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i need the *real* blinking underscore...

I need to make a blinking underscore, but *NOT " locate x, y, 1": that is a THIN underscore! A thick one, just like in the IDE: Possible?

Also would be good to be able to set whether it is on or off myself..
Peace cannot be obtained without war. Why? If there is already peace, it is unnecessary for war. If there is no peace, there is already war."

Visit to see rubbish in all its finest.
Do you just need the ASCII number of the solid block?


I didn't see an underscore as big as the one in the IDE though...
am an asshole. Get used to it.
agamemnus: you were close. here's the syntax for locate:

row, column, cursor, start, stop

row and column you know, cursor is a boolean value that tells if the cursor is lit or not(0 off, 1 on), and start/stop is the start and stop pixel for the cursor, or the difference is the thickness in pixels. read qb's help under locate for more details.
thanks, but is there any way to keep the cursor visible while pcopying: "PCOPY 0, 1"? Sad
Peace cannot be obtained without war. Why? If there is already peace, it is unnecessary for war. If there is no peace, there is already war."

Visit to see rubbish in all its finest.
PCOPY is a fullscreen memory flip..... no.
am an asshole. Get used to it.

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