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Bomberman 3000 character contest
lol Those sprites are awesome.. would love to play a game like lemmings with nothing but those guys in it.
Don't worry, the grafix of DW3 would have that as the main character. ;*)
y smiley is 24 bit.
[Image: anya2.jpg]

Genso's Junkyard:
' B. Man
' by Seph
' commented specifically and ONLY for Agamemnus
'   if you read the comments and aren't him, I'm suing!

DECLARE SUB DrawSolidBricks (brick() AS INTEGER)
DECLARE SUB DrawBricks (brick() AS INTEGER)
'$INCLUDE: 'dqb2\'

' Directions. Important that right and left are inversed signs, since the SEGMENTs and OFFSETs use the ABS() of them.
' 0, 1, and 2 is the order they appear in the file, which is also important.

' Layers I need. The order the numbers are in do not matter.
CONST layerWalls = 1, layerItems = 2, layerBombs = 3, layerCombo = 4, layerBOOM = 5, layerBackground = 6


TYPE playertype
    x AS INTEGER ' actual x
    y AS INTEGER ' actual y
    xint AS INTEGER ' x of the guy's tile coordinates
    yint AS INTEGER ' y of the guy's tile coordinates
    dir AS INTEGER ' direction he's facing
    walking AS INTEGER ' walking or not
    addseg AS INTEGER ' segment add. of his image
    addoff AS INTEGER ' offset add. of his image
    addsegstill AS INTEGER ' segment add. of his image standing still (to ensure he doesnt walk into walls and get stuck)
    addoffstill AS INTEGER ' offset add. of his image standing still (to ensure he doesnt walk into walls and get stuck)
    bombsize AS INTEGER ' in the future, this will be for the number of tiles his bombs go in each direction. starts off at 0

TYPE bombtype
    x AS INTEGER ' actual x
    y AS INTEGER ' actual y
    timeup AS SINGLE ' when TIMER is past this, blow up the goddamn thing
    size AS INTEGER ' passed on from player.bombsize

TYPE explotype
    x AS INTEGER ' actual x
    y AS INTEGER ' actual y
    size AS INTEGER ' passed on from player.bombsize

TYPE itemtype
    x AS INTEGER ' actual x
    y AS INTEGER ' actual y
    addseg AS INTEGER ' segment add. of each individual item's image
    addoff AS INTEGER ' offset add. of each individual item's image

TYPE bricktype
    x AS INTEGER ' actual x
    y AS INTEGER ' actual y
    addseg AS INTEGER ' segment add. of the brick's image
    addoff AS INTEGER ' offset add. of the brick's image

' Start DQB with 6 layers. I don't know if 384 applies, since it's just a change from my previous version of DQB (1.5 i think)
IF DQBinit(6, 0, 384) THEN DQBclose: PRINT DQBerror$: END

' Start keyboard


' collide by pixels, not boxes. doesnt seem to work, but fuhck it.
DQBsetCollideMethod 1

' This is the main guy for his values
DIM man AS playertype

' This is the items array for all items when they will be coded
DIM items(255) AS itemtype

' This is the bombs array for ALL bombs
DIM bombs(255) AS bombtype

' To keep track of the number of items available so we don't run out of items after 256.
DIM numitems%

' To keep track of the number of bombs available so we don't run out of bombs after 256.
DIM numbombs%

' Just speed.

' Adjustment of the entire map, since I can't fit it on the whole damn screen.
DIM SHARED adjX%, adjY%

numitems% = 0
numbombs% = 0
speed% = 1
adjX% = 24
adjY% = 12

' These are arrays for the images
DIM player(2322) AS INTEGER
DIM solidbrick(258) AS INTEGER
DIM brick(258) AS INTEGER
DIM bomb(516) AS INTEGER

' Setting up the background. It can get fancy layer :)
DQBpaint layerBackground, 0, 0, 222
DQBboxF layerBackground, 16 + adjX%, 16 + adjY%, (16 * 16) + adjX%, (16 * 10) + adjY%, 125

' Loading the images into the arrays
DEF SEG = VARSEG(player(0))
BLOAD "images/bomber.put", VARPTR(player(0))
DEF SEG = VARSEG(solidbrick(0))
BLOAD "images/solid.put", VARPTR(solidbrick(0))
DEF SEG = VARSEG(brick(0))
BLOAD "images/brick.put", VARPTR(solidbrick(0))
DEF SEG = VARSEG(bomb(0))
BLOAD "images/bomb.put", VARPTR(bomb(0))

' Read the damn SUBs' names!
DrawSolidBricks solidbrick()
DrawBricks brick()

' Setting up your guy at first.
man.dir = MANDOWN
man.x = 16 + adjX%
man.y = 16 + adjY%
man.xint = ((man.x - adjX%) + 8) \ 16
man.yint = ((man.y - adjY%) + 8) \ 16
man.addseg = VARSEG(player(130 * (ABS(man.dir) * 3 + walkingstate%)))
man.addoff = VARPTR(player(130 * (ABS(man.dir) * 3 + walkingstate%)))

' Set up the timer variable for walking sprites. Mmmm, Sprite.
t! = TIMER

    ' Do I even need this damn thing anymore?
    WAIT &H3DA, 8

    ' Just a little thingy I added for my gf, to show her you can move the whole screen.
    ' I might use this for shaking the screen for huge bombs or bosses, or fat characters walking.
    IF resetbg% = 1 THEN
        resetbg% = 0
        DQBclearLayer layerBackground
        DQBpaint layerBackground, 0, 0, 222
        DQBboxF layerBackground, 16 + adjX%, 16 + adjY%, (16 * 16) + adjX%, (16 * 10) + adjY%, 125
        DQBclearLayer layerWalls
        DQBclearLayer layerItems
        DQBclearLayer layerBombs
        DrawSolidBricks solidbrick()
        DrawBricks brick()
    END IF

    DQBcopyLayer layerBackground, layerCombo ' Print background onto layer
    DQBcopyTransLayer layerWalls, layerCombo ' Print solid walls onto layer
    DQBcopyTransLayer layerItems, layerCombo ' Print breakable walls and items onto layer
    DQBcopyTransLayer layerBombs, layerCombo ' Print bombs onto layer
    'DQBcopyTransLayer layerBOOM, layerCombo ' Soon to print explosion animation onto layer

    man.walking = 0 ' He ain't movin.
    IF DQBkey(1) THEN EXIT DO ' He wants to Escape. Let him!
    IF DQBkey(75) THEN
        hitwall% = DQBcollideOnLayer(layerWalls, man.x - speed%, man.y, man.addsegstill, man.addoffstill) <> 0
        hititem% = DQBcollideOnLayer(layerItems, man.x - speed%, man.y, man.addsegstill, man.addoffstill) <> 0
        ' Check if he's hitting a wall or an item.

        ' If he didn't, move him.
        IF hitwall% = 0 AND hititem% = 0 THEN
            man.x = man.x - speed%
            man.dir = MANLEFT
            man.walking = 1
            man.xint = ((man.x - adjX%) + 8) \ 16
        END IF
    END IF
    IF DQBkey(77) THEN
        hitwall% = DQBcollideOnLayer(layerWalls, man.x + speed%, man.y, man.addsegstill, man.addoffstill)
        hititem% = DQBcollideOnLayer(layerItems, man.x + speed%, man.y, man.addsegstill, man.addoffstill)

        ' See: DQBkey(75)

        IF hitwall% = 0 AND hititem% = 0 THEN
            man.x = man.x + speed%
            man.dir = MANRIGHT
            man.walking = 1
            man.xint = ((man.x - adjX%) + 8) \ 16
        END IF
    END IF
    IF DQBkey(72) THEN
        hitwall% = DQBcollideOnLayer(layerWalls, man.x, man.y - speed%, man.addsegstill, man.addoffstill)
        hititem% = DQBcollideOnLayer(layerItems, man.x, man.y - speed%, man.addsegstill, man.addoffstill)

        ' See: DQBkey(75)

        IF hitwall% = 0 AND hititem% = 0 THEN
            man.y = man.y - speed%
            man.dir = MANUP
            man.walking = 1
            man.yint = ((man.y - adjY%) + 8) \ 16
        END IF
    END IF
    IF DQBkey(80) THEN
        hitwall% = DQBcollideOnLayer(layerWalls, man.x, man.y + speed%, man.addsegstill, man.addoffstill)
        hititem% = DQBcollideOnLayer(layerItems, man.x, man.y + speed%, man.addsegstill, man.addoffstill)

        ' See: DQBkey(75)

        IF hitwall% = 0 AND hititem% = 0 THEN
            man.y = man.y + speed%
            man.dir = MANDOWN
            man.walking = 1
            man.yint = ((man.y - adjY%) + 8) \ 16
        END IF
    END IF

    ' Again, for the screen shaking idea...
    IF DQBkey(2) THEN adjX% = adjX% + 1: resetbg% = 1
    IF DQBkey(3) THEN adjX% = adjX% - 1: resetbg% = 1
    IF DQBkey(4) THEN adjY% = adjY% + 1: resetbg% = 1
    IF DQBkey(5) THEN adjY% = adjY% - 1: resetbg% = 1

    IF DQBkey(57) THEN
        ' If he's pressing Spacebar, he wants to set a bomb.
        setbomb% = 1
    ELSEIF setbomb% = 1 THEN
        ' If he let go, then set the damn bomb. Otherwise you create craploads of bombs at once.
        setbomb% = 0
        numbombs% = numbombs% + 1
        bombs(numbombs%).x = (16 * man.xint) + adjX%
        bombs(numbombs%).y = (16 * man.yint) + adjY%
        bombs(numbombs%).timeup = TIMER + 3.5
    END IF

    ' Checking each bomb in the array to see if it's throbbing or exploding yet.
    FOR i = 1 TO numbombs%
        ' Majour Throb Action!
        IF TIMER - bombtime! >= .3 THEN
            bombstate% = NOT bombstate%
            bombtime! = TIMER
        END IF

        ' Erase the bomb so it can throb properly.
        DQBboxF layerBombs, bombs(i).x, bombs(i).y, bombs(i).x + 15, bombs(i).y + 15, 0

        ' If it's exploding, erase the bomb from the array.
        IF TIMER >= bombs(i).timeup THEN
            numbombs% = numbombs% - 1
            ' Move all the bombs above this one down by one.
            ' Otherwise, once you get to bombs(255), you're screwed.
            FOR i2 = i TO numbombs%
                bombs(i2).x = bombs(i2 + 1).x
                bombs(i2).y = bombs(i2 + 1).y
                bombs(i2).timeup = bombs(i2 + 1).timeup
            NEXT i2
            ' Draw the fuhcker.
            DQBput layerBombs, bombs(i).x, bombs(i).y, VARSEG(bomb(130 * ABS(bombstate%))), VARPTR(bomb(130 * ABS(bombstate%)))
        END IF
    NEXT i

    ' Let him walk.
    IF man.walking = 1 THEN
        IF TIMER - t! >= .25 / speed% THEN
            IF walkingstate% = 1 THEN
                walkingstate% = 2
                walkingstate% = 1
            END IF
            t! = TIMER
        END IF
        walkingstate% = 0
    END IF

    ' Update the guy's stats so we can use them elsewhere.
    man.addseg = VARSEG(player(130 * (ABS(man.dir) * 3 + walkingstate%)))
    man.addoff = VARPTR(player(130 * (ABS(man.dir) * 3 + walkingstate%)))
    man.addsegstill = VARSEG(player(130 * (ABS(man.dir) * 3)))
    man.addoffstill = VARPTR(player(130 * (ABS(man.dir) * 3)))

    ' Seriously, do I? I mean, I use layers now.
    ' On second thought, if I don't, the program runs too damn fast.
    WAIT &H3DA, 8, 8

    ' Draw the guy in the proper direction. Or ELSE!!!!
    DQBmPut layerCombo, man.x, man.y, man.addseg, man.addoff, ABS(man.dir = MANRIGHT)

    ' You know how we drew everything and you can't see it yet? Well this is where we let you.
    DQBcopyLayer layerCombo, VIDEO

' Let go of the keyboard and DQB itself. Cuz if you don't, you're fuhcked.

SUB DrawBricks (brick() AS INTEGER)
    FOR y = 2 TO 8
        FOR x = 2 TO 14
            doit = INT(RND * 8)
            IF y AND 1 THEN
                IF doit THEN DQBput layerItems, x * 16 + adjX%, (y * 16) + adjY%, VARSEG(brick(0)), VARPTR(brick(0))
            ELSEIF x AND 1 THEN
                IF doit THEN DQBput layerItems, x * 16 + adjX%, (y * 16) + adjY%, VARSEG(brick(0)), VARPTR(brick(0))
            END IF
        NEXT x
    NEXT y

    FOR y = 3 TO 7
        doit = INT(RND * 8)
        IF doit THEN DQBput layerItems, 16 + adjX%, (y * 16) + adjY%, VARSEG(brick(0)), VARPTR(brick(0))
        IF doit THEN DQBput layerItems, 15 * 16 + adjX%, (y * 16) + adjY%, VARSEG(brick(0)), VARPTR(brick(0))
    NEXT y

    FOR x = 3 TO 13
        doit = INT(RND * 8)
        IF doit THEN DQBput layerItems, x * 16 + adjX%, (1 * 16) + adjY%, VARSEG(brick(0)), VARPTR(brick(0))
        IF doit THEN DQBput layerItems, x * 16 + adjX%, (9 * 16) + adjY%, VARSEG(brick(0)), VARPTR(brick(0))
    NEXT x

SUB DrawSolidBricks (brick() AS INTEGER)
    FOR i = 0 TO 10
        DQBput layerWalls, 256 + adjX%, (i * 16) + adjY%, VARSEG(brick(0)), VARPTR(brick(0))
        DQBput layerWalls, 0 + adjX%, (i * 16) + adjY%, VARSEG(brick(0)), VARPTR(brick(0))
    NEXT i

    FOR i = 1 TO 15
        DQBput layerWalls, i * 16 + adjX%, adjY%, VARSEG(brick(0)), VARPTR(brick(0))
        DQBput layerWalls, i * 16 + adjX%, 160 + adjY%, VARSEG(brick(0)), VARPTR(brick(0))
    NEXT i

    FOR y = 2 TO 8 STEP 2
        FOR x = 2 TO 15 STEP 2
            DQBput layerWalls, x * 16 + adjX%, (y * 16) + adjY%, VARSEG(brick(0)), VARPTR(brick(0))
            DQBput layerWalls, x * 16 + adjX%, (y * 16) + adjY%, VARSEG(brick(0)), VARPTR(brick(0))
        NEXT x
    NEXT y
oops, I read the comments Wink
Do we get sued if we just read the code? Wink

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