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Demo of my Animation Engine
press 1-4 to animate the corrisponding arm

It's QB/C mix.. uses UGL.. I spent all last night working on it.. the sad thing is, I spent < 1 hour coding, and like 7 hours debugging.. ah... (/me sux)

here's what the code on QB side for the demo looks like:

dim ArmAnim(0 to 3) as long, ManAnim as long
for i = 0 to 3
  ArmAnim(i) = AnimNew&(Set(0))
ManAnim  = AnimNew&(Set(1))

AnimSwitch ManAnim, 0, 0, AF.LOOP

while len(inkey$): wend
  a = (curtime/100 * 45) mod 360
  z! = abs(sin(curtime/100))

  for i = 0 to 3
   AnimUpdate ArmAnim(i)
  AnimUpdate ManAnim
  z2! = sin(curtime/100) * .1
  DrawAnim e.back, ArmAnim(0), 80, 50, 0, .5
  DrawAnim e.back, ArmAnim(1), 320-80, 50, 0, .5
  DrawAnim e.back, ArmAnim(2), 80, 150, 0, .5
  DrawAnim e.back, ArmAnim(3), 320-80, 150, 0, .5
  DrawAnim e.back, ManAnim,  160, 100, a, .8*z!
  wait &h3da, 8
  uglPut, 0, 0, e.back
  uglClear e.back, uglColor(e.fmt, 0, 0, 0)

  k$ = inkey$
  if val(k$) >= 1 and val(k$) <= 4 then AnimSwitch ArmAnim(val(k$)-1), 0, 100, AF.DEFAULT
loop until k$ = chr$(27)

for i = 0 to 3
  AnimDelete ArmAnim(i)
AnimDelete ManAnim

here are the functon protos:
' Memory Routines
declare function fpalloc&       ( byval bytes as long )        
declare      sub fpfree         ( seg what as long )
declare      sub fpfreeall      ( )
' Set Routines
declare function SetNew&        ( filename as string, byval fmt as integer )
declare      sub SetDelete      ( seg theSet as long )
declare      sub SetWalkNodes   ( byval theSet as long, byval firstnode as integer )
declare function SetModel&      ( byval theSet as long, byval model as integer )
declare function SetObject&     ( byval theSet as long )
' Draw Routines
declare      sub DrawModel      ( byval dc as long, byval m as long, byval x as integer, byval y as integer, byval a as integer, byval hf as integer, byval vf as integer, byval z as single )
declare      sub DrawObject     ( byval dc as long, byval o as long, byval theSet as long, byval node as integer, byval x as single, byval y as single, byval a as integer, byval z as single )
declare      sub DrawAnim       ( byval dc as long, byval animState as long, byval x as integer, byval y as integer, byval a as integer, byval z as single )
' Animation Routines
declare function AnimNew&       ( byval theSet as long )
declare      sub AnimDelete     ( seg animState as long )
declare      sub AnimUpdate     ( byval animState as long )
declare      sub AnimSwitch     ( byval animState as long, byval animNo as integer, byval transtime as integer, byval flags as integer )
' Other Routines
declare function curtime&       ( )

Neat, Lithium. Works very smooth for me here on low rez. True color wouldn't init because my vid card is from the stone age. Looks nice in low rez tho.

- Dav
Coolness.. worked very well in 16 Bit here. Nice and smooth. Big Grin

(btw, just played your Metadroid demo and thought it ruled, even with sound on. = P Really liked the battles, though I can't remember what Ultima battles were like.. I guess I only played the later ones.)

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