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The Database of scores!
A friend and I wanted to make a program in QBasic to save our top scores in games such as asteroids.

We wanted to make it like this
List of games

1) Asteroids
2) Plaque Attack
3) Donkey Kong

with either a preset list or a list we can enter.

and you press the number of the game you want, and it brings up all the scores that we previously put in

so if you press 1 it would say

Edd - 29,000
Justin - 31,000
I know basic programming but no idea how to do that, can anyone help?
DO you mean you read the scores from another file?
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I will byte and nibble you bit by bit until nothing remains but crumbs.
This is just off the top of my head, so if it doesn't work, sue me.

PRINT "1) View High Scores"
PRINT "2) Add a score"
PRINT "3) Quit"
INPUT "Your selection: ", s
IF s > 2 then end

if s = 1 then
print "1) Asteriods"
print "2) Donkey Kong"
print "3) Whatever"
input "Your choice: ", c
select case c
    case 1: fname$ = "Asteroids.dat"
    case 2: fname$ = "Dk.dat"
    case 3: fname$ = "whatever.dat"
end select
open fname$ for input as #1
print "Name", "Score"
  input #1, who$
  input #1, score
  print who$, score
loop until eof(1)
end if

if s = 2 then
print "1) Asteriods"
print "2) Donkey Kong"
print "3) Whatever"
input "Your choice: ", c
select case c
    case 1: fname$ = "Asteroids.dat"
    case 2: fname$ = "Dk.dat"
    case 3: fname$ = "whatever.dat"
end select
open fname$ for append as #1
input "Who's score? ", name$
input "Score: ", score
print #1, name$, score
end if

goto menue

This doesn't put the scores in order or anything; you'll have to use a bubble sort or something for that.

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