88 05                mov es:[di],al
    325        01C5                     @skipVH:
    327        01C5  47                     inc di
    328        01C6  49                     dec cx
    329        01C7  75 F0                 jnz @XloopVH
    331        01C9  03 7E    F8             add di,t20Mw
    332        01CC  2B 76    F0             sub si,ClipR         ;clipRight
    333        01CF  4A                 dec dx
    335        01D0  75 E1                 jnz @YloopVH
    337        01D2  E9 FEF9         Jmp @Exit
    339        01D5             EndP
    341                     END
Turbo Assembler     Version 4.1        05/30/03 16:41:25        Page 7
Symbol Table

Symbol Name              Type     Value

??DATE                  Text     "05/30/03"
??FILENAME              Text     "SprFlip "
??TIME                  Text     "16:41:25"
??VERSION              Number 040A
@32BIT                  Text     0
@CLIPDOWN              Near     SPRFLIP_TEXT:010D
@CLIPLEFT              Near     SPRFLIP_TEXT:00D6
@CLIPRIGHT              Near     SPRFLIP_TEXT:00FB
@CLIPTOP              Near     SPRFLIP_TEXT:00E9
@CODE                  Text     SPRFLIP_TEXT
@CODESIZE              Text     1
@CPU                  Text     0F0FH
@CURSEG                  Text     SPRFLIP_TEXT
@DATA                  Text     DGROUP
@DATASIZE              Text     0
@EXIT                  Near     SPRFLIP_TEXT:00CE
@FILENAME              Text     SPRFLIP
@FLIPH                  Near     SPRFLIP_TEXT:0124
@FLIPV                  Near     SPRFLIP_TEXT:014B
@FLIPVH                  Near     SPRFLIP_TEXT:018F
@HEIGHTLOOP              Near     SPRFLIP_TEXT:00F2
@INTERFACE              Text     06H
@MODEL                  Text     4
@POSTCLIPDOWN              Near     SPRFLIP_TEXT:0081
@POSTCLIPLEFT              Near     SPRFLIP_TEXT:0057
@POSTCLIPRIGHT              Near     SPRFLIP_TEXT:0075
@POSTCLIPTOP              Near     SPRFLIP_TEXT:0069
@SKIPCOLOR              Near     SPRFLIP_TEXT:00C1
@SKIPFH                  Near     SPRFLIP_TEXT:013B
@SKIPFV                  Near     SPRFLIP_TEXT:017B
@SKIPVH                  Near     SPRFLIP_TEXT:01C5
@STACK                  Text     DGROUP
@WORDSIZE              Text     2
@XLOOP                  Near     SPRFLIP_TEXT:00B5
@XLOOPFH              Near     SPRFLIP_TEXT:0130
@XLOOPV                  Near     SPRFLIP_TEXT:016F
@XLOOPVH              Near     SPRFLIP_TEXT:01B9
@YLOOP                  Near     SPRFLIP_TEXT:00B3
@YLOOPFH              Near     SPRFLIP_TEXT:0127
@YLOOPV                  Near     SPRFLIP_TEXT:016C
@YLOOPVH              Near     SPRFLIP_TEXT:01B3
CLIPD                  Number [DGROUP:BP-0014]
CLIPL                  Number [DGROUP:BP-0012]
CLIPR                  Number [DGROUP:BP-0010]
CLIPT                  Number [DGROUP:BP-000E]
FLIPMODE              Number [DGROUP:BP+0006]
HEI                  Number [DGROUP:BP-0006]
LAYER                  Number [DGROUP:BP+0010]
OLDHEI                  Number [DGROUP:BP-000C]
OLDWID                  Number [DGROUP:BP-000A]
RELSPRITEFLIP              Far     SPRFLIP_TEXT:0000
SIOFF                  Number [DGROUP:BP-0002]
SPROFF                  Number [DGROUP:BP+0008]
SPRSEG                  Number [DGROUP:BP+000A]
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Symbol Table

T20MW                  Number [DGROUP:BP-0008]
WID                  Number [DGROUP:BP-0004]
X                  Number [DGROUP:BP+000E]
Y                  Number [DGROUP:BP+000C]

Groups & Segments          Bit Size Align  Combine Class

DGROUP                  Group
  _DATA                  16  0000 Word      Public  DATA
SPRFLIP_TEXT              16  01D5 Word      Public  CODE

y smiley is 24 bit.
[Image: anya2.jpg]

Genso's Junkyard:
I think the easiest way would be to port it to something one of those "qbasic assemblers" can handle.

I dunno if they support local vars (probably not), but at least you wouldn't have to convert labels to memory addresses, and it would probably convert parameters to BP relative addresses for you.

Or I could try to write a parser for that. It looks like it wouldn't be too difficult. Pseudocode:
1. skip whitespace
2. skip number (if there isn't one go to step 8)
3. skip whitespace
4. skip hex number (if there isn't one go to step 8)
5. skip whitespace
6. read in whitespace-delimited hex values (also skipping colons as whitespace - there are a few) until something that isn't a hex value is encountered.
7. for each hex value, create a binary representation (a byte, word, or dword) and PUT to a file opened in binary mode
8. next line
9. back to step 1 unless at end of file

EDIT: Why didn't this occur to me in the first place! Just include that subroutine in an empty stand alone asm program, and compile it to a COM file with MASM or TASM. You could put some kind of markers at the beginning and end of the routine, and write a simple program to extract the subroutine from the COM file.

EDIT #2: But the qbasic program that uses it would have to modify the destination address of any near jump opcodes based on the address of the string/array the machine code is stored in... hopefully most if not all of the jumps are short (IP relative) - that would make things much easier. You'd also have to do this with the machine code generated by the listing-parser.... Hmm, I guess the qbasic assembler solution might still be the easiest.
What do you mean with COM files???
y smiley is 24 bit.
[Image: anya2.jpg]

Genso's Junkyard:
A COM file is basically just a dump of the machine code (as far as I know there's no header or anything extra), which is what you're after, right?
How do I make a COM file out of this:

;SUB RelSpriteFlip(BYVAL Layer%,BYVAL X%,BYVAL Y%,BYVAL SprSeg%,BYVAL SPROff%,Byval Flipmode%)
;Else=No Flip
.Model Medium,BASIC

Align 2

PUBLIC RelSpriteFlip

RelSpriteFlip  PROC uses Ds Es Si di,\
            Layer:Word, X:Word, Y:Word, SprSeg:Word, SprOff:Word, FlipMode:Word

            Local SiOff:    Word
            Local Wid:      Word
            Local Hei:      Word
            Local t20Mw:    Word
            Local OldWid:   Word
            Local OldHei:   Word
            Local ClipT:    Word            ;Clipping offsets
            Local ClipR:    Word
            Local ClipL:    Word
            Local ClipD:    Word

    Mov ds,SprSeg
    Mov es,Layer
    Mov si,SprOff                  
    Mov bx,ds:[si]                      ;Width of spr
    Shr bx,3
    Mov Wid,bx
    Mov OldWid,bx
    Mov dx,ds:[si+2]                   ;Height
    Mov Hei,dx
    Mov OldHei,Dx
    Mov Sioff,0
    Mov t20mW,0
    mov clipT,0
    mov clipR,0
    mov clipD,0
    mov clipL,0
    Add si,4                            ;1st color

                                        ;Note!!!!  After the clips
                                        ;Ax=X       Clipped
                                        ;Cx=Y       Clipped
                                        ;Bx=Width   New
                                        ;Dx=Height  New

        Mov ax,X
        Cmp ax,319              
        Jg @exit
        Cmp ax,0                
        Jl @ClipLeft
        Mov cx,Y
        Cmp cx,199
        Jg @exit
        Cmp cx,0                
        Jl @ClipTop

        Add bx,ax               ;Add X to WID and see if its over *BX is destroyed
        Cmp bx,319              ;If X+Width > 319,  crop it
        Jg  @ClipRight
        Sub bx,ax               ;Restore bx

        Add dx,cx  
        Cmp dx,199  
        Jg  @ClipDown
        Sub dx,cx               ;Restore dx

                                ;ax=X, cx=Y, bx=NewWidth, dx=NewHeight

        Mov Wid,bx              ;Save wid
        ;;;;;calc offset.....
        Xchg ch,cl
        Mov bx,320
        Mov di,cx      
        Sub bx,Wid              ;get 320-Width
        Shr di,2  
        Add di,cx               ;Y*64+Y*256=Y*320  :)
        Mov T20Mw,bx
        Add di,ax               ;Offset done!!!=Y*320+X
        ;;;;Check here for our flipmode

        cmp FlipMode,1
            Je @FlipH
        cmp FlipMode,2
            Je @FlipV
        cmp FlipMode,3
            Je @FlipVH

        Mov bx,Wid              ;restore bx


        Mov cx,bx               ;Clipped width to counter


        Mov al,ds:[si]          ;color
        Inc si                  ;Next color
        Or al,al                ;check for color 0

        JZ @Skipcolor
           Mov es:[di],al

        Inc di
        Dec cx                  ;Check width

        Jnz @Xloop

    Add di,T20MW                    ;Add to di 320-ClipWidth
    Add si,SiOff                    ;Si Offset clipped corrector
    dec dx                          ;Check Height

    Jnz @Yloop


        Neg ax          ;-ax=+ax
        Sub bx,ax       ;sub clipped width to read width
        Jle @Exit       ;Negative result = outa here
        Add si,ax       ;clip our sprite offset
                        ;bx is the new clipped width
        Mov Sioff,ax    ;save si offset corrector
        mov ClipL,ax    ;for clip of flipH
        Xor ax,ax       ;zero out coord
        Jmp @PostClipLeft

        Neg cx          
        Sub dx,cx      
        Jle @exit
        mov ClipT,cx    ;How much to clip down if flipped V

        Add si,Wid      ;add width to get to next scanline
        Dec cx
     Jnz @HeightLoop    ;Loop until we get to
     Jmp @PostClipTop

       Sub Bx,320       ;Bx is now clipped right
       Add Sioff,bx     ;Add to si corrector
       mov ClipR,bx     ;for clip of flipH
       Mov bx,320       ;Correct bx to clipX2+1
       Sub bx,ax        ;Subract ax to bx to correct width(0 TO 319)
       Jmp @PostClipRight

       Add cx,dx        ;add height to Y
       Sub cx,200       ;Correct it
       Sub dx,cx        ;Crop out height
       mov cx,OldHei    ;put in OldHeight
       mov ClipD,cx     ;
       sub ClipD,dx     ;cropped down height
       Mov cx,Y         ;Restore Y
       Jmp @PostClipDown

;;==========Horizontal Flip clips perfectly!!!
       add si,ClipR                 ;if clipped right then correct start offset
       mov cx,Wid                   ;put width to counter
       mov bx,cx                    ;copy it to bx for the 'hack'
       dec bx
       sub bx,ClipL                 ;if Clipped Left
            mov al,ds:[si+bx]
            or al,al
            jz @skipFh
               mov es:[di],al
            inc di
            dec bx
            dec cx

        jnz @XloopFH
        add di,t20Mw
        add si,oldWid
        dec dx

    jnz @YloopFh

Jmp @Exit

;;==========Vertical Flip clips perfectly!!!


    mov cx,320                
    mov bx,dx                 ;bx=height
    dec bx
    Imul cx,bx                ;cx=Xy+di offset
    add di,cx                 ;Correct offset now
    mov cx,OldWid             ;mov oldWid to counter if
    mov bx,ClipT              ;cropped height at top
    imul cx,bx                ;mutiply by width to get correct offset
    sub si,cx                 ;correct offset

    mov ax,OldWid             ;mov oldWid to counter if
    mov bx,ClipD              ;cropped height at top
    imul ax,bx                ;mutiply by width to get correct offset
    add si,ax                 ;correct offset

        mov cx,wid
            mov al,ds:[si]
            inc si        
            or al,al
            jz @skipFv
               mov es:[di],al
            inc di
            dec cx
    jnz @XloopV
        sub di,wid                      ;subract width
        sub di,320                      ;sub TO DI 320
        add si,SiOff
        dec dx    
    jnz @YloopV

Jmp @Exit

;;==========Vertical & Horizontal  clips perfectly!!!

    ;Recalculate Si
    mov cx,OldWid
    mov bx,dx           ;Height
    imul cx,bx          ;Offset
    add si,cx
    dec si              ;Si= Last pixel on sprite

    mov cx,OldWid             ;mov oldWid to counter if
    mov bx,ClipT              ;cropped height at top
    imul cx,bx                ;mutiply by width to get correct offset
    sub si,cx                 ;correct offset

    mov ax,OldWid             ;mov oldWid to counter if
    mov bx,ClipD              ;cropped height at top
    imul ax,bx                ;mutiply by width to get correct offset
    add si,ax                 ;correct offset

    sub si,ClipL              ;correct startoff
        mov cx,Wid
        sub si,ClipL          ;add corrector
            mov al,ds:[si]
            dec si
            or al,al
            jz @skipVH
               mov es:[di],al
            inc di
            dec cx
    jnz @XloopVH    
        add di,t20Mw
        sub si,ClipR            ;clipRight
        dec dx
    jnz @YloopVH    

Jmp @Exit


y smiley is 24 bit.
[Image: anya2.jpg]

Genso's Junkyard:


Generated from this little program I made...should work for all TASM listings:



  LINE INPUT #1, Text$
  Text$ = UCASE$(Text$)

  ' Convert tabs to spaces
  TabAt = INSTR(Text$, CHR$(9))
    LeftPart$ = LEFT$(Text$, TabAt - 1)
    RightPart$ = RIGHT$(Text$, LEN(Text$) - TabAt)
    Text$ = LeftPart$ + SPACE$(8 - (LEN(LeftPart$) AND 7)) + RightPart$
    TabAt = INSTR(Text$, CHR$(9))

  ' Just to make things easier...
  a1$ = MID$(Text$, 13, 1)
  a2$ = MID$(Text$, 14, 1)
  a3$ = MID$(Text$, 15, 1)
  a4$ = MID$(Text$, 16, 1)

  ' Make sure there's opcodes on this line
  IF (a1$ >= "0" AND a1$ <= "9") OR (a1$ >= "A" AND a1$ <= "F") THEN
    IF (a2$ >= "0" AND a2$ <= "9") OR (a2$ >= "A" AND a2$ <= "F") THEN
      IF (a3$ >= "0" AND a3$ <= "9") OR (a3$ >= "A" AND a3$ <= "F") THEN
        IF (a4$ >= "0" AND a4$ <= "9") OR (a4$ >= "A" AND a4$ <= "F") THEN
          IF MID$(Text$, 17, 2) = "  " THEN  'Yep, there is
            Char$ = ""
            FOR i = 19 TO LEN(Text$)
              LastChar$ = Char$
              Char$ = MID$(Text$, i, 1)
              IF Char$ = " " THEN
                IF LastChar$ = " " THEN EXIT FOR  ' No more opcodes here
                IF (Char$ >= "0" AND Char$ <= "9") OR (Char$ >= "A" AND Char$ <= "F") THEN
                  Opcode$ = Opcode$ + Char$       ' Save that one
                END IF
              END IF
          END IF
        END IF
      END IF
    END IF


PRINT Opcode$
Thank you very much my good man!!!!
y smiley is 24 bit.
[Image: anya2.jpg]

Genso's Junkyard:
ooops.. Doesn't work. ;*(

And its prolly not your parser nor my code since I tried making a QLB and it worked 100%.

I also tried to hand pick the opcodes and it crashed my system. ;*(
y smiley is 24 bit.
[Image: anya2.jpg]

Genso's Junkyard:

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